Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 387 Seeing my former self

"I...when did I know a boss Zhang?" Wang Ye asked suspiciously.

But no one could give him an answer to this question.

Because even he himself is not sure, then others will not know either...

After hesitating for a while, Wang Ye stood up and said to the two women: "You guys should eat first, and I'll go down and take a look. In case it's someone I really know."

Ruan Xiaozhu and Nalan Yaqi were also very sensible. They knew that it would be inconvenient for Wang Ye to take them there when he was going to deal with casino matters, so they didn't mention it at all.

Wang Ye took the security personnel and took the elevator to the fifth floor and walked into the living room.

Boss Zhang, who was sitting there with his head down and drinking water, heard the footsteps and turned his head to look over.

As soon as he saw Wang Ye coming in, his eyes lit up and he made an unexpected move.

"Plop", he actually knelt there!

As soon as Wang Ye walked in, he saw this scene and everyone was stunned.

However, he did not step forward himself. Instead, he waved his hand and motioned to the security personnel around him to help Lao Zhang up.

He asked himself: "Mr. Zhang, right? I heard that you know me. Forgive me for being offended, but I don't seem to know him..."

This was said in Chinese, but I don’t know if it’s because Wang Ye has basically been speaking Russian in the past year, or it’s intentional. When he speaks Chinese now, he feels like he has a “foreign” accent, but it doesn’t sound like “ "Pure" Chinese accent...

Before he could finish speaking, Boss Zhang said eagerly: "Aren't you Mr. Mikhail? I do business in the New Sun Market, so of course I know you."

Wang Ye was stunned.

So that's what happened...

Indeed, according to what he said, at least 90% of the people playing at Kitty Eagle Entertainment Center know him!

This Boss Zhang probably met me a few times in the big market. Now he is in urgent need of medical treatment, so he just claims that he knows him...

But now that he's here, he's not in a hurry to leave.

Besides, Wang Ye felt a little sad when he saw a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties kneeling down to him, a young man in his twenties, for "that little" money. He looked a little sympathetic to Boss Zhang.

"Hey, get up. I heard that you lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in one day? Although this is a lot of money, it is not a big sum for bosses like you. Go back to China and get a good batch of goods, and work hard next year Just do it and you can make money back soon." Wang Ye persuaded.

To be honest, it is very easy to help Boss Zhang. It only costs more than a hundred thousand dollars. Wang Ye can take it out casually.

But the problem is, this opening cannot be opened!

I run a casino, and if someone loses too much and makes trouble, I will kneel down and fill the hole.

Is that still called a casino operator? Doesn’t it mean that it has become a charity...

Because those who have won money from here will not think about sharing the money they earned!

After hearing what Wang Ye said, Boss Zhang grinned and tears began to fall again.

While choking, he rambled on and told Wang Ye his story...


Speaking of which, this boss Zhang is not easy either.

He came to Russia more than ten years ago. He started working as a handyman for the first batch of "traffickers" at the border, and slowly started to start a small business of his own.

I just came to Moscow a few years ago and "shared a stall" with others.

At that time, the rent of stalls in the ACT market was no longer cheap, and his business was not that big. One person could not afford to run a stall.

So I rented a stall with two other friends, and the three of us split the cost.

Moreover, the goods sold are not sent directly from China, because the strength does not allow it. They are all taken from other powerful Chinese bosses and resold to make a small profit in the middle price.

Although it is possible to make money, it is obviously not much. Excluding the expenses here, I cannot save much money every year.

It wasn't until this year that the business started to pick up, and he also opened a shop in the New Sun Market.

Taking advantage of New Sun Group's "regular customs clearance", we contacted domestic friends' manufacturers and bought a batch of goods to sell.

As of a few days ago, this batch of goods had been sold for 77% to 88%, and he had nearly 150,000 US dollars in cash in his hand!

The point is, most of this money is unpaid payment and needs to be given to domestic manufacturers.

The money that really belongs to Boss Zhang is only 50,000 to 60,000 US dollars...

If what happened today had not happened, perhaps Boss Zhang's life would have been on track.

Next year we will ship more goods and make more money, and we will ship more goods and make more money...

Most Chinese bosses have grown their business bigger and bigger through this cycle.

Until you become a millionaire or a multi-millionaire!

It's a pity that he lost all the 150,000 US dollars today!

Now he has worked for nothing for more than ten years and still owes the manufacturer a large amount of money. How can this prevent him from collapse...


After hearing Lao Zhang's story, Wang Ye could only express sympathy.

He shook his head and said: "Although I sympathize with you, you have chosen your own path. If you export the money, you have to bear the consequences. So, I will personally sponsor you a ticket to return to China. I wish you the best." Good luck..."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the conference room.

Wang Ye felt that a bad gambler like Lao Zhang was not worthy of sympathy.

When they win, they get carried away with themselves. When they lose, they cry and swear to God that they will turn around. But as long as they are given a chance, they will definitely continue to gamble.

Give me a ticket and let Lao Zhang go back to China to "repent". Even if he wants to commit suicide, don't do it in his own place...

Before Wang Ye could walk out, Lao Zhang struggled hard to get away from the support of the two security guards and knelt down again with a "pop".

"Mr. Mikhail, please help me. I know that for a big shot like you, more than 100,000 is nothing.

But for me, this... this is the life of our family!

I admit that I came here to gamble because I wanted to get something for nothing. I wanted to bring back some more money to buy a house for my family before returning to China.

My wife has been with me for almost ten years, and now I can’t afford to buy her an apartment in the city, and I still let her live in the countryside with her children. I feel sorry for both of them..."

Wang Ye, who was about to go out, stood stunned on the spot, and many fragments appeared in his mind like lightning.

Wasn't he the same as Lao Zhang now...

In order to let his family live a better life and gain a foothold in the big city, he took risks, hoping to gain as much wealth as possible in a short period of time!

In my previous life, I was a stock trader, but now Lao Zhang is a gambler, which sounds different.

But in fact, the essence is the same...

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