Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 476 I am the landlord

Wang Ye is very busy here. In his hometown, his father has also become busy recently.

After Wang Ye left later in the year, on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Mei brought a few people to the small county town of Wang Ye's hometown.

Naturally, she was entrusted by Wang Ye to purchase the flour improver factory in the county.

According to Wang Ye's explanation, Liu Mei directly contacted Director Li after arriving, and then, under the leadership of Director Li, had cordial talks with the county leaders.

The talks went very smoothly, and basically the county agreed to Liu Mei's requests.

There are all kinds of preferential policies such as employee relocation, tax exemptions, free land allocation when expanding production in the future, etc.!

As for the only requirement put forward by the county, it is to use the name of a wholly foreign-owned company to operate the flour improver factory, and the acquisition funds must be in US dollars...

Of course there is no problem, Liu Mei readily agreed.

After completing the procedures, Liu Mei contacted Wang Ye's father and appointed him as the general manager in the name of the company, with full responsibility for all affairs of the flour improver factory.

After finishing all this, Liu Mei returned to the capital.


Wang Ye's father has also been busy since February. The new official has taken office and is so busy with work that he has not had time to talk to Wang Ye on the phone.

After all, when people in the county see him now, they all shout "Mr. Wang".

After sorting out things in the factory, my father remembered to talk to Wang Ye.

Another thing is that during this period, there was a rumor in the county that Wang Ye donated one million US dollars to the school to build a gymnasium!

Although Wang Ye said when he made the donation that he did not want the matter to be publicized, he asked the school to keep it as confidential as possible.

The school has tried its best to do that, but the county is too small and basically everyone knows each other. It is impossible to keep it a secret...

When he first heard the news, Wang Ye's father didn't believe it, because this brat paid one million U.S. dollars to honor his family and bought himself a flour improver factory for hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars. How could he return the favor? There is a million dollars to donate to the school!

However, he inquired with an acquaintance and was shocked to find that this was probably true!

Just as the work at the factory was finished, I called Wang Ye, first to talk about the improvement agent factory, and secondly to verify whether Wang Ye had donated money.


"You donated a million dollars to the school?"

As soon as the phone call came through, my father asked in a face-to-face manner.

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment and replied calmly: "Well, before I left, I asked an old classmate to donate it, and I asked the school not to publicize it. How did you know, dad?"

"You...where did you get so much money? It's not like you made some money and spent it all on this trip home! Hey, let me tell you what's good about you..."

If Wang Ye was in front of him, his father would probably want to pull his ears.

Because according to what Wang Ye "explained" to his parents, his current net worth is estimated to be only three to four million US dollars.

As a result, I went home to spend the next year, so I just worked out and finished...

Wang Ye smiled and comforted his father: "It's okay. Anyway, so many of my shops are still there. Not to mention how popular this big market is now! Just collecting rent can collect hundreds of thousands of dollars every month. From now on. , even if my two companies no longer make any money, I can just survive by collecting rent and wait to die. Your son, I am now the landlord!"

This made Dad laugh and feel relieved.

However, he still warned: "You donated too much to the school! If you had discussed this with me earlier... Hey, forget it, I donated all the donations. This is a good thing. The county is too poor, otherwise you High school is definitely better than it is now.”

In Wang Ye’s memory of his previous life, no one from his alma mater high school donated one million US dollars!

Coupled with some "indescribable" reasons, not all of the high-priced sponsorship fees collected by the school every year are used for school development, so the provincial key high school that was once brilliant has slowly fallen into decline...

This is the only way for students in the county to change their destiny, but the door is slowly closing, which is a pity to be honest.

Wang Ye made this donation because he did not want history to repeat itself.

Zhongyuan Province is inherently poor, and my hometown is the poorest county in the poorest region among the poor provinces...

With a large population, it had a good high school to support it, and a number of college students were admitted every year. This changed the fate of many people.

Now that he has the ability, he also wants to do something to help his fellow villagers.

It is said that the donation is only for this time, but as long as the school uses these donations to do practical things, Wang Ye will continue to donate in the future.

Until we build our alma mater into a prestigious school, not to say the best in the province, but at least one of the top ones!

The money needed to do this is actually not much for Wang Ye now, and it is enough to make any mistakes.


After talking about the donation, Dad talked about the flour improver factory.

This is his area of ​​expertise!

My father has been so free these past few years that he almost fell ill. Now he can finally show off his talents.

How could he not be happy when he had the final say in such a big factory and didn't have to look at anyone's eyes anymore.

I have to say that Wang Ye knows his father too well!

Just giving dad a lot of money doesn't make much sense. Instead, it would be better to find something for him to be busy with, which would make dad happier.

Listening to his father talk endlessly about how he manages the factory, Wang Ye smiled and just listened quietly.

He didn't put forward any opinions, because after all, it was not a field he was familiar with. To be honest, if Wang Ye was asked to manage a factory, he would really not be as good as his father...

At the end of the sentence, my father said with unfinished content: "It's a pity that this factory has been delayed for two years. Now there is a similar improvement agent factory on the market. If we had taken over two years ago, this factory has hope to become bigger."

"How big can it be now?" Wang Ye asked with a smile.

"Well, the annual revenue is tens of millions, and there is even a chance of over 100 million! In that case, the improvement agent factory will be the largest enterprise in the county." Dad pondered for a moment and responded.

Dad is really not talking nonsense. The largest company in the county may not have more than 10 million in revenue!

In the past, hemp spinning mills, fertilizer factories, tanneries and wineries had enjoyed small success for a period of time, especially the fertilizer factory, which was also a big enterprise!

But since the 1990s, these factories have ceased to function.

The most outrageous thing is that, in terms of income, the richest unit in the county is actually the county high school...

"That's not bad. Dad, you will be the richest man in the county by then. This is not something that a deputy director can match." Wang Ye joked with a smile.

Dad also laughed when he heard this. The richest man in the county?

This title sounds like a good one, maybe I actually have a chance to do it!

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