Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 291 Just throw money at it

At Polar Bear Investment Company, because Wang Ye came over, no one else said a word, and Wang Ye made all the decisions.

After Wang Ye heard what Brother Xiao Ma said, he smiled slightly.

He could understand Brother Xiao Ma's mood. He was scared of poverty. He finally met two "Gods of Wealth". Now he was surprised, happy and also very nervous at the same time.

I don’t want the price to be too low, because that would be a loss.

At the same time, he didn’t dare to open his mouth casually, for fear of scaring the God of Wealth away!

So I can only express my attitude "within limits" and try to be neither humble nor overbearing.

However, Wang Ye did not want to make things difficult for these people. After all, they were all his compatriots, and investing in Penguin Company would indeed bring him huge returns.

It is still necessary to spend more money now to maintain the relationship between yourself and the founders of Penguin.

He said cheerfully: "Well, I also heard that the other party valued Penguin at US$60 million? But will they actually pay you US$20 to 30 million? Can you get the money? ?"

These few questions stumped Brother Ma.

He didn't know if he needed to answer truthfully, and he didn't dare to lie to the other party.

Who knows if those who invest in Polar Bear already know the details of the South African MIH company's quotation...

It would be so embarrassing if someone knew about it and he lied to others!

Vice President Zhang next to him was relatively tactful. After all, he had a lot of dealings with investment companies, so he came out to smooth things over and said: "Well, naturally we can't disclose the details of the other party's quotation casually. But what can be revealed is that the other party's move is indeed very serious. The price is generous and the price is quite satisfactory. It can be said that after receiving this investment from MIH, Penguin will be able to support it for at least another year and a half before starting the next round of financing again."

Wang Ye nodded. He really didn't know what kind of specific plan the South African MIH had given. Milner and the others only found out a general situation.

But it doesn’t matter. Wang Ye believes that as soon as his quotation is announced, Xiao Ma and the others will immediately forget about the South African MIH company...

Qu raised his fingers and tapped the table casually, making a "bang bang" sound. Wang Ye frowned and thought about it.

Everyone in the conference room was staring closely at this young man, because what he said next could really determine the future of Penguin!


"With a valuation of 100 million, we will provide 50 million to acquire 50% of the shares held by your existing shareholders. In addition, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, we will invest another 20 million in cash into the company, and the remaining shareholders can also invest additionally. Of course you can give up." Wang Ye said simply.

Brother Ma blurted out: "US dollars?"

"Of course." Wang Ye smiled.

This means that Wang Ye’s valuation of Penguin is US$100 million!

Far more than the US$60 million valuation of Penguin by South Africa's MIH...

More importantly, the investment plan given by Wang Ye is also extremely superior!

Fifty million in cash is used to acquire the shares held by shareholders, which means that everyone, including Ponyboy and Superboy, can get a huge amount of cash!

In addition, Polar Bear will invest an additional US$20 million in the company as operating capital.

The remaining shareholders can also add additional funds in proportion, so that their shares will not be diluted!

Wang Ye came here to make the final decision and to knock Brother Ma and the others unconscious with money!

In today's Internet winter, the offer he gave is definitely the best plan. It is impossible for any investment company to bid higher than him...


Brother Xiao Ma and others couldn't care less about talking at this moment, everyone was thinking nervously.

If after accepting the offer from Polar Bear Investment Company, you need to sell how many shares you have, and then make additional investment, is it better to follow up or give up the right to additional investment...

Penguin's current shareholder structure is relatively simple. Last year, it received an investment of US$2 million from Superboy and gave Superboy 25% of its shares.

In addition, a state-owned enterprise in Pengcheng holds 15% of the shares.

The remaining 60% of the shares are owned by Xiao Ma and other company founders.

Among them, Xiao Ma personally owns 35% of the shares, and Vice President Zhang and other six people collectively own 25% of the shares.

In this round of financing, Superboy has already said that he will withdraw, and he does have the first right to cash out, which was agreed upon by both parties in the previous round of financing.

So, out of the $50 million in cash from the polar bear, Superboy will take away $2,500 himself!

Thinking of this, Brother Ma feels a little heartbroken.

Superboy has made a lot of money from this investment. He spent two million last year, and in just one year, he made ten times the profit!

But this is what people should earn.

After all, when Superboy invested last year, Penguin's situation was not much better than it is now, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy...

To be honest, even now, no one, including Xiao Ma, is really optimistic about Penguin Software. Speaking of which, this thing is also an important part of Internet applications.

The number of users is quite high, and the frequency of use is also high. To use a more professional term, the "monthly and daily active share" is very high, but any company must make a profit in the end.

How this thing is profitable, no one can tell yet...

Just look at ICQ, the leader of global instant messaging software. It is much better than Little Penguin and is popular all over the world!

But in the end, I didn't find how to make a profit, so I had to "sell" myself to America Online. Fortunately, I bought it at a good price, and the founder directly became a billionaire!

In fact, the reason why Xiao Ma and the others are able to persist until now is that they don't have much ideals.

Their ultimate dream is to be like ICQ, to build a company and sell it at a good price...


"Well... Mr. Mikhail, can you give us some time? We need to discuss this plan." Xiao Ma said nervously.

Wang Ye naturally didn't mind, so he waved his hand and said with a smile: "Of course, but it's better to hurry up. I hope the matter can be settled today. I have to return to Moscow tomorrow, so I don't have much time to waste here."

"That's right, we'll discuss it right away. It won't take up too much of your time." Xiao Ma said quickly.

The founders of Penguin all got up and went to the small conference room next door because everyone needed to discuss it.

In addition to the 25% of Xiangjiang Little Superman's shares, how many shares do everyone have to give to Polar Bear Investment Company?

Obviously, there must be no one who doesn’t want to sell their shares. After all, at this price, it’s basically something you can only come by...

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