Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 401 Private jets are not expensive either

On a trip to the Black Sea Shipyard, Wang Ye "spent" another 80 million US dollars.

The $100 million in dividends received from Kovchenko was almost spent before it was even warm in my hands...

The large sum of money in his hand, after subtracting the 80 million for the purchase of the ship, only left over 60 million.

But the money has to be spent!

Due to work needs, it is imminent to purchase a private jet, which is another considerable expense.

After returning to Moscow, Wang Ye called Abu to inquire about buying a private jet.

Abramovich controls Russia's second largest airline, so he is naturally familiar with the ropes.

After hearing Wang Ye's request, he pondered for a moment and then replied with a smile:

"Indeed, you should buy a private jet, and it's actually not expensive.

As far as I know, Boeing will launch a new model of private jet this year, the Gulfstream G550!

The parameters of this aircraft are quite amazing. The maximum flight distance can reach 12,000 kilometers!

This means that you can reach any city directly from Moscow without stopping for refueling.

However, it is estimated that it will take about a year for the aircraft to be delivered.

During this period, if you need it, you can rent an aircraft from our airline first, which is cheaper. "

Gulfstream G550?

When Wang Ye heard this, he was moved in his heart. The reputation of this aircraft is not small!

According to his understanding, in later generations, this aircraft has been favored by the world's top wealthy people since its launch. Many world-class wealthy people have chosen this model of aircraft for their personal cars.

If the price is right, you can get one!

"How much does this plane cost? If it's too expensive, I can't afford it." Wang Ye asked with a smile.

Indeed, he now only has more than 60 million US dollars in cash in his hand. If it exceeds this amount, he will really not know where to get some money for a while.

You can't just take out a loan just to buy a small plane, that would be too much of a loss!

Abu laughed and said: "It's not expensive! The total price of this Gulfstream G550 is just over 50 million US dollars. Of course, if you have any special requirements for the interior decoration, there is no upper limit."

Wang Ye felt relieved when he heard that it was only US$50 million. The price was acceptable and not expensive.

"Okay, uncle, please help me make some arrangements. Just order the Gulfstream G550. Make the interior decoration more beautiful, and the total budget... will not exceed 60 million US dollars. After the aircraft is delivered, it will be hung with uncle. With your airline, it is also convenient to apply for routes, parking aprons and maintenance." Wang Ye said simply.

Fortunately, Abu has this kind of relationship, and fortunately Abu owns a large airline, which saves Wang Ye a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t even know where to order this Gulfstream G550.

Not to mention that it is also very cumbersome to go through various procedures after the aircraft is delivered.

Now, let Abu's airline come forward. Not only can you easily book a plane, but a series of subsequent formalities will also be handled by professionals.

Wang Ye only needs to pay and use it!


After booking the flight, the funds in Wang Ye's personal account were emptied again.

There is only more than three million US dollars left in his personal account, which is the salary and various subsidies paid by several companies.

But he doesn't have any major expenses in the short term. If he just goes home, the money should be enough...

It is now mid-January. The Spring Festival of 2002 is in February of the Gregorian calendar. Wang Ye plans to go back at the end of the month.

Because of his other status, he naturally cannot go back to China for a month-long vacation like ordinary students.

After careful planning, Wang Ye was able to free up half a month of time, so as not to "alert" others as much as possible.

Before returning to China, he must also arrange everything that needs to be arranged and lay the groundwork that needs to be done.

Otherwise, it would be hard to say that Mikhail, as the boss of several large companies and a member of the Duma, would suddenly disappear for half a month...

Therefore, Wang Ye's statement to the outside world is that he is going to the Crimean Peninsula to accompany Agelina back to Yalta to stay for a while and have a rest!

This reason is quite reasonable.

Because January is the coldest time here in Moscow, many wealthy people and political figures will go abroad for vacation to escape the cold.

He is considered qualified now!

It's easy to talk to several companies. After all, he is the boss. The boss wants to go on vacation for half a month. This is not too much, and no one dares to say anything.

It's easy to say about the Duma. After all, Wang Ye is just an ordinary member of parliament now. He does not hold any committee positions and is not that busy at work.

Even if you miss a meeting or two, no one will care at all. Just ask for leave in advance.

The key is the Kremlin side...

After thinking for a long time, Wang Ye dialed Gebrev's phone number.

"Uncle Gorbrev, I will be going abroad for a period of time at the end of this month, about half a month. Let me tell you in advance."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and Gebrev asked with a smile: "So long? Which country are you going to?"

Wang Ye hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and replied: "I am going to China. My Kitty Eagle Group has set up a branch there and will vigorously develop its business there in the future. So I wanted to go there and check it out. Condition."

"Oh, go there. It seems that the traditional Spring Festival will be here soon. I wish you a happy Spring Festival in advance and good luck in your work." Gebrev said meaningfully.

Wang Ye grinned and smiled silently.

Obviously, Mikhail and Wang Ye are the same person, and Gebrev must know this!

Of course, Wang Ye also knew that Gebrev knew about this...

However, neither of them made the matter clear!

Some things just require this kind of tacit understanding, and it's fine if everyone is tacitly understanding it. But if it really needs to be made clear, the relationship will become difficult.


Before returning to China, I bought all the gifts I should buy.

Wang Ye asked Nalan Yaqi to go to the shopping mall in the city center and buy two good mink coats, one for men and one for women. This was a gift for his parents.

It looks shiny and the quality seems to be very good. My parents will probably like it...

In addition to this, Wang Ye also specially bought a few black Russians to take back.

He wanted to smoke cigarettes himself, but also planned to give his father a taste to see if the cigarette suited his taste. After all, his father was also an old smoker.

After everything was ready, it was time to leave for home. This time, Wang Ye returned as his original identity, that is, as an ordinary international student.

Of course, it’s not right to talk about ordinary international students, because ordinary international students will not fly first class when they return to their country...

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