Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 336 Heaven and Hell

"Misha, we have been in San Francisco for so long and we haven't even gone out for a walk. I finally have nothing to do today. Why don't you go out with me?"

In the evening, Katya took Wang Ye's arm and begged.

Also, in the past few days since I came to the United States, I have been busy meeting and negotiating with people from Apple and Google, or having meetings and discussions in hotels. I have been extremely busy.

Although San Francisco, where they live, is considered a relatively prosperous city, they have never traveled outside.

Katya is also very sensible. She has been running around with Wang Ye in the past few days, playing the role of a "vase".

Wang Ye smiled and said cheerfully: "Okay, then we won't have dinner at the hotel tonight. We will go to the shopping mall in the city center, buy something, have a meal or something."

In fact, the hotel they stayed in was located in the center of San Francisco, not far from the busiest commercial area.

Therefore, Wang Ye and Katya took Seryosha and another bodyguard out without asking the hotel to send a car.

As for Milner and others, of course they don't have time to go shopping and are still busy with various procedural issues.


Walking out of the hotel, walking through an alley, you arrive at the most prosperous commercial district, where shopping malls, restaurants, bars and various shopping and entertainment facilities are gathered together, making it quite prosperous.

It has to be said that the population of the United States is still much larger than that of Russia. After all, there are more than 300 million people.

Russia has a population of only 140 million.

San Francisco is another important city in California. Although the population is not very large, less than one million, the population density is still quite large.

In addition, the population and ethnic groups here are relatively complex, and people of all colors and races can be seen, including many Chinese.

Wang Ye and the others walked on the street without any violation.

Went to the most upscale shopping mall in the area and walked around with Katya for a long time, but didn't buy anything.

Wang Ye was already a little tired from turning around, so he asked with a smile: "Why don't you just want to buy it? You don't have to save money for me. You can choose whatever you want to buy."

With his current net worth, saying this would be considered modest...

Buy some clothes, bags and other things, it’s not even a drizzle.

Katya smiled like a flower and replied happily: "You don't have to buy anything. If you need anything, you can buy it in Moscow. When it comes to shopping, the focus is on shopping rather than buying. You don't understand us girls."

Well, Wang Ye really doesn't understand, he rarely goes shopping.

Whenever you go to a shopping mall, you have to buy something. After you go there, you go straight to the target, buy it after you have selected it, and leave after buying it...

Wang Ye really didn't know what fun it was to wander around like Katya, whose legs were sore from walking, but didn't buy anything.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ye said: "It just so happens that I have some things to buy. After all, we have to come to the United States and buy some gifts to give away."

What Wang Ye thought about was that he didn't seem to have given anything to people like Hovchenko, Gebrev, Abu, and even the emperor.

Although these people probably don't care about gifts, but because of the worldly nature, it is better to give something than not to give it, and it can also increase the "favorability" a little bit.

As soon as she heard that Wang Ye wanted to buy a gift for someone, Katya became more energetic. She enthusiastically came up with an idea: "Are you going to give it to a man or a woman?"

"Well, it's mainly men. You can also buy some gifts for girls. Like you and Ajielina, I haven't given you any gifts yet. You can choose one later and treat it as a gift from me. It's your fault. You've been running around with me these days and you've been tired too." Wang Ye replied.

After hearing this, Katya looked at Wang Ye with tender eyes.

Girls like her are meant to live "attached" to a powerful man.

It can also be said that their "master" can completely determine their fate!

Some girls are pitiful. When they meet an old man with a big belly, they will end up miserable when they get tired of playing with him.

Fortunately, she was lucky enough to meet a young, handsome, wealthy, generous and passionate man like Wang Ye...

"Then...if you buy so many gifts, you have to go shopping for a while." Katya said softly.

Wang Ye said casually: "No, one store can solve the problem. When we were shopping just now, I saw a PP watch store on the first floor of the mall. Buy more watches, suitable for men and women!"

He just wanted to save trouble...

However, Patek Philippe watches are indeed very suitable for Wang Ye to give away.

The quality and price are there, so you won’t feel shabby giving it to anyone. Moreover, after someone else gets it, it is very suitable for personal use, collection, or even as a gift.

Besides, Wang Ye is really too lazy to go to many stores to choose gifts for everyone!


When you come to the first floor, there are two rows of luxury brands near the entrance of the mall, including LV, Hermès and Chanel.

In addition, luxury watches and jewelry are also indispensable, including Cartier, Rolex, and Patek Philippe.

As for watches, Wang Ye only knows about Patek Philippe and Rolex. In his previous life, he didn’t have the capital to play with watches...

The store decorated with dark brown mahogany and huge crystal glass looks very stylish. Through the transparent window, you can see that there are not many people in the store, or almost no one.

After all, few people can afford a watch at this price, so it is normal for there to be no one in the store...

Standing at the door was a tall and handsome young man, wearing a crisp suit and white gloves. When he saw Wang Ye and Katya walking straight over, he immediately showed a bright smile on his face, bent down and helped them open the door of the store. , welcome the two of them.

Seryosha and the other bodyguard did not come in.

They found a place to smoke at the entrance of the shopping mall. While smoking, they paid attention to the movement of the Patek Philippe store, so that if there was any emergency, they could rush there as soon as possible.

In fact, Lao America is not that chaotic, especially in high-end shopping malls like this, where there are quite a lot of police patrolling back and forth.

In the United States, polarization is extremely serious. The wealthy areas are picturesque and peaceful, and the people who live here are gentle, polite and quality.

In the black areas or places where the poor gather, they are dilapidated, and pornography, gambling, and drugs are rampant. At night, the police dare not go there to patrol, and of course they are unwilling to go there. After all, there is not enough tax paid here...

There was a saying in a TV series that said very well, "If you love someone, send him to New York, because that is heaven; if you hate someone, send him to New York, because that is hell"!

It’s not just New York, it’s like this across the United States.

Apparently, for the rich, it’s paradise!

And for the poor, this is hell...

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