Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 654 Everyone gets what they need

Wang Ye's statement made both Pu Ding and Gebrev a little moved.

Only Rosiana might not quite understand the meaning behind this, and besides, she didn't have the right to speak in this chat, so she just immersed herself in eating.

Puding sighed:

“It would be great if every entrepreneur in the country could think like you, Misha.

Nowadays, the rich are too rich, and they do not really rely on their own abilities to make money, but rely on industry monopolies and taking advantage of loopholes in the system.

But these are all historical reasons, and it’s hard to say anything about them.

But this situation cannot continue forever, otherwise there will be no hope for this country! "

Gorbrev also added:

"I know that Misha is different from other oligarchs. He has a big picture and international vision, has the world in mind, and does not care about temporary gains and losses.

Otherwise, he would not have spent so much money to acquire the three major car brands, nor would he have taken over the Aviation Industry Group.

Putting Yukos Group in his hands is definitely the right choice!

Hovchenko did a good thing. "

This should be what Wang Ye heard, the first time the Kremlin affirmed Hovchenko...

Wang Ye was not proud of the two people's compliments, he just said modestly:

“These are what I should do, and I have the support of my uncle Hovchenko.

In the past, he may have focused all his energy on the development and growth of the group, but in the future, after stepping down as chairman, he will also focus more on social welfare undertakings.

This time, he is in charge of our group's public welfare projects. "

In fact, Hovchenko didn't know about this matter yet. It was "forcibly arranged" by Wang Ye.

But Wang Ye knew that Hovchenko would definitely not refuse.

Because since Kovchenko plans to join politics, he will never have too many things that can gain reputation, he will only feel that he is not enough!

There are still two years before the general election, so why not do it to "brush up" your reputation and build up your reputation among the people.

So Wang Ye knew that Hovchenko would only agree with this matter, not object to it.


Pu Ding nodded, seemingly satisfied.

He glanced at Gebrev and said with a smile: "It seems that this time the Yukos Group's reorganization has played its due role. By the way, it seems that the Ministry of Energy is also working on some new energy industry regulations recently?"

Gebrev understood it and immediately responded:

"I have also heard about this. Someone from the Ministry of Energy proposed that the export rights of oil, natural gas and various metal industries should be regulated, establish unified export regulations, and even nationalize energy export rights.

From the original intention, this is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, but from a market perspective, the step is a bit too big, and it is suspected of interfering with market freedom.

By the way, this matter should have been submitted to your Economic Committee for discussion. What was the result? "

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye paused, organized his words, and then replied calmly:

“Our Economic Committee has discussed this matter and concluded that it is necessary to extensively solicit opinions from the industry, especially from various representative energy companies.

Because the introduction of relevant systems cannot be decided by us at a glance. We must fully take into account the actual situation of the industry and take into account the interests of the country, industry and enterprises.

You can't do that kind of thing that kills the goose to retrieve the eggs! "

When he said the last sentence, Wang Ye emphasized his tone, which was profound.

Puding didn't say anything, just drank black tea slowly.

Gebrev was thoughtful, frowned, thought for a while, and said with a smile:

"Misha makes sense. After all, our country's current system gives full freedom to various industries, which can also stimulate the competitive enthusiasm of various enterprises.

If everything was taken back and controlled by the state, wouldn't we be back to more than ten years ago?

It is also easy to be criticized by the international media, and in the long run, it is still detrimental to the country's economic development.

However, it is not feasible to impose no restrictions on various industries.

Because facts have proven that doing so will only create monopolies one after another and big oligarchs one after another!

After all, there are not many well-organized entrepreneurs like you, Misha. "

The two of them went back and forth, ostensibly just briefly discussing the Department of Energy's proposal.

But in fact, they are exchanging each other's attitudes towards the issue of whether energy companies, especially oligarchs like Yukos, should have export rights.

Of course, Wang Ye suggested that the status quo should be maintained. Yukos can still export oil independently without any restrictions.

But he also stated that Yukos Group will contribute more to the national economy and give back to society in the future, rather than just making money for itself.

This can be regarded as giving an explanation to the government.

On the one hand, Godbrev affirmed Wang Ye's idea, and on the other hand, he also reminded Wang Ye that if Yukos Group can really fulfill its social responsibilities as Wang Ye said in the future, there will be no problem. No one will look for trouble anymore.

But if it only talks but does not do anything, the government still has the power to regulate and even directly change the rules of the game.

The reason why we did not touch these oligarchic companies including Yukos before was because we were still keeping face and were still observing.

But that won’t work anymore in the future. The government has freed up its hands and energy to sort out various industries under its jurisdiction.


After hearing what Gurbrev said, Wang Ye was certain that the Kremlin was behind the Ministry of Energy's trouble this time!

This is also normal. After all, Wang Ye can know from his memory that after the Kremlin was firmly established, they began to take action against various oligarchs.

If it weren't for his own appearance, Hovchenko seemed to be in trouble.

But due to his own existence, the Kremlin now takes action, leaving some room for it, and its methods are relatively mild.

Of course, this is also because under the leadership of Wang Ye, neither the Yukos Group nor Kovchenko has yet jumped out to confront the Kremlin.

And now that Wang Ye has taken over as chairman of Yukos Group, he is even more interested in "surrendering" to the Kremlin.

In this case, the Kung Palace will naturally not take action rashly and offend the entire oligarchic group.

In fact, by the time the two of them talked, they had basically decided that the issue of Yukos Group’s export rights should be settled.

Next, the Yukos Group needs to show its due attitude, whether it is doing charity or giving back to society, but it must let everyone see its sincerity.

After the meal, Wang Ye talked happily with Pu Ding and Gebrev.

Everyone got the "thing" they wanted.

Everyone gets what they need!

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