Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 412: Transform into a dragon when encountering a storm

When Wang Ye went to wash his hands and returned to the dining table, his mother had already brought the steaming food.

There are not many dishes, but there are four, and they are all Wang Ye likes to eat.

The most famous local braised chicken in square bags, braised tofu sticks, braised pork with pickled vegetables from the restaurant next door, and of course the local specialty braised big carp!

Each person had a large bowl of sweet potato porridge and a small basket of steaming white flour steamed buns.

This is the eating habit of Wang Ye's hometown, especially at dinner, steamed buns and porridge are indispensable.

"Come on, eat more. You shouldn't be able to eat these things over there. These are the braised chicken and braised tofu your dad specially went to queue up to buy for you today. It's almost Chinese New Year, and there's a queue at that old store. It takes a long time to buy it, it's so easy for people to make money..." My mother said nonchalantly while picking up a lot of vegetables for Wang Ye.

My mother probably thinks that Wang Ye is living a hard life in Moscow and cannot eat anything good...

Of course Wang Ye didn't say anything. He picked up a big steamed bun with a smile and started eating it.

I have to say, the food in my hometown tastes delicious!

What restaurants has Wang Ye not been to in Moscow, and what good things have he not eaten?

But it really doesn’t taste like this…

A completely different feeling!

Dad smiled and watched Wang Ye enjoying his meal. After he ate for a while, he asked with concern: "You have been there for a year. You should have adapted to the local study and living habits, right? Can Russian language and professional courses be used?" Can you keep up?"

Wang Ye really wanted to tell him that he was more than just adapting, he was as comfortable as a fish in water!

He can even turn into a dragon when the storm strikes...

However, he still held it back, stuffed his mouth with food, and responded vaguely: "It's... good! I'm used to it, and my classmates... and teachers are also very good to me."

Dad nodded with satisfaction and commented: "Boys, you should go out and have a try while you are still young! Xiaoye's learning ability and adaptability are still very strong, I am more reassured about this."

Unconsciously, my father once again put on the "official air" of a small leader.

Wang Ye has long been accustomed to his tone of voice. Not only did he not feel anything, but it actually sounded warm, because this is his father's way of expressing concern and praise...

My mother seized the opportunity and asked about Wang Ye's "female classmate".

"Xiao Ye, didn't you arrive in the capital two days ago? Did you go to play with... your female classmates? Do you have a... good relationship?"

The chopsticks in Wang Ye's hand were hanging in the air.

He was just making an excuse casually at the time, but he didn't expect that his mother had been "pursuing her" all the time. He was careless at the time and shouldn't have said that!

After thinking about it, Wang Ye knew that it was impossible for him to explain clearly on this topic.

Then simply change from passive to active and tell them something directly, something that will shock them!

"Well... Mom and Dad, I have something to tell you." Wang Ye put down his chopsticks and said seriously.

Seeing him like this, his parents suddenly became nervous.

The two of them stared at Wang Ye and asked at the same time: "What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Wang Ye waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "Don't be nervous, it's nothing big. It's just that after I arrived in Moscow, in addition to studying, I also started a small business. I want to tell you about it."

Dad breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "I know this! Not long after you went there, you told me on the phone at home that you wanted to sell phone cards to make some pocket money. I didn't object at the time, but I want you to be careful not to delay your studies. There is no need to rush when it comes to making money. You will make money naturally after you graduate and start working."

My mother was still a little nervous and asked: "What's wrong with selling phone cards? Isn't it a loss? Hey, it's not what my mother said about you. There have been no business people in our family for generations, and we don't have the gene to make money! You still As for students, their main task is to study well, why are they selling phone cards?"

When they said this, Wang Ye almost forgot what he wanted to say...

After being stunned for a while, he shook his head and said: "It's not about selling phone cards... Oh, you can't say that, there is also something about selling phone cards. To put it simply, while not delaying my studies, I started a small business. I made some money...Hey, let’s stop beating around the bush, I’m showing off my cards, I’ve made a lot of money this year!”

Wang Ye, who had always spoken in an orderly manner, became stumbling when speaking in front of his parents.

The main reason is that there are some things that he can't say. It's really difficult to grasp that degree.

Mom and dad looked at each other, obviously very surprised.

Because Wang Ye's words really didn't make them expect it.

This is also understandable.

After all, Wang Ye just graduated from high school one year ago!

A year ago, when Wang Ye was sent abroad, the child was ignorant and didn't know anything. Not to mention a nerd, he was also a very simple high school student.

Not only had Wang Ye not done any business before, not even his family had done any business!

Why did he go abroad for a year and tell his family when he came back that he had made money in business...

"Then...what kind of business did you do?" Dad's face became serious.

Mom quickly added: "The important thing is how much money you make!"

Wang Ye sorted out his thoughts and said, "Now I have opened two companies and bought some shops in Moscow..."

As soon as he said a word, my mother was frightened.

My mother's hand shook for some reason, almost knocking over the rice bowl in front of her, and the sweet potato porridge spilled on the table.

She hurriedly found a rag to wipe the table.

Wang Ye sighed inwardly, fortunately he didn't plan to tell them everything.

Judging from my mother’s behavior, if she really tells everything, it’s hard to say whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing for her...

After all, dad has seen the world and can keep his composure.

He observed Wang Ye's expression and felt that this kid must not be lying, so he said: "Don't worry about your mother, continue to talk about what business the two companies do, and you said that buying a shop in Moscow, foreigners are allowed there. Do people buy real estate?”

Dad got the point right!

Wang Ye replied: "One company is related to phone cards. It contracts the dedicated lines of communication companies, makes cards specifically for making calls to China, and sells them to Chinese students and Chinese businessmen there. The other company is engaged in the intermediary business of studying abroad.

As for shops, I don’t know if foreigners can buy ordinary real estate, but there is a very large wholesale market over there where foreign businessmen are doing business. Anyone can buy the shops there. I That's where I bought the shop, and bought... three hundred shops! "

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