Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 502 Addicted to it

In fact, Mr. Zhu is not the only one who is interested in Wang Ye.

Many media reporters at the scene were even more interested!

Mr. Zhu may have known something in advance, but it was the first time for those media reporters to know about "Mikhail"!

When Wang Ye got off the plane just now, many people had already noticed this "different" person.

There is no way, Wang Ye is too outstanding among this group of people.

Everyone else has golden or gray hair, but he has thick, shiny black hair!

The youngest others are in their early forties, and most of them have gained weight, but he only looks like he is in his early twenties, handsome and tall!

What's more important is that if you don't mention Wang Ye's identity, he looks like an out-and-out Chinese!

But why was this young man who looked Chinese able to get off the plane with Kasyanov and walk on the red carpet?

Looking at the identities of the other people, they all belong to this minister or that minister, which means that this person must also be a high-level Russian official!

We cannot blame the reporters on the scene for being unprofessional and not knowing the list of visiting delegations in advance.

The main reason is that when China briefed the media, it only mentioned the names of Kasyanov and several ministers.

As for the business delegation, it was only mentioned that there would be Gazprom, Yukos, United Airlines and other companies.

It did not say which representatives these companies sent...

However, these Chinese reporters are still very qualified, and they also know what the occasion is.

So no matter how curious I was about Wang Ye, I just took some more photos and didn't whisper to each other.


After the welcome ceremony, everyone got in the car and prepared to go to the State Guesthouse.

Just looking at the battle between the teams, you can tell that the standards are still very high.

The Guobin Motorcycle Team opened the way, followed by a convoy of seven or eight Mercedes-Benz vehicles, one each for Kasyanov and Wang Ye, and behind them were several Toyota minibuses for the entourage.

The person accompanying Wang Ye was a foreign affairs staff member. Perhaps because he knew that Wang Ye was a young man, he also specially found a young staff member to accompany him.

This girl is in her mid-twenties, has short hair, and looks very delicate.

After opening the car door for Wang Ye and asking him to get in the car, the girl sat in the passenger seat.

After the motorcade started, she turned around and asked Wang Ye with a smile in Russian: "Hello, Commissioner Mikhail, my name is Wang Xueqing. I will be your Russian translator and escort in the next few days. If you need to go out or do anything, You can talk to me directly and I will help you as much as possible."

Wang Ye smiled slightly and replied in Chinese: "Just speak Chinese. I speak Chinese pretty well. In fact, I am of Chinese descent and my father is Chinese."

Wang Xueqing didn't seem surprised. Since she could be sent to receive Wang Ye one-on-one, she must have known something about Wang Ye beforehand.

She responded politely: "Okay, your Chinese is indeed very authentic."

Well, not only does Wang Ye speak Chinese fluently, but he also has a bit of a Central Plains accent...

Originally, Wang Xueqing was still a Russian translator, but obviously, with Wang Ye's Chinese proficiency, her translator would be unemployed.

Wang Ye thought for a while and asked tentatively: "There was no live TV broadcast of the welcome ceremony just now, right? Also, those photos taken by reporters..."

He asked vaguely, not knowing what he wanted to express.

But Wang Xueqing smiled and replied meaningfully:

“There is no live broadcast, and all photos taken by on-site reporters are not allowed to be sent out directly and must be reviewed before they can be sent out.

I understand that you are very concerned about personal privacy and you probably don’t want your photos to be made public.

Therefore, we will delete any photos of your front face or relatively clear ones. "

Wang Ye was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

He felt a little weird.

Why does this girl talk like the old fox Gurbrev, the kind who knows everything but just can't explain it...

Could it be that his details have been known to the relevant domestic departments?

It’s not impossible!

If that's the case, this girl should know something now, otherwise she wouldn't behave like this.

The reason why Wang Ye mentioned the photo was that he was a little worried that his photo would be everywhere in the newspapers and would be seen by his parents and old classmates in China.

As a result, before he could say anything, Wang Xueqing solved the problem directly...


After a moment of silence, Wang Ye suddenly asked: "Do you all know?"

There was no beginning or end to his words, but Wang Xueqing understood what he meant immediately.

Nodding slightly, he said softly: "Everyone knows everything that needs to be known, but no one will tell it. Just keep a tacit understanding. You may not have noticed that the motorcade that greets you this time is very important to you senior leaders. A separate car was arranged. I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that we know..."

She spoke in a convoluted way, but her meaning was made very clear.

That is, the relevant domestic departments have investigated Wang Ye’s true background.

It can even be said that today's welcome ceremony was specially adjusted for Wang Ye.

Wang Ye was silent for a while, but he had nothing to worry about, because he had agreed to participate in this delegation on behalf of Yukos Group.

Then he is already mentally prepared for his identity to be "exposed"!

Of course, Wang Ye also understood that the country would definitely discover his true identity, but he would also pretend not to know in a tacit understanding.

Just like Gurbrev and those in the Kremlin...

Regarding his dual identity, he is not the only one who benefits, many people and even many factions can benefit from it.

Especially for domestic people, they may prefer that they can develop smoothly in Russia.

The more powerful you are, the happier they will be!

Maybe you won't get any explicit benefits through yourself, but there are a lot of hidden benefits.

Moreover, maybe when will I be able to help the country a big favor...


The motorcade roared through the streets of the capital.

The State Guest motorcycle convoy and the police car in front of them all had their flashing lights on, and all the streets they passed were closed. There was only one convoy speeding along the spacious street.

Turning to look out the window, it should be peak hour after get off work.

If we weren't sitting in such a convoy, the car would probably be stuck on the road and unable to move.

Although I don't care about the status of "members" and "members".

But when Wang Ye experienced the halo or privileges that these identities brought to him, he still became a little addicted to them without realizing it.

For men, power is the most attractive thing...

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