Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 147 The face of the chief steward of the Kremlin

As for the "taboos" and "rules", Wang Ye guessed that there was a so-called tacit understanding among these oligarchs.

That is, everyone shows off their magical powers and makes their own money. Even if they don't join hands to help each other, there shouldn't be any vicious competition.

More importantly, do not allow those underworld things to be brought into business competition!

Because once a precedent is set, everyone will be in personal danger.

You know, Russia should not be too chaotic these days. Just spend some money and you can buy a life. This is not an exaggeration at all!

Otherwise, Hovchenko and the others would not bring a group of armed security personnel with them when they go out...


Mayilov said with some reluctance: "That's why Hovchenko went to grab my territory first. He insisted on opening a new market next to my ACT market. This is obviously at odds with me."

In the final analysis, it is still because of profit.

The ACT big market is Mayilov’s “core asset”!

He basically relied on this big market to start his career. Now that Hovchenko has taken over the cake, it is no wonder that he jumped over the wall in a hurry.

Hovchenko smiled coldly: "What? You are the only one who can build a large wholesale market? I asked the city government to buy the land and build the market. This is a legal and compliant business! There is not just one ACT large market in the whole of Russia. The market, Lyublino’s side is also building a market, why don’t you go looking for trouble there?”

Mayilov was so shocked that he was speechless.

Indeed, even the most famous oligarchs are all in the banking and energy business. Can they accuse each other of stealing business?

If you can't do business well with others, then you just don't have the ability!

When Abu saw that the atmosphere was a little tense, he quickly came out to ease the atmosphere.

He waved his hand, summoned a maid, and said, "Bring over the box of cigars on the top shelf of my cigar cabinet."

After the maid brought the cigar box over, he smiled and said to everyone: "I asked someone to get this. It tastes very good."

After saying that, he opened the oak box with his own hands, and there was a row of "thick and long" big cigars inside!

One person and one person, Wang Ye was no exception, and everyone started to smoke.


After taking two puffs, Abramovich returned to the topic and said: "You two didn't know each other before, so there were some misunderstandings. Fortunately, nothing happened to Kovchenko, and the ACT market was also blocked, which gave some relief. Now everyone is sitting down Being together is considered acquaintance, and today we will discuss how to resolve this conflict and solve this problem."

"No, no, the ACT market was closed because it violated relevant laws and regulations. It has nothing to do with me. I am not that capable to instruct the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Hovchenko waved his hand and said.

Hearing what he said, Mayilov laughed angrily.

Because the "General Manager" of the Kremlin, Gorbrev, was sitting on the side!

Others may not know who is responsible for blocking his ACT market, so how can Godbrev not know?

In addition, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a close relationship with Kovchenko. This has long been an open secret in the circle!


At the critical moment, Gebrev still needs to speak out.

After seeing the two sides quarreling with each other, he took the opportunity to say: "So, Kovchenko, what compensation do you need from Mayilov to end this matter?"

Hovchenko pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Ask him to compensate me for the big ACT market!"

This is where the lion opens its mouth...

Mayilov almost jumped up when he heard this. He stared and said angrily: "That's impossible! Do you know how much the market value of ACT is!"

"Haha, is it more valuable than my life?" Hovchenko retorted tit for tat without flinching.

Seeing that the talks were about to reach a deadlock again, Abu had no choice but to step forward again.

Originally, it was Mayilov who asked him to come forward to help negotiate peace this time. Abu was afraid that he would not be enough on his own, so he brought in Gebrev again!

Here we also need to talk about the issue of “seniority”.

Although Abu is now a popular figure in front of the emperor and has sufficient financial resources, he was even elected governor of Chukotka State and has an excellent reputation.

But in front of Hovchenko, he was still a little bit behind...

Don’t forget that Abu is able to survive today only because of Berezov’s support. He can be regarded as Berezov’s “little brother”!

And Kovchenko is one of the "seven oligarchs" who are on an equal footing with Berezov!

Therefore, in front of Hovchenko, Abramovich's face may not be enough...

You can feel it from some small details when he met with Hovchenko just now.

Hovchenko stood still next to the car, waiting for Abramovich to take the initiative to come up and greet him. This is the gap in status!


"Both of you are my seniors. I don't need to explain the principles of doing business and making money out of anger. Have you ever thought about it? If we continue to fight like this, it may attract a lot of attention. At that time, any of you will It's not a good thing. Mr. President said, let us do business honestly and abide by the law and pay taxes." Abu said meaningfully.

They are all human beings and they all understand what Abu means.

It's nothing more than making too much noise and attracting the emperor's attention. None of you can even think of having a good life!

Gebrev also added at this time, he smiled and said: "Whether it is ACT or New Sun Market, I suggest you try to keep a low profile and be serious. Don't even think about opening these two markets. I I think no one wants to see that scene."

This is a bit threatening.

However, he is indeed qualified to say this!

Both Kovchenko and Mailov were silent, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

At this time, Gebrev spoke again.

"The Kitty Eagle Hotel is also a property of the ACT Group. Please forward this to Kovchenko. This should be able to express your apology."

Wang Ye's heart was moved. It turned out that the Little Eagle Hotel was actually owned by the ACT Group!

Then the value of this apology is not low!

The building and land alone are estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars...

Is Mayilov really willing to give up?


Sure enough, Mayilov's face was full of bitterness and he looked extremely heartbroken. He lowered his head and smoked the big cigar fiercely.

Then he raised his head suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! As long as you can get Mr. Hovchenko's forgiveness, this hotel will be given to you as a gift!"

Abu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "What a good idea! That hotel is not bad. This is a sincere apology."

Hovchenko took a few puffs of cigarette quietly, then suddenly turned around and asked Wang Ye: "Misha, what do you think?"

Wang Ye was smoking his cigar silently. He almost choked when he asked him this question.

He really didn't expect that Hovchenko would consult him.

To be honest, on this occasion, it is not his turn to express any opinions...

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