Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 629 Two years ago and two years later

"Come on, come on! Everyone is in their places. The two students guarding the door open the door. I emphasize one last time, you are not allowed to ask for autographs, take photos or anything like that!..."

In the banquet hall, a staff member in charge said loudly in a hurry.

Then the voice of a colleague came from the walkie-talkie on his waist, and he quickly shouted again: "The guests are coming in, everyone, get ready."

At this moment, the door to the banquet hall had been opened and the guests began to enter.

Accompanied by the ambassador, Wang Ye entered the banquet hall and walked directly to the stage at the front.

In this kind of occasion, as the guest of honor, he must say a few words before the banquet officially begins.

Many of the international students present who were serving as waiters were shocked.

Some people find it incredible. They don't know Wang Ye, and of course they don't know Mikhail.

In their eyes, this young man with black hair who looks about the same age as them must also be a Chinese international student...

But why are the ambassador and so many high-status people surrounding this young man?

Does he have a great background? !

Some other students, especially those from Mo University, had seen Mikhail's big photo on the school's official website and knew who he was.

Especially after Mikhail was recently elected as deputy speaker and director of the Economic Committee, there has been another wave of intense propaganda at MoU!

In the lobby of Building 1 of the main building, Mikhail's large photo has been hung in the most conspicuous position!

Everyone passes by there every day, it’s hard not to see it...

Several little girls have already exclaimed, "Senior", "President Mikhail"...

Only then did they understand why the staff member had repeatedly emphasized that they were not allowed to ask for autographs or take photos.

If everyone hadn't been warned in advance, some girls would have rushed forward...

You know, Mikhail's popularity and influence among young people, especially college students, is really no joke.

He is handsome, wealthy, comes from a wealthy family, holds a high position, and has a bright future...

Almost all beautiful adjectives can be applied to Mikhail!

Coupled with his status as a "college student", his halo becomes even more dazzling.


The ambassador and Wang Ye stood side by side on the stage of the banquet hall. He first made a few speeches with a smile on his face.

The main thing was to introduce several major guests, especially when introducing Wang Ye, he deliberately raised his voice.

"Mr. Mikhail, Deputy Speaker of the Duma and Director of the Economic Committee! He is a good friend of our country and is committed to promoting Sino-Russian oil and gas cooperation... It is a great honor to invite Speaker Mikhail to the embassy today. Let’s celebrate the Spring Festival together. On behalf of all the staff of the embassy, ​​I would like to thank Speaker Mikhail for coming! Now, I would like to invite Speaker Mikhail to give a speech to everyone.”

After all, being able to invite such a "big official" made the ambassador feel proud.

Wang Ye took the microphone, smiled before speaking, and nodded to the audience.

As soon as he opened his mouth, many people in the venue were shocked.

Because Wang Ye spoke in Chinese!

“Hello everyone, I am honored to receive the invitation from Mr. Ambassador to attend this New Year’s dinner.

Haha, seeing everyone’s surprised expressions, is it because I speak Chinese relatively well, right?

I guess I should explain a few words.

In fact, I have a very close relationship with China. After all, my father is Chinese, but my mother is Russian..."

My mother, who is far away in a small county in the Central Plains of China, does not know that her son has "changed his nationality" for her.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't dare to say this in front of his mother, because he was afraid that her mother would slap him!

Many people present knew for the first time that this so-called "rising political star" who has been stealing the spotlight recently is actually "half" Chinese!

After all, news reports usually only talk about what big things Mikhail has done and don’t introduce much about his life experience.

Maybe I think this is not important, or maybe I got some instructions...

As for Wang Ye's image of black hair and eyes, he is actually not that unusual in Moscow. After all, there are quite a lot of black people here.

There are more than a hundred different ethnic groups in Russia, including blonds, browns, blacks, and even reds.

Wang Ye had met many black-haired congressmen in the Duma.

Therefore, for Wang Ye's appearance, others would just say that he is handsome and would not think that he was not Russian.

He has already entered the Duma and became deputy speaker and director of the Economic Committee. How could he not be Russian!


After listening to Wang Ye's introduction to himself, the Chinese people present looked at Wang Ye differently.

If we say that after knowing Wang Ye's identity just now, everyone is in awe of him and worships the big shot.

Now that I know that Wang Ye is of Chinese descent, I feel a little closer to him.

Wang Ye didn't say much nonsense, just said a few words, and finally jokingly asked everyone to eat and drink well, and the hall rang with knowing laughter.

This is so "authentic" to say!

Most foreigners don’t understand what “eat well and drink well” means.

This also shows that Mikhail, a senior Chinese official, has not forgotten his bloodline and must have a good impression of China.


During the following banquet, Wang Ye held a goblet. Wherever he went, people would gather around to toast him.

However, everyone was very polite and courteous, and there was no bad habit of trying to persuade people to drink at domestic dinner parties.

People who are toasting usually drink it all in one gulp. Wang Ye just touches his lips, which makes the person who is toasting blush and feels very dignified.

After all, these Chinese businessmen who are toasting will be able to boast in the future.

I am also someone who drank with Speaker Mikhail!

After a round of socializing, Wang Ye and the ambassador came to a secluded corner and chatted over wine glasses.

Others wisely stopped disturbing the two of them because they knew they might talk about something more important.

Wang Ye turned his head and looked at the splendid banquet hall, which was full of guests.

There was also a feeling of emotion in my heart.

Two years ago, I was standing in this very place, holding a tray and wearing an old-fashioned suit that didn't fit that well.


No, he's just a little guy, the kind that no one pays attention to at all.

When others just wave at me, I will quickly walk forward with a tray in hand and politely ask the guests what drinks they want...

And today, just two years later, when he returns to this place again, Wang Ye has become the focus of everyone's attention!

It's the same look, and wherever he looks, he is greeted with admiring looks and smiling faces!

Thanks to the "Gold Medal Soy Sauce Party" for the reward!

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