Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 468 Base Parade

Petrov's abilities are obviously much stronger than those of Anton and Seryosha. Although the entire base has a large number of personnel, it is well organized under his management and looks exactly like a regular army!

After walking around in a circle, they returned to the office building. Wang Ye and Petrov came to the office and sat down.

"This building doesn't look new. It must be a few years old." Wang Ye asked casually.

Petrov nodded and said: "Well, this was originally an institution of the Black Sea Fleet. They moved to other places in the past two years. However, they originally only occupied a small area. This time they built a base and these buildings It was zoned for us, which just saved us from building a new building, which was quite time-consuming.”

After asking a few questions about the situation at the base, Wang Ye turned to the topic and said: "With so many people, it's not a problem to be idle all the time. Is there any related business that can be expanded?"

Wang Ye has also been thinking about this matter recently.

They have maintained such a large armed force, including armored vehicles and helicopters, and even purchased a number of warships!

After spending so much money, you can't just sit idle forever...

Moreover, there is obviously no place to use it in Russia, so we can only find ways to develop overseas business.

However, Wang Ye also had a blank look at these things and had no clue at all. He didn't know how to handle the corresponding business.

He can't go to foreign TV stations to place advertisements to promote his Wagner Security Company to take on business related to "subverting the country's political power and destroying hostile countries"...

It is estimated that his Wagner Company immediately became famous internationally, but it just became a street rat, the kind that everyone shouted to beat!

So he asked Petrov if there was any so-called "dark network" channel to contact business and make some windfall. It would be best if Wagner Company could be self-sufficient and no longer need to make additional large investments.

As if he had expected Wang Ye to ask this question, Petrov answered calmly:

"I have been busy building the team in the past period. After all, it is not that simple for this kind of military team to have a certain combat effectiveness. It will take a period of time for everyone to work together.

But now that I have almost practiced it, I really need to test my combat effectiveness in actual combat.

It is not difficult to take orders from overseas. After all, mercenaries are active in many places around the world.

I also have such channels to receive orders.

In the early stage, you can take orders that are not that intense. Start with small battles first, and the team will further improve their combat effectiveness. After two years, when the team is truly formed, you can then take on big business. "

Wang Ye very much agreed with Petrov's statement. This development idea is very clear. He is indeed a colonel in the special forces!

He nodded and said: "Very good, let's do this. In addition, you can pay more attention to the Central D side. If we can develop a few oil fields there, then Wagner's development funds will continue to flow."

After all, it’s still too slow to make money just by accepting “security orders”!

Security companies can't do anything in the technical industry. If you want to make money, mining and selling resources is the easiest and crudest way!

Da Mao and China D also have some "connections". Various forces there are entangled and the situation is quite complicated.

This situation is actually the favorite of various international powers. Many mercenary forces are also fighting here to grab territory and profits. Of course, Wagner Company can also come and get involved.

Petrov's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "Boss, you also want to get involved in Zhong D? It's quite interesting there. You can really go and do it! If you really want to grab one or two oil fields, boss, you also have channels to exploit and sell them. The oil fields over there have extremely low costs and extremely high profits, it’s like robbing money!”

It seems that this guy is also a militant. When he heard that Wang Ye agreed to let him go to Zhong D, he immediately became excited.

Wang Ye quickly waved his hand and said: "Keep a low profile! At least keep a low profile in the early stage. I don't want to make a fuss about these things and let international public opinion blame me."

Petrov chuckled and said: "No, even if something happens, others will at most trace it to Wagner Company. As long as the boss doesn't admit that this company has anything to do with you, what can they do? Besides, I I won’t provoke those powerful countries, I’ll just engage in other mercenary companies, etc. There won’t be any big trouble.”

What he said makes sense, even though when Wagner Company was first registered, Wang Ye was the legal representative and the sole major shareholder.

But after Petrov came over later, he planned to make the company bigger.

Wang Ye deliberately re-registered the company and clearly distanced himself from the company.

Of course, in fact he still fully controls Wagner.

Maybe others can figure out the relationship between Wagner and him, but from a legal perspective, there is no "loophole".

As long as Wang Ye doesn't admit it, others can't do anything to him.


In the afternoon, Petrov wanted to show off the results of his work during this period.

All the combatants were specially gathered together to hold a small military parade in the training base...

Standing on the makeshift rostrum, behind Wang Ye stood Petrov, Anton and others in full military uniform.

On the training field in front, teams of heavily armed combatants wearing camouflage uniforms marched in neat steps and shouted slogans.

Armored vehicles roared and filed forward, armed helicopters hovered in the air, and all the belongings of Wagner Company were pulled out...

When the square team advanced to the rostrum, everyone turned to look at Wang Ye and saluted in unison.

Wang Ye also returned a standard salute and shouted "Ula!" into the microphone.

Thunderous shouts rang out from the audience, "Ula! Ula! Ula!!!"

At this moment, Wang Ye felt that the money he had invested in Wagner was worth it!


After the small military parade, Wang Ye enthusiastically boarded the armored vehicle and drove the steel beast around the base.

This thing is completely different from a car. There is no comfort at all, and the suspension is extremely stiff.

People with poor physical fitness can fall apart even if they sit in a circle for a while...

Not to mention the huge engine noise, my ears were ringing for a while after I got off.

In addition to armored vehicles, Wang Ye also tried a helicopter, but he couldn't drive this guy. Instead, Petrov drove and he rode.

The helicopter flew in a large circle over the base and the nearby city of Sevastopol.

The feeling of flying in a helicopter is still different from that of flying in a private plane or a civil aviation aircraft.

After waiting, Wang Ye told Anton: "Find me a coach. I will also learn to fly a helicopter after I return to Moscow!"

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