Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 273 I have my persistence

"This matter is actually not too difficult to handle, but I need to use some manpower, and the cost may be a little higher." Wang Ye said after considering it.

When it comes to money, Hovchenko is very happy. He said without hesitation: "It doesn't matter. As long as the matter can be solved smoothly and the group personnel can successfully take over the oil field, the money can be used as desired, there is no upper limit!"

Of course, when he said there was no upper limit, that was only to allow Wang Ye to spend money with confidence, but it did not mean that there really was no upper limit...

Wang Ye also understood, so he said with a smile: "Okay, tomorrow you send the letter of appointment and authorization documents to me, and I will leave immediately to deal with it. By the way, let the employees of the group not come back to Moscow yet, just Find a hotel where you are and wait for me."

Since he is confident that the problem can be solved in the past, there is no need to withdraw the employees sent by the group.

After all, Wang Ye was only there to solve the problem of taking over, and he would come back after the problem was solved. Those who actually took over the oil field had to be professionals from the group.

Hovchenko also understood and nodded.

This sudden incident was settled within a few words between the two of them.

It can only be said to be a coincidence. It might have taken Wang Ye a long time to actually intervene in the affairs of the Yukos Group.

But now, because he was needed to solve the problem and Wang Ye himself had expressed his opinion, Hovchenko let him join the Yukos Group and serve as his special assistant first.


After chatting about this matter, Hovchenko seemed to have remembered something, and asked with a smile: "I heard that the New Sun Group is doing quite well now. What kind of franchise has it obtained? The gray customs clearance has also been regularized?"

Wang Ye smiled lightly and said seriously:

“Things that violate the law are destined to be short-lived!

New Sun Group cannot make money just for the sake of making money, because the goods sold in our market are related to people's livelihood, so we must have a corresponding sense of social responsibility!

Let merchants do business with peace of mind, reduce their business costs and risks, and provide them with a safe and long-term business environment. This is what our market operators need to do.

Only in this way can merchants boldly expand their business scale, import more and higher-quality goods, and improve the living standards of the public..."

Later generations have seen too many news reports. When talking about these "big principles", Wang Ye said one thing after another, which even stunned Hovchenko.

After hearing this, Hovchenko felt a little self-doubt. The New Sun Group was originally a small business he started casually. It was just to make some money at the beginning. Does it have such great social significance?

But it can also be seen that this young man Misha is not only extremely talented in business, but also has a long-term vision and a big pattern!

It seems that I have really found an excellent "successor"!

Worth cultivating!

Hovchenko forgot what question he wanted to ask Wang Ye because of Wang Ye's great reasoning...

After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered and said, "By the way, who helped you get the special effects rights?"

Wang Ye said frankly: "Uncle Gebrev helped me do it. In fact, I took the initiative to ask him for help. I mentioned this matter when I got the gambling card last time, and it's only now that I've done it."

Hovchenko stared at Wang Ye, "Do you have a good relationship now? It's not easy for him to be willing to help with such a big favor."

Wang Ye said calmly: "Haha, uncle, have you forgotten what I just said?

The person who benefits most from this franchise is not me, nor New Sun Group.

But it’s the thousands of merchants in the market and the vast number of Russian people!

I explained all the stakes to Uncle Gorbrev clearly, so he was willing to help me.

It can also be said that he is not helping me, but the people in Russia, so that everyone can buy high-quality and low-priced Chinese products at the lowest price! "

After listening to it, Hovchenko always felt that something was wrong, but he had to admit that what Wang Ye said made sense...

Indeed, Godbrev is a high-level official figure. For such a person, he is still happy to see things that are beneficial to the country and society.

It is not strange to help Wang Ye for this reason...

But, is Wang Ye really that noble?

In the end, Hovchenko could only shake his head and smile bitterly: "Well, compared with you, it seems that we old guys have no sense of social responsibility and only know how to make money. No wonder many ordinary people in society are disgusted with us so-called oligarchs Woolen cloth."

Obviously, Hovchenko often reads newspaper news and understands the current direction of public opinion...

Wang Ye felt that this was a good time. He had always wanted to find an opportunity to persuade Hovchenko to stop being so stubborn!

To see the current situation clearly, the emperor's position is already very secure. There is no need to go against the emperor, because there is no chance of winning...

What is the purpose of something that is destined to fail?

So he quickly said: "Uncle, reputation and everything can be changed. Don't you think Uncle Abu has done a good job? Hasn't he been doing charity and public welfare in the past two years, and he has also brought trouble to Chukotka State?" He is very impressive, not only from the official government but also from the public, he is highly praised."

Wang Ye is personally very optimistic about Abu. He is definitely a smart man!

He also hopes that Hovchenko can learn from Abramovich, and it is best to follow the same route as Abramovich, so that he can advance, attack, retreat and defend without any risk.

Unfortunately, Hovchenko seems to look down on Abramovich and scorns his style of doing things.

Therefore, after listening to Wang Ye's words, Hovchenko smiled brightly and said nonchalantly: "He has his ideas and methods, and I also have my persistence. After I smooth out the company's affairs, I may go into politics. Then you will know my ambition! It is absolutely impossible for me to flatter and be someone else’s dog! What’s more, I don’t think his tactics can save Russia!”

This is the first time that Hovchenko mentioned in front of Wang Ye that he was going to enter politics...

Wang Ye became anxious as soon as he heard this. He couldn't help but pick up this pot!

What I fear most is that Kovchenko will enter politics, and then have a conflict with the emperor because of different ideas.

In that case, if the conflict between the two parties intensifies, you will have to choose a side!

However, I have no choice...

He also wants to take advantage of the current short "peace period" to get enough benefits for himself and grow up quickly!

Therefore, for Wang Ye, the longer this period of peace is, the better.

It would be best to remain peaceful...

But some things are obviously not based on his will. No matter how much he doesn't want to see it, it will happen!

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