Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 639 The greater the responsibility

He nodded and said: "Yes, I do have ideas in this regard. If you want to develop the Internet, you must first establish a good hardware foundation. You have done a good job! Let me keep this plan for now. After I read it, if there are no problems, Just submit it for discussion.”

It is definitely too late today, after all, there is a meeting coming soon.

The meeting was scheduled to start at ten o'clock. At nine fifty-five, Elena knocked on the door and came in, reminding Wang Ye that he had to go to the conference room.

Wang Ye walked in front, followed by Rosiana and Elena, and walked directly to the conference room.


In the large conference room, the rest of the committee members have arrived, and everyone is waiting for Wang Ye, the newly appointed director, to arrive.

Some smoked, some chatted, and some took out a silver wine flask from nowhere early in the morning and took a sip from time to time...

Here in Maozi, there is no such thing as no drinking during working hours.

"Our great director has been in office for so many days, but he hasn't come up with anything decent. I don't know what will come out today." The guy who was drinking said with a smile.

However, these words did not show due respect for Wang Ye.

When everyone was originally a member of the Economic Committee, he and Wang Ye had nothing to deal with. They could still exchange a few pleasantries and say a few polite words during meetings.

Now that Wang Ye serves as the director of the Economic Committee and has become his immediate boss, this guy doesn't know what's wrong with him, and he starts to feel strange and angry towards Wang Ye.

Another committee member next to him quickly waved his hand and advised him: "Ajiv, have you drunk too much? There is a meeting soon. Put away the wine bottle quickly. How busy is Director Mikhail recently? Everyone It's all visible. Besides, he doesn't have to get familiar with his work first after taking office, so why are you in a hurry?"

Others had different reactions, some laughed and echoed Ajiv, and said some weird things.

There were also people who retorted and spoke out to defend Wang Ye.

The conference room was busy. The door was pushed open, Wang Ye walked in with two assistants, and the room suddenly became quiet.

Even Akiv sat up straight and closed his mouth.

Obviously, he was just saying weird things behind his back. If he really wanted to provoke Wang Ye in front of him, he still felt a little guilty...


Wang Ye sat directly at the head of the long conference table, and Elena and Rosiana sat behind him, one on the left and one on the right.

After looking around with a smile, all the committee members were present, and no one was absent.

"Everyone, today is a regular meeting of our Economic Committee, and it is also the first formal meeting that I have chaired since becoming director. I won't say too many polite words. We have been working together for a year or ten and are very familiar with each other.

Let’s get straight to the point.

Recently, I have drawn up an agricultural promotion plan, and plan to use this plan to administratively promote the development of agriculture in our country..."

Wang Ye talked eloquently and talked about the current situation of domestic agriculture, grain production, annual import data, and the importance of food security.

This also reminds everyone that this plan is very important and everyone should take it seriously!

After finishing speaking, Wang Ye waved slightly, and Elena stood up and handed out several copies of the agricultural promotion reform plan to each committee member.

The content is not complicated, only three pages of A4 paper. A more detailed version will be drafted by the agricultural department. After all, Wang Ye is not an agricultural expert.

What he has to do is promote this from top to bottom.

After everyone got the plan, they all read it carefully.

There was a "clattering" sound in the conference room, which was everyone turning over documents.

After about ten minutes, everyone one after another finished reading the plan and put down the documents in their hands.

Wang Ye asked with a smile: "How is it? If you have any opinions, please tell me."

Before he finished speaking, someone raised his hand and spoke first: "I have something to say."

Wang Ye read a case and he knew this committee member, his name was Agif, and he belonged to the first faction.

He smiled and stretched out his hand: "Then let Commissioner Ajiv speak first. It doesn't matter. Even if you have any different opinions, you can express them in person and let's discuss it."

These were polite words. Wang Ye didn't think anyone would really oppose him on this matter.

First of all, this is an agricultural matter. This "unpopular" industry basically does not involve the interests of any oligarch or any force, so there is no reason for anyone to oppose it.

Secondly, this plan is the first proposal that I, the director of the Economic Committee, have put forward since taking office!

When a new official takes office, he must get off to a good start.

As committee members, the most they can do is to check and fill in the gaps for themselves so that they can be passed more smoothly at the Duma Congress. There is absolutely no reason to refute their own reputation.


That Agif had a fat face and was red. I wonder if the heater in the conference room was too hot.

“Does this plan make any sense?

Food is so cheap internationally, and our country's population is not that large. You can buy enough high-quality food with just a little foreign exchange.

And maybe Director Mikhail is too young, so he doesn’t know that most of our food imports are purchased from Uzbekistan.

This in itself is also to maintain the good relations between the two countries. After all, the economy there is so bad that there is nothing to offer except food.

If we increase our food production ourselves, not only will we no longer be able to import food from Uzbekistan, but we will also have to compete with them internationally.

Doesn't this make his own brothers feel chilly? The gain outweighs the loss!

Hey, everyone also understands that the director is a young man and is eager to prove himself.

Fortunately, our committee has many older comrades with rich experience.

From now on, Director, if you have any new ideas, you should first communicate with everyone and ask for our opinions, and don’t come up with any plans in a hurry..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Ye's face darkened.

If Ajiv was just talking about matters, Wang Ye would not be dissatisfied at all.

But what this guy said sounded so unpleasant!

They are often "too young", "don't understand" and "young people are eager to prove themselves"...

Does that mean that the reason why he came up with this plan is not pure, but just to prove himself?

The other committee members obviously felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the conference room, especially after seeing Wang Ye's face.

Most of the committee members began to look at their noses and hearts without saying a word.

They also wanted to see how Mikhail, the excessively young director, would respond to this "provocation."

Wang Ye's performance today will determine his authority in the Economic Committee in the future.

He will also decide how other committee members will work with his "young" director in the future...

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