Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 414 Find something for dad to do

"Is there really a million dollars in this card? Where did you get so much money? You won't sell the store, right?" Mom asked, raising her voice.

Dad also said quickly: "You kid! Even if what you said is true, you shouldn't sell the shop. A shop like this can be maintained for three generations, and the longer it is maintained, the more valuable it becomes! How can you buy it right after you buy it? It's a big loss if you sell it! Your mother and I don't want the money, so you should take it back quickly and buy those shops back."

It turns out they were worried about this.

Wang Ye laughed dumbly, waved his hand and said, "Okay, this money is my tribute to you two. The shop is not sold! This money was earned by...that phone card company!"

There is no way, one lie needs a hundred lies to cover it up.

Since there are some things that cannot be told to his parents, Wang Ye can only use "white lies" to deceive his parents...

Mom and Dad wanted to express their shock again, but unfortunately they had been numbed by the shock just now, so hearing what Wang Ye said now was not that exciting.

"Your two companies... make so much money? Several companies and factories in our bureau, with so many workers, can't earn more than one million US dollars in a year!" Dad said incomprehensibly.

Indeed, the Grain Bureau where he works has several companies and factories under its jurisdiction, including hemp spinning factories, additive factories, food processing factories, wineries, etc., all of which are quite large in scale!

After all, ten or twenty years ago, the Grain Bureau was the well-deserved "king"!

Not to mention anything else, there was just a linen spinning factory. It was once the largest enterprise in the county, bar none!

There are thousands of employees!

Unfortunately, the factory has long since declined, and many workers were laid off in the past few years. Now it is estimated that there are only two to three hundred workers left, barely maintaining production.

These factories, let alone making millions of dollars a year, would be happy if the bureau did not allow the bureau to subsidize millions of dollars!

Now Wang Ye says that the phone card company he runs can earn millions of dollars in less than a year!

This was really hard for his dad to understand.

Wang Ye smiled slightly and explained calmly: "Dad, you can't compare it with a labor-intensive factory like a linen spinning factory. You know, although my phone card company sounds like a leather bag company, it is also a communications company." Industry! You should also know how profitable the domestic companies that have been doing BP machines and mobile phone services over the years are. Moreover, my phone card company currently accounts for more than half of the Chinese communications market in Russia. 1 Earning one or two million dollars a year isn’t too much, right?”

When he explained it this way, it did sound much more reasonable.

In fact, Wang Ye did not deceive his father. Over the past year, his dividends from Huaxing Communications alone were not as much as one million US dollars, but they were still hundreds of thousands more!

This is because he gave Ruan Xiaozhu a lot of shares.

If he went out without dividing the shares, he would really get a dividend of almost one million US dollars!

Dad shook his head and sighed: "Hey, people are so irritating. We have so many employees in the bureau and so many factories. As a result, we still suffer various losses every year. We can only rely on financial subsidies to support the employees. The industry is too backward. Moreover, we are too poor here to make any money. This year, the flour improver factory in the bureau wanted to reform and contract it out. As a result, no one dared to take over it! Because once it was taken over, it would not make any money. I don’t know who makes the money, but you have to take responsibility for the hundreds of employees in the factory..."

Wang Ye's father serves as the deputy director of the County Grain Bureau and is in charge of the township grain management offices.

This was definitely a hot spot before!

I dare not say anything else, and Wang Ye’s father doesn’t have the guts, but food and drink have been piled high in the house since Wang Ye can remember...

For example, Jianlibao, which was popular in his childhood, Wang Ye often had dozens of boxes piled up in his home, and he couldn't even finish it.

These were all given by others when they came to do errands. They were not worth much, and there was no violation of regulations or disciplines, because it was just the "custom" at that time.

However, this has not been possible in recent years. The country no longer collects grain in a unified way, and food stamps and the like have long been invalidated, so the Grain Bureau has gradually become lonely.

Wang Ye’s family is no longer as busy as before...

As for the factories under the bureau, they are also seeking reforms and want to be contracted out.

I just want to talk about the contracting fee. The main thing is to find someone to support the workers in the factory. The bureau really doesn’t have that much money to support so many people!

After listening to his father's words, Wang Ye had an idea in his mind. He smiled and said: "Dad, how about... you go and contract the flour improver factory! Anyway, you have been very idle in the past two years, and you don't have much time." Whatever you want to do, it’s better to contract a factory yourself. We don’t care about how much money we make. The key is that after contracting, this large-scale factory will be decided by you alone! Or, if you can buy it If it comes down, don’t contract it, we will buy it directly!”

Wang Ye's father is indeed a restless person, or a "workaholic"!

When I was very busy in the past, I would go out early in the morning and get home late at night, almost all year round, but my father was in very good spirits and rarely got sick.

After two years of leisure, his spirit has visibly weakened, and he has become much older...

It is not unreasonable to say that people tend to get sick easily when they are idle.

Dad's eyes lit up. He felt that Wang Ye's idea was really good. It could be said that it was exactly what he wanted!

The flour improver factory was built by the bureau with an investment of several million. Unfortunately, a year after the factory started operation, the market has not opened up. The factory has such a big structure and so many workers, so it naturally incurred losses.

In addition, in recent years, everything has been about reform and "the country retreats and the people advance". State-owned factories like this, which are not profitable but lose money, are naturally within the scope of being "reformed".

The bureau is also actively promoting reform, hoping to contract all these factories or convert them into joint-stock systems to get rid of these burdens.

It's a pity that there are too few wealthy people in the county, and no one who can take over or dare to take over such a large factory has appeared yet...

Now his son has paid him one million US dollars, which when converted into RMB is more than eight million dollars. It should be enough to contract or even buy the shares of the flour improver factory!

However, he was still a little hesitant and hesitated before saying: "This... running a factory is not the same as running a company. There are so many workers to support. This is a big burden. What if we lose money? Plus taxes It’s not low either, and it’s not easy to turn losses into profits.”

Wang Ye naturally understands what his father is worried about, but he is more confident about this flour improver factory than his father!

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