Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 348 One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers

What Wang Ye said was a bit harsh!

After hearing this, Gebrev and the Emperor looked at each other, and it was Gebrev who asked again.

He asked: "You haven't been exposed to many things, so you don't understand. We and the West are now partners and friends, not competitors, let alone enemies. They have promised us..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Ye interrupted him rudely.

"Don't listen to what they say, but watch what they do!"

Gebrev paused and said in a daze: "Do it? They didn't do anything, and they even gave us some financial help."

On the Emperor's side, he seemed to have remembered something and frowned even more tightly.

Wang Yexiao asked: "Although I don't know the inside story, I can understand it just by looking at the superficial things. Uncle Gebrev, I want to ask you, what are the various economic support plans that the West has promised us? No matter how much has been implemented, are most of them still just verbal promises?”

Gorbrev was speechless.

Indeed, Europe and the United States have made a lot of promises to Russia, said a lot of nice things, and put forward a lot of good-looking plans.

But what actually falls into place is almost invisible.

In other words, in the past ten years since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Russia has not received many benefits from the other party.

Wang Ye further said: "There is another very obvious thing that will have far-reaching consequences. I think you two must have seen it, that is, BY is still expanding eastward! Which country was this organization established to deal with? , I shouldn’t need to explain it!”

Both Gebrev and the Emperor were silent. It doesn't mean that they didn't see these things or didn't think about them.

But before Wang Ye said it to the point, they were all deceiving themselves, or in other words, they still had illusions...

From an emotional or historical perspective, this country is still more Western and has deep connections with Western European countries.

Therefore, from top to bottom, everyone chose to believe in the promises of the West, and that is why the disintegration of the former Soviet Union happened.

But the problem is that ten years have passed since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, and the West has yet to see anything it promised.

Especially two years ago, in 1999, North Y carried out a round of expansion, and Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic officially joined!

This means that BY's sphere of influence is further expanding, and the direction of expansion is in Eastern Europe...


The emperor sighed slightly. In fact, he has not yet grown into a "complete body", especially in terms of thinking, which is greatly influenced by his teachers and old superiors.

His teacher Sobchak was a well-known pro-Western representative in Russia. He even competed with Yeltsin and was known as the leader of Russia's second core group!

As for the emperor's old superior, needless to say, it is Ye Liqin.

Under the influence of these two people, it is conceivable that the emperor also believes that if Russia wants to develop better, it must integrate into the West!

Therefore, in the face of the West's dishonesty and the North's continued eastward expansion, the emperor endured it and comforted himself by saying that the other party did not have any malicious intentions. As long as Russia showed enough goodwill and yearning, then sooner or later the Western countries would Will accept this "poor relative".

But today, when Wang Ye exposed him to his face, the emperor became a little alarmed.

Yes, you can’t depend on what the other party says, but on what they do!

If they really have good intentions towards Russia, why do Western countries do things that are full of malicious intent?

Seeing that both of them were deep in thought, Wang Ye emphasized his tone and said, "I wonder if you have seen the evaluation of us by some European and American media?"

"What evaluation?" Gebrev asked subconsciously.

"They say we are a gas station disguised as a country!" Wang Ye said with a bitter smile.

Gebrev grinned, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Although such a comment hurts one's self-esteem, it cannot be wrong.

Because since its disintegration, Russia's economy has been sluggish and full of waste.

Apart from exporting petroleum and natural resources, there is really nothing to offer...

The emperor also joked helplessly from the side: "It's not comprehensive enough. Our gas station can not only refuel, but also natural gas."

Oil and natural gas are the two core energy sources in Russia. It can be said that 70 to 80% of the national economy is supported by this!


Deep-rooted ideas cannot be changed by just a few words from Wang Ye.

So Gorbrev smoothed things over and said: "Take your time, it's not that easy to integrate into Europe. After all, the two sides have been fighting for decades. Even if you want to integrate now, it will probably take some time. But as long as the top leaders on both sides can Reach an agreement and slowly promote the development of the relationship between the two parties, and sooner or later things will change."

The emperor also nodded and emphasized: "Gablev is right. This is like an iceberg. It doesn't take a day and a half to melt completely. But as long as there is sunshine, the temperature will slowly rise. Sooner or later, it will melt." It will become warm water one day.”

Seeing that both of them were deceiving themselves, Wang Ye had no choice but to use his trump card!

He said seriously: "According to my judgment, by next year at the latest, that is, 2002, Beiyang will carry out a new round of eastward expansion! If this really happens, will you still have illusions about Europe and the United States?"

These words made the two of them look at each other in confusion.

After a while, he asked suspiciously: "Are you... kidding me? Why haven't we received any news yet, and there are no signs that this will happen? How do you judge it?" "

If what Wang Ye said is really verified, then the problem will be huge!

Because this is definitely a huge threat to Russia!

This matter is not something that can be solved by "taking your time", but is very obviously malicious!

Wang Ye shrugged. Of course, he couldn't say that he had witnessed it with his own eyes in his "previous life". He could only explain:

“Because in 1999, on the 50th anniversary of the founding of Northern Y, they publicly issued several so-called declarations, and they had some unpleasantness with us because of the war with the Alliance.

In order to maintain their strong position, or to show their energy to the world, some actions will inevitably be taken in the past two years.

The simplest and most effective way is naturally to continue to win over some countries to become their allies, that is, the younger brother. "

"Then why can't you bring us in? Misha, you may not know that we also proposed to join Bei Y, and they said they would seriously consider it." Gebrev retorted hard.

Wang Ye smiled slightly, "It's very simple, because there is no room for two tigers in one mountain!"

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