Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 580 Share Distribution

According to what Sergey just said, the creativity and technology of his website are worth $50,000.

If someone invests $50,000 in him, they can give him 50% of the shares.

So, Wang Ye now wants to invest one million U.S. dollars, and the share ratios between the two parties naturally need to be readjusted.

One million U.S. dollars is certainly not worth mentioning to Wang Ye.

But investing is business, not charity, so Wang Ye will still take it seriously.

Sergey was a little hesitant. He really needed venture capital and was willing to give shares, but the problem was that the investment was a bit beyond his imagination. How many shares would be appropriate?

According to what he just said, 95% will do.

But in that case, he, the "founder", would only have 5% of the shares left.

This is the first round of financing!

The average Internet company will go through at least three or five rounds of financing during its development process, and Sergey also understands this.

If I only have 5% of the shares in the first round of financing, and after two more rounds of financing, will I, the founder, be "reduced" to an inconspicuous minority shareholder...


Wang Ye naturally saw Sergey's difficulty and said with a smile:

"Well, I think your idea and your technology are more valuable than you think.

I invested one million US dollars, accounting for 80% of the company's shares, leaving 20% ​​for you.

Moreover, when the second and third rounds of financing are needed, I personally will continue to pursue investment. If you need it, we can also provide you with a certain amount of interest-free loans so that your shareholding will not be diluted too much. "

His words completely dispelled all Sergey's worries!

Not only did he give Sergey the respect he deserved, but he also considered him from Sergey's perspective.

"What are you talking about? I want this investment!" Sergey said without hesitation.

Then, he shook his head and sighed: "I finally understand why you have achieved what you have today. Maybe your family background has helped you a lot, but your personal ability and magnanimity are also far beyond ordinary people."

This is what he means.

On the homepage of the school's official website, he had already seen the eye-catching bold font, which was an introduction to Wang Ye's current status.

Just now, Sergey felt that for this boy to be in a high position at such a young age, he must have an extremely powerful backer behind him, and he couldn't have climbed up by relying on his own ability.

But now, after Wang Ye invested in himself, Sergey felt that he had guessed wrong.

At least half of it is wrong!

Maybe this kid Mikhail does have a powerful backer, but his personal ability is definitely outstanding, there is no doubt about it!

Wang Ye smiled and said casually: "Since I invested, this website can no longer be a small business, but must be formalized. Later I will send legal personnel to sign an investment agreement with you. The company's technology and The direction of development is all yours, but finance, personnel and publicity should be left to professional managers."

This is also what it should be. After all, Wang Ye is now the major shareholder, accounting for 80% of the shares.

Of course, the financial and personnel power in the company must be controlled, and Sergey's strengths are technology and creativity, not daily management.

Sergey nodded and said he had no objection.

Wang Ye thought of one more thing, and that was Sergey's website. The name was really difficult to pronounce.

Such a name is not conducive to communication and is a taboo for Internet companies!

He said: "The name of the website needs to be changed. It is difficult for this name to leave a deep impression on people now."

Sergey was a little ashamed. Apparently he knew that the name was not good, so he asked guiltily: "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Wang Ye said without hesitation: "Let's change the name to FACE BOOK! Use an English name, because this website will definitely not be limited to domestic development, and will soon be promoted to the world. So it will be more effective to use an English name. It will be beneficial to future development.”

"Facebook?" Sergey repeated, but he couldn't understand what the name meant.

"The novelty of this website is that you can upload photos personally, and the communication power and appeal of pictures are much stronger than ordinary text. You should know the meaning of FACEBOOK. It means the roll call list commonly used in universities. It just suits you. The original intention of establishing the website can also be the first to start promoting it on university campuses..."

Wang Ye explained patiently.

Of course, he didn't tell Sergey the real reason for this name.

With his intervention, Zuckerberg’s Facebook will probably never appear again!

Instead, there is this new Facebook founded by Sergey and himself!

Without Wang Ye’s investment, it is estimated that Sergey’s website would not be able to leave Russia after a few years of operation.

Influence and the number of users are always very limited.

But when Wang Ye intervened, things were completely different!

In less than three years, this Facebook website will inevitably go global and compete with Internet giants such as Google and Amazon!

On a sudden impulse, I went back to the dormitory, and ended up investing a sum of money.

As for Sergey, Wang Ye will wait and see whether he can build the Facebook website in the future.

If everything goes well, then Wang Ye will not interfere.

But if Sergey’s ability is not enough to lead Facebook to the world, Wang Ye does not mind changing the leader of this company.


On the first day of school, Wang Ye fulfilled his obligations as a student and walked around the school.

Not only did it cause a stir, but it also invested in a company, and the future prospects of this company are quite good. This can be regarded as unintentional.

However, these things cannot make Wang Ye too excited.

He has control over the development trends of the world in the next twenty years, and he has strong financial resources. If he wants to do business and make money, he has too many projects to invest in.

In contrast, Wang Ye is more concerned about development in the political arena.

Because this is something he cannot control, and it also involves his own life safety!

That night, while having dinner at the top-floor restaurant, Katya also reported to him the latest progress in the car brand acquisition.

According to the brands identified by Wang Ye, there are now two...or three brands, and the hope of acquisition is relatively high.

The first one is Volvo!

This Nordic brand is also a century-old manufacturer and has a long-standing reputation in the world's automobile industry. It is famous for its safety and environmental protection.

However, due to poor management over the past few years, the factory has fallen into a difficult situation, and the company's board of directors is looking to sell it.

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