Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 661: Possessing sharp weapons and murderous intentions

Combatants plus non-combatants are calculated as 10,000.

The average monthly salary is one thousand dollars per person (the salary of support staff is relatively low). The salary alone is 120 million dollars a year.

Not counting the procurement of equipment and warships. These are Wang Ye's one-time investments. If there is no expansion of personnel in a short period of time, there will be no need for large-scale procurement of equipment.

But maintenance is also a big expense, and maintenance of armored infantry vehicles, warships, helicopters, etc. is not cheap.

Add to this the daily food, clothing, housing and transportation of so many people, the refueling of vehicles and aircraft, and the consumption of ammunition for daily training.

Don't think too much, 200 million is probably barely enough.

This is higher than the salary of personnel, but it is normal, after all, it is an armed force.

It is impossible to calculate it based on the expenses of an ordinary company.

Perhaps the biggest expense for an ordinary company is personnel wages, but it's different for security companies.

This is the expenditure if there is no fighting. If there is a fighting and there are even casualties, the expenditure will rise further!

Anyway, conservative calculations show that the current annual hard expenses of Wagner Security Company are US$320 million.

With an income of 250 million and an expenditure of 320 million, the funding gap is US$70 million.

Of course, this money is nothing to Wang Ye, he can easily take it out.

But the problem is, we can't let Wang Ye pay out of his own pocket every year. Then what's the use of raising so many people and purchasing so many weapons and equipment.

This is an issue that Petrov needs to take seriously.

Therefore, he is also anxious.

With the size of the Wagner Company, it is impossible for it to be a small business anymore. Even if it takes over a few security services for oil fields and minerals, it will only be a small profit and will not solve any major problems.

If you want to do it, then do it big!

After several months of investigation and careful consideration, Petrov came up with this plan.

Continue to expand and "occupy" Africa!

Of course, this "occupation" does not mean it literally, and Wagner Company does not dare to make too much noise.

Otherwise, if several big countries turn their attention to the situation here, the situation will not be good.

What he wants to do is to first build several security bases in several key locations in Africa.

Sign a cooperative development agreement with the local government or large tribes to develop local resources together.

Act in the name of doing business.

If there are any local resources, then look for them slowly. If there are no diamond mines, then look for gold mines. If there are no gold mines, then look for metal mines, such as iron ores, copper mines, etc. If these are not available, coal mines, rare earth mines, etc. will also work. .

If you really don’t have any, then you can build coffee bean plantations, tobacco plantations, rubber plantations, etc. That’s okay...

Anyway, human resources are ridiculously cheap on the African continent. After all, human resources are also resources!

Some people may want to say, if we want to deal with these things, we can just talk about it directly in the name of an investment company. Why do we need to recruit such a powerful armed force?

Anyone who says this is too naive.

In this magical land of Africa, civil wars are fought every three days. The person who just came to power today may be overthrown tomorrow.

In other words, the local tribe doesn't care about your legal procedures or what is authorized by the state. They will rob you when they say it, and they won't try to reason with you at all.

In this case, only if you have enough self-protection and can deter the other party's force, can your "business" be stable.

Think about it, you develop a gold mine, and all the managers you send there are gentle and gentle managers, wearing white shirts and straight trousers, and speaking softly and elegantly.

Then the local gangster took a look and realized that it would be a shame if he didn't rob you.

But what if your gold mine is filled with burly men holding submachine guns inside and outside, wearing camouflage uniforms when entering and exiting, with bulging waistbands, armored infantry vehicles coming around from time to time, and heavy machine guns mounted on commanding heights...

No matter how stupid Xiao Hei is, he will not dare to take a step closer to the gold mine!

Therefore, this is also an investment, and it is the safest investment!


Originally, Wagner Security Company had a funding gap of 70 million U.S. dollars this year. If it were to expand by another 3,000 combatants.

Then there will be at least a thousand non-combatants, that is, logistical support.

There are a total of 4,000 people, and their salary is another 50 million US dollars a year. With daily expenses, it is almost 100 million US dollars...

We also need to purchase corresponding weapons and equipment, not counting heavy equipment.

Just for guns, ammunition, transportation vehicles, etc., at least a one-time investment of 50 million should be made.

That means the funding gap this year will reach US$220 million!

Conservative estimate...

Of course, if Petrov's side goes well and can "find" a few gold and diamond mines, this funding problem will be solved.

Therefore, whether or not to take this step depends on what Wang Ye thinks.


When he first started the Wagner Security Company, Wang Ye really didn’t want to do something so big...

Thinking about getting an armed force that you can control yourself, it would be easier to do some things.

But now it is snowballing. In Petrov's hands, a special operations division is almost created...

To be honest, if such a force is invested in Africa, it will really kill God if God blocks God, and kill Buddha if Buddha blocks Buddha!

There is absolutely no power to contend with!

After Petrov took the Wagner Company and slowly expanded it, the territory he controlled became larger and larger, and his influence became stronger and stronger.

Perhaps, in the future, I will be regarded as the invisible African emperor...

Thinking of this, Wang Ye was still a little excited.

Isn't it just one or two billion US dollars? I invested it myself!

With a stroke of his pen, he signed his name on Petrov's plan, Mikhail!

This means that Wagner Security Company’s Siberia base and Crimea base are going to be busy again.

Because recruitment points are generally located in these two places.

Outside the gate of the base, there will be a long queue again, and they are all the kind of tough and sturdy men, which makes most people feel scared...


After the plan was approved, Wang Ye remembered something and asked Elena: "When you call Petrov later, ask him why you didn't believe what he said about fighting pirates last time? If I can spare a few days in the next few days, I plan to go out for a ride on a warship. It would be best if I can meet pirates."

Armed with sharp weapons, murderous intent arises!

This sentence does make sense.

After the delivery of those large ships, Wang Ye always wanted to take a warship out to sea and fire a few cannons to test the strength of these large ships!

Of course, there is no point in firing into the empty sea, and it is impossible to attack normal merchant ships and civilian ships.

Then fighting pirates becomes the best choice.

Not only is this thing not illegal, it is actually doing harm to the people...

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