Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 176 This is professionalism

Anton said expressionlessly: "Kill them two, and you can survive and become a gang leader when you go back. Otherwise..."

Needless to say what follows, I believe Elmar also understands.

Elmar swallowed, a little at a loss.

His body was trembling, and he seemed to want to reach out and take the pistol, but after trying several times, his hand could not be raised.

Lokayev and his cousin next to him naturally heard what Anton said.

Lokayev was furious, turned around and stared at Elmar, and said grimly: "Do you think they will spare you if you do this? They are just playing tricks on you!"

And his cousin had already begun to curse, "Suka Bu! If you want to act quickly, don't play such little tricks. Let me tell you, as long as something happens to the three of us, you will never have an easy time in the future! Brothers will help us." It’s not just you who are taking revenge, but your family members, no one can escape!”

Anton glanced at him coldly, raised his left hand, and slightly curled his fingers.

A strong man wearing a black hood came up from behind, raised his AK74 with his backhand, and hit Lokayev's cousin directly on the head with the butt of the gun.

With a muffled "bang" sound, my cousin was knocked to the ground.

He no longer acted like a hero, but was rolling around on the ground in pain.


"You only have three seconds to choose, 3~! 2!..."

Anton looked at Elmar and said coldly.

When he counted to "2," Elmar gritted his teeth and reached for the gun in his hand.

Then he turned around tremblingly and looked at Lokayev and his cousin.

Behind Anton, several strong men in black hoods slightly raised their AK74s with the safety on, all pointing their guns at Elmar. If he did anything strange, they were sure to kill him as soon as possible!

Wang Ye was leaning on the front of Big G's car, still smoking leisurely, and seemed completely unconcerned about what was going on here.

"You won't do this! Elmar, we are brothers." Lokaev said with trembling lips as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But what he responded to was "Bang! Bang!" Two loud noises...

Lokayev covered his chest with disbelief on his face. He looked down at the blood coming out of his fingers. When he wanted to raise his head again to question Elmar, he found that he had no strength left.

And his cousin seemed to have no headache now. He was lying motionless on the ground. He didn't know whether he was pretending to be dead or fainted...

Anton raised his chin and gestured to his cousin on the ground.

Elmar doesn't seem to be afraid anymore now. Anyway, he killed the first one, so there's no need for the second one!

He took two steps forward and fired two more "bang bang" shots at his cousin on the ground!

After firing the shot, Elmar was very conscious and threw the pistol on the ground. He resigned to his fate but said with a glimmer of hope: "I hope you can keep your promise..."


Wang Ye threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, turned around, got in the car, and started the vehicle.

When the car passed by Anton and others, he lowered the window and ordered: "Take care of the scene."

Then he smiled at Elmar and said: "You are a smart man. I hope you can control the Gao family's gang as soon as possible. If you need help, you can go to him. If you need guns, you can have guns, if you need people, if you need money, you can have money. !”

As he spoke, he pointed at Anton.

After saying this, the big black G roared and drove away from the river.

Only Anton, Elmar, a few big men in black hoods, and Lokayev and his cousin lying on the ground were left...

Anton waved his hand, and several strong men took out the sacks, ropes, cast-iron dumbbells and other things that had been prepared from the trunk of the Lada.

He came up and tied Lokayev and his cousin with dumbbells, put them into sacks, and tied their mouths.

After dragging it to the river, the work was clearly divided into two groups. Each picked up a bag and threw it out with all his strength.

With the dull sound of heavy objects falling into the water, everything returned to calm.

Several other big men also cleaned up the blood stains and other things at the scene, and then used a strong flashlight to shine on the ground, not missing anything such as bullet casings.

Even the rut marks on Wang Ye's Mercedes-Benz G were dealt with.

This is professionalism!

For Anton and those who have experienced the Checheng War, what happened tonight is nothing at all.

It’s as casual as drinking and eating…

Elmar stood aside a little numbly, watching all this quietly.


"Let's go, get in the car, and we'll take you back to the big market." Anton said to Elmar.

After sitting in the car, Elmar slowly came to his senses. He held his head in his hands and began to think about what he should do after returning.

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of a reasonable excuse. How to explain the "disappearance" of Lokayev and his cousin!

" am I going to explain to my brothers when I go back?" Elmar took courage and asked Anton next to him.

Anton shrugged and replied casually: "Let's just say that when you came out of the police station, you were kidnapped by some black men with Checheng accents. Lokayev must have an enemy. Maybe they are the ones who want his life. , who can say clearly about this thing?"

"Ah? What about me?" Elmar pointed to his nose.

Yes, even if they were kidnapped, why did others kidnap Lokayev and his cousin and let him alone...

"You? You're not from Checheng, and you don't have a good relationship with Lokayev. He's not interested in you." Anton said without thinking.

Elmar feels that this reason seems a bit too "rough"!

Who believes it...

Just when he was about to say something else, Anton said meaningfully: "You belong to a gang! As far as I know, you have more compatriots in your gang. Why are there not many people in Checheng, but Lokayev?" What if you become the boss?"

Elmar was a little ashamed, lowered his head and did not answer.

Why else could it be, because he is not as ruthless as Lokayev!

Anton patted him on the shoulder and said: "Remember, gangs are not engaged in academic research or debate competitions. There is no need to reason, just to see whose fist is bigger and harder! Some people don't believe what you say. ? Then beat him until he believes you! If you still don’t believe him? Then kill him! Since you can’t convince everyone, then get rid of those who don’t believe you, and the remaining people will be convinced by you.”

After hearing these words, Almar felt like he was enlightened.

He realized...


When the car arrived at the market, it was already past two o'clock at night.

Stopping in a secluded corner, Elmar was about to open the door and get out of the car when Anton stopped him, reached out and pulled out a pistol and two magazines.

"Take it, you might need it."

Elmar nodded and reached out to take it.

To be honest, tonight was also the first time he shot and killed...

Although there were often fights and knives in the past, compared to what he experienced tonight, Elmar suddenly felt that those things before were just like children playing house!

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