Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 466 I am more confident than you

After being supported back to the apartment by Ajielina and Nova, Wang Ye went to the bathroom and took a shower. After washing his face with cold water, he sobered up for a while.

After changing into loose and comfortable pajamas, I came to the living room.

Three girls, Agelina, Natalia, and Nova, were sitting there eating fruit and chatting.

Seeing Wang Ye coming out, Ajielina stood up quickly and asked with concern: "Misha, do you feel better? Do you want some tea or something?"

Wang Ye smiled and said: "Let's have a cup of black tea, put two more sugar cubes and a slice of lemon."

The most popular drink here at Lao Maozi, besides vodka, is definitely black tea.

Nova stood up and moved out the large single sofa for Wang Ye to sit down.

When Agelina went to bring black tea, Natalia asked Wang Yedao curiously: "Misha, have you and Meshkov reached an agreement? Do you really want to invest in Crimea... One hundred Billions of dollars!”

Natalia lives in the same apartment as Agelina, so she has known about this for a long time.

But until now, she still can't believe it.

That’s 10 billion US dollars!

Even if this guy Misha is now very rich and well-established, he even has the richest uncle Hovchenko.

But it’s not like he’s that rich…

Natalia has also been working for two or three years, and she still has a clear idea of ​​what 10 billion US dollars means.

No matter how she looked, she couldn't find any place in the Crimean Peninsula that was worthy of Mikhail's investment of 10 billion US dollars!

Not to mention being influenced by Agelina, I fell in love with this beautiful place...

It's okay to fool others with those words, but it's absolutely impossible to fool Natalia.

Between a man and a woman's affair and tens of billions of dollars, which one is more important?

As long as you are a rational person, you may make a judgment without hesitation!

Is Misha an irrational person?

That's obviously impossible!

If you are irrational, let alone Hovchenko is just his uncle, even if he is his biological father, it is impossible for him to be so prodigal...

As for why Mikhail transformed from a "small Chinese businessman" to the nephew of the Russian oligarch Kovchenko, and now he has entered the Duma Parliament and the Economic Committee.

Natalia asked Agelina privately, and the explanation she received was that Mikhail had concealed his true identity before...

From the beginning to the end, Mikhail was a Chinese-Russian and Hovchenko's nephew. He just wanted to keep a low profile and not want to make public, so he said that he was just a small Chinese businessman.

This is what Agelina told Natalia.

At first, Natalia found it a bit hard to believe, but then she thought about it and found that there was no other possibility except this explanation!

Because Mikhail was elected to the Duma and even entered the Economic Committee!

It is impossible for Damao to let Mikhail be elected as a member of the Duma before he has verified his true identity. Otherwise, it would be a big joke!

In addition, if Mikhail is really just a small Chinese businessman, how to explain his rocket-like rise over the past year?

Therefore, no matter which angle you think about it, Natalia can only think that Ajielina's explanation is the only possibility...


After listening to Natalia's words, Wang Ye smiled slightly and replied: "Yes, a formal cooperation agreement has been signed."

Natalia clicked her tongue and said, "Ten billion U.S. dollars! Do you really have that much money to spend?"

"Haha, this is a ten-year cooperation plan. You don't need to spend so much money at once. On average, it is about one billion a year." Wang Ye laughed.

This amount of money is indeed an astronomical figure. Let alone Wang Ye, it is almost impossible for Hovchenko to come up with it all at once.

But if the investment is divided into ten years, then the pressure on Wang Ye will not be great.

Needless to say, the potential companies that Polar Bear Investment Company is investing in now, if you take out a few shares more than ten years later, it will probably cost more than 10 billion US dollars.

The income from the Siberian gold mine alone is enough to cover the amount of investment in Crimea.

So after Wang Ye negotiated with Abu, he immediately threw out the cooperation plan.

Natalia couldn't help but laugh. She was right. With this kind of super investment, it was naturally impossible to take out all the money at once.

It must be invested slowly in phases and projects.

But she still asked doubtfully:

“Are you really that optimistic about the future of Crimea?

I was born and raised here, but I don't feel like there's anything special here.

Except for the better scenery and climate, there is nothing else.

I can understand you opening a gaming and entertainment center, but if you invest so much money, I really can’t figure out how to make it back..."

Her question is actually difficult for many people to understand, including Meshkov, the Speaker, and many senior officials in Crimea!

But no one asked Wang Ye this question. After all, this cooperation is beneficial to everyone. Since others are willing to be the "taken advantage" of investing, how could they refuse.


At this moment, Agelina came over with a cup of black tea, and she heard Natalia's question.

He smiled and replied for Wang Ye: "You were not here today, so you didn't hear what Misha said at the press conference. He said that in ten years, he will give you a miraculous Crimean Peninsula . He has said such things, do you think he is optimistic about Krimi’s future?”

Ajielina knew more than others, because Wang Ye told her something, although it was not too clear.

But she also understood that Crimea seemed to be related to Wang Ye's safety!

As for why Mikhail, who seems to be so famous to outsiders, has any safety issues.

Agelina knew very well...

So she also wanted to do something for Wang Ye to help him.

Wang Ye asked her to come back to Crimea to be a member of the parliament, and Ajielina came back without hesitation, although she did not want to leave Wang Ye's side.

After ending this topic, the four of them chatted for a while.

Agelina also asked Wang Ye how long he planned to stay in Simferopol and how the itinerary was arranged.

Obviously, she hoped that Wang Ye could stay here for two more days. The two had not seen each other for a long time.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Ye shook his head and said: "Let's stay one more day. I'm going to Sevastopol the day after tomorrow. As you know, Wagner Company has built a large security base there. I haven't been there yet since it was built. .Come here this time, just in time to take a look."

Seeing that Ajielina was a little disappointed, Wang Ye quickly changed the subject and said: "Let Nova stay with you for a few days. It just so happens that she hasn't been home for a long time. You can also go home together."

Also, Nova went to Moscow to study in September last year and has not been back home yet.

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