Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 601 Year-end Dividend (2)

Wang Ye pondered for a moment, then said to Boss Kong with a smile: "There shouldn't be any need to reserve funds for the market, right?"

Boss Kong nodded and responded simply: "No! The market will not expand next year. The main job is to refine management and maintain good operations. Moreover, the group can receive a lot of cash every month, so there is no shortage of money at all. use."

Also, there is no shortage of money in a big market, because there are few places to spend money, but there are many places to collect money.

Cash flow is extremely abundant!

Wang Ye said cheerfully: "Then let's pay dividends normally. I should get 286 million U.S. dollars, right? Just put 280 million U.S. dollars in my account. The 6 million U.S. dollars will be given to the employees at the end of the year." Prizes. You can decide how to distribute them."

"Boss, you are so generous! I want to thank you on behalf of all the staff in the group." Boss Kong flattered him quickly.

It is indeed generous. Six million U.S. dollars seems less than two hundred and eighty million dollars, but it is quite a lot when used as a bonus.

After all, there are only a few hundred formal employees of New Sun Group. On average, they can receive US$10,000 per month...

This amount of money may be more than what a university professor earns in a year, and this is just the year-end bonus.

Wang Ye didn't care about the money. He ate meat anyway, so he wanted his employees to drink some soup.

It's the end of the year, everyone is happy, and they will continue to work hard to help his boss make money next year!


After the New Sun Group, there is the Kitty Eagle Group.

Katya is also the financial director of Kitty Eagle Group, and since she lives with Wang Ye, she is the one who reports.

It’s just that the location of the report is a bit unceremonious…

"Boss, Kitty Eagle Group has made a lot of money this year. When Mr. He called me a few days ago, he asked me whether we would pay dividends at the end of the year, or whether we planned to keep it all in the group's account and continue to expand next year." Katya didn't seem to calm down yet. , panting slightly.

Wang Ye asked casually: "How much money did you make this year?"

"Net profit is 530 million." Katya reported a good number.

Wang Ye thought for a moment and said, "Leave 30 million in reserve funds and 500 million in dividends. I may need money recently."

500 million in dividends. Wang Ye controls 80% of the shares of Kitty Eagle Group, which means he gets 400 million US dollars.

Wang Ye took away 400 million, so Miss He could still take away 100 million.

She originally invested 300 million U.S. dollars. Looking at the situation, it will be fully repaid in less than three years. The return rate of this business is indeed quite high.

As for Wang Ye, New Sun Group and Kitty Eagle Group alone have received US$680 million.

This is all the funds that can be freely used. The cash in his hand is more abundant than ever before!

As for several other group companies, such as Polar Bear Investment, YANDEX and MAIL.RU, United Airlines Group, Wagner Security Company, etc., they all have little money, but the future is promising.

If you really want to talk about huge profits, you have to count the Siberian gold mines and the Yukos Group.

Over at the Siberian gold mines, Abu personally called Wang Ye and was talking about dividing the money.

The gold mine just started this year, so it's not particularly profitable yet, but Wang Ye still got nearly 600 million, but Wang Ye didn't touch the money, and let Abu directly transfer it to the account of Crimea Investment Company.

Because the profits from this gold mine were originally sent point-to-point to Crimea Investment Company, which was a bottomless pit for swallowing gold.

As for Yukos Group, Wang Ye went to participate in the board of directors.

After listening to the report of the group's vice president of finance at the board meeting, he was not interested in hearing a lot of numbers. The only thing he remembered was that based on his shareholding ratio, he would receive US$320 million in dividends this year.

After all, his shareholding in Yukos Group is not high...

Adding in the US$320 million, Wang Ye will get exactly one billion by the end of the year.

Of course, he actually still has some scattered income, such as his salary and bonuses from various group companies, the salary and benefits of Duma members, and the dividends from the two small companies he started when he first started his business, as well as his The income from those 300 shops in the New Sun Market!

All things considered, the income is nearly 20 million US dollars.

But for Wang Ye, this money is just pocket money, which is better than nothing.


Zhang Guangming contacted Katya three days in advance and made an appointment to see Wang Ye.

Although he is a small person, he is still responsible for three hundred bunks for Wang Ye, and he can barely be regarded as Wang Ye's subordinate.

And the person he reports directly to is Wang Ye!

At this point, Zhang Guangming is comparable to Boss Kong...

When Wang Ye met Zhang Guangming, he didn't pick a specific time. He was busy at the end of the year, so he asked Zhang Guangming to come over during dinner time, and the two of them chatted while eating.

This way of treating people of equal status may seem a bit disrespectful.

But when you treat your subordinates, you will be very approachable, and your subordinates will feel honored...

As for Zhang Guangming, being able to sit and have dinner with Wang Ye would allow him to go out and play for a year.

After all, not many people in the entire New Sun Market have enjoyed this kind of treatment!

While Wang Ye was eating, he listened to Zhang Guangming's report on the annual rental income of 300 shops.

Not bad. Under Zhang Guangming's management, rents have increased steadily. The most important thing is that these three districts have always maintained the most prosperous atmosphere in the entire market, and it is difficult to find a shop.

Those who can rent shops and sell goods in these three districts now are definitely powerful merchants.

Those who were less powerful were "driven" to the New Sun District 2.

After listening, Wang Ye nodded with satisfaction. He had not paid attention to Zhang Guangming at all.

In fact, Wang Ye has something to keep an eye on Boss Kong. Zhang Guangming's every move in the big market cannot escape Boss Kong's eyes.

After observing for a period of time, this guy is quite reliable.

People are more flexible, but not slippery.

To be honest, those 300 stores are dispensable to Wang Ye, but to most people, they are a huge resource!

Even if you are just responsible for management, there is still a lot of money to be made.

For example, it is difficult to find a shop in these three districts, so who should rent the shop to?

If Zhang Guangming was a little greedy, he could make a lot of "black money" from it, but he did not take advantage of it to benefit himself at all.

Instead, they act according to the rules honestly and rent out the shops according to the order of queue and strength.

The reputation in the market is still very good.

Since he knows how to behave and do things, Wang Ye will not be stingy about supporting him.

Therefore, Wang Ye said with a smile: "Liublino Market should be almost on the formal track. So, prepare yourself and become the executive vice president there."

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