Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 570 Reach the sky in one step

As the operation unfolded, Natalia deployed police officers to summon and question each member of parliament on the list.

At the beginning, those congressmen looked unruly and glared with disdain when talking to investigators.

Because they are confident that they have nothing to do with being caught.

But soon, the situation changed.

Some "enthusiastic citizens" began to provide a lot of useful information clues to the investigation team. For example, a congressman under investigation once asked for a bribe from a local company, and in return gave that company policy conveniences.

A certain congressman once gathered people in a bar to do some illegal activities, and a certain congressman hid contraband in his home...

Anyway, every congressman under investigation has various illegal behaviors and has been reported.

Moreover, these "enthusiastic citizens" also provided quite detailed information.

Natalia knew very well that Mikhail must have arranged for this to be done, and some of the reported information was true or false.

But whether it is true or false, the evidence is conclusive and irrefutable.

At least it's procedurally just...

In less than a week, as many as 17 MPs were convicted of crimes. This incident caused a sensation throughout the Crimean Peninsula.

Meshkov took this opportunity to dissolve the parliament and hold new elections.

Everything was going according to Wang Ye's plan, without any accidents.

It's not that the Uzbek side didn't want to intervene, but in this operation, all procedures were legal and compliant, and impeccable. Even if they wanted to find fault, they couldn't find any fault.

Many people believe that this is a "big purge" presided over by Meshkov to consolidate his position.

But very few people know that it was Mikhail from Moscow who planned all this...


After staying in Simferopol for more than ten days, Wang Ye quietly returned to Moscow after everything was settled.

Agelina and Natalia, who sent him to the airport, were also promoted smoothly.

Agelina is about to become the deputy speaker of the new parliament, and Natalia has been promoted to chief prosecutor!

The two women stood side by side on the airport tarmac, watching Wang Ye's silver private jet fly straight into the sky, and soon the shadow was no longer visible.

"Is this the new star in Moscow's political scene? I didn't believe it before, thinking there was a bit of propaganda in it. Now look at it, it is worthy of the name!" Natalia said with emotion.

She was completely convinced by Wang Ye's political skills.

After this big sweep, the entire political scene in Crimea has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It is conceivable that in the new parliament, there will no longer be a living environment for people who are pro-ermao.

And Ermao can only swallow this dumb loss, and it’s hard to tell...

Ajielina smiled slightly, she had always had great confidence in Wang Ye.

Because she was the only one who accompanied Wang Ye step by step from an eighteen-year-old ordinary student to where he is today!

If Wang Ye was not the kind of person with extraordinary talents, how could he have achieved such great achievements in such a short period of time!

"After getting to know him, I...we have reached the sky in one step. Sometimes when I think about it, it feels like we are in a dream." Agelina murmured.

Natalia nodded vigorously, she felt the same way.

She was originally just a junior assistant prosecutor. Before she met Wang Ye, her biggest dream was to be promoted to a local prosecutor in Yalta before she retired. She didn't dare to think about anything higher.

But now, in less than a year, she jumped from assistant prosecutor, to prosecutor of Simferopol, to chief prosecutor!

This is not as simple as upgrading three levels in a row. In fact, there are many levels skipped in the middle...

Wang Ye naturally didn't know what the two women were thinking.

After getting on the plane, he had forgotten about Crimea and began to think about the follow-up plan.

Coming to Crimea this time to purge the local council was just one part of his plan, and it was the simplest part...


While Wang Ye was doing the "Great Purge" in Crimea, Zhang Xiaoxi also started to get busy in the domestic capital thousands of miles away.

After returning from this trip, she did not go home. Instead, she made an excuse and told her family that she had signed up for an English training class to prepare for studying abroad after graduating from college.

Naturally, her parents had no doubts about his presence and readily agreed that she would not have to go home and take advantage of the vacation to study English.

In fact, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't sign up for any training classes. She bought a bicycle and went out early every morning.

Put on sunscreen, wear a sun hat, carry a big water bottle, and ride a bicycle for a day.

She is inspecting real estate in the capital city that she is familiar with!

The middle-aged aunt she met on the plane became an acquaintance. Through her, Zhang Xiaoxi learned a lot of knowledge and information about real estate.

Just like the courtyard houses in the capital mentioned by Wang Ye, without the guidance of that aunt, Zhang Xiaoxi probably would not have known which courtyards could be sold and which ones were not allowed to be sold.

However, during this period, she was only learning about real estate and had not started actual operations.

Because Wang Ye's company is in the process of registration, she will directly serve as the person in charge after the company is registered.

At that point, it’s time to get started!

After more than ten days of on-site inspection, Zhang Xiaoxi took a fancy to several properties.

The courtyard houses in the capital are basically distributed in the four districts of East, West, Chongwen and Xuanwu. There are only more than 100 units available for sale.

And there is a mixed bag of good and bad. Most of the courtyard houses are actually quite small and look like slums. It is obvious that such houses cannot be regarded by Wang Ye.

After careful selection by Zhang Xiaoxi, several courtyard houses with excellent locations, large areas, and intact main building structures were selected.

One of the courtyard houses in Houhai covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters and spans two alleys!

This is also Zhang Xiaoxi's main goal. He is just waiting for the company to be registered before he plans to take action.


On July 12th, Zhang Xiaoxi just rode her bicycle out of school and was planning to go for a walk when she received a call.

"Excuse me, is this classmate Zhang Xiaoxi? I ​​am Liu Mei, the person in charge of the domestic branch of Xiaoying Group. I was entrusted by my boss to help him register an asset management company. Now that the procedures have been completed, please come and accept it. We also Let’s do the handover.”

The woman on the phone spoke very politely.

Zhang Xiaoxi had been waiting for this call for half a month, so he responded quickly and responded immediately: "Okay, where is it? I'll go there now."

"It's better for me to pick you up. I'm almost at Tsinghua University now. You should be at school, right?" Liu Mei asked.

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