Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 137 Exclusive Market

Alfa Hotel is very close to New Sun Market.

So in less than ten minutes, Liu Jun arrived.

After walking into Wang Ye's office, he was still full of disbelief. He looked around for a long time before asking: "You...really became the president of New Sun Group?"

To be honest, Liu Jun felt like he was in a dream!

Even though Wang Ye had told him the matter on the phone yesterday, he still couldn't accept it until now...

Because it’s too outrageous!

"Sit down, Brother Liu. He's just the president of a small company, so there's no need to be so surprised." Wang Ye smiled and motioned for Liu Jun to come and sit down.

Liu Jun shook his head and sighed: "This is the New Sun Group! It is larger than the old ACT market, and a large company with an annual income of hundreds of millions of dollars easily turns into a small company in your words?"

As a standard "Old Mo", Liu Jun naturally understands the potential of the New Sun market.

Especially what happened in the old ACT market today, this is simply a booster for the new sun market!

Wang Ye smiled and did not continue the topic, but talked about business.

"Brother Liu, have we got our phone card?" he asked with concern.

Originally, Wang Ye wanted Ajielina to go to the phone card company, but now he naturally couldn't care less about it, so he just left it to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun is reassuring in terms of ability. Although he is in charge of two companies, everything is in order.

"It's already out. When we wholesale phone cards in the future, we will replace them with ours. The price is lower than before, and the call quality is better than before. There is no reason why it cannot be sold." Liu Jun said happily.

Wang Ye nodded. In fact, he was no longer interested in the phone card company...

This is also normal.

When he was planning to start a phone card company, Wang Ye didn't have much money in hand. He also hoped to bring enough cash flow to himself through the overseas study agency and the phone card company.

Then make a fortune by speculating on shops!

This is what he planned for himself to do in the first two years after his "rebirth"...

Don't say that he is small. After all, he was just an ordinary person in his previous life, so his ambitions in this life are not great.

If he can do well in the study abroad agency, phone card company, and shops, Wang Ye can also make a net worth of tens of millions of dollars!

You know, this is only 2001, so you are already quite promising, okay?

However, things are unpredictable, and now he has embarked on a completely different path.

On a bigger stage!

There are also greater benefits within reach...

Of course, it also comes with greater risks!


Although he was no longer interested, Wang Ye did not give up, otherwise he would have tricked Liu Jun...

In order to start this phone card company, Liu Jun invested all the money he received from the study abroad agency!

Without his own help, Liu Jun could lose to death just by relying on the small market of a few universities!

He smiled and said: "At that time, I will inform the security team that if you want to come to the New Sun Market to sell newspapers and phone cards, you must register in advance at the management office. You must also wear uniform... Let's get them a red vest. This is more eye-catching. Of course, the phone cards they sell must be from our company. They are not allowed to sell other cards. If you dare to violate it, you will be kicked out immediately and will not be allowed to enter the New Sun Market again!"

Originally, Liu Jun was still thinking about how his phone card could compete with those previous phone card companies.

After all, their channels have been laid out for a long time, and many users recognize those cards.

As a newly established company, it is probably difficult to compete!

But now Wang Ye just said a few words and solved all the problems.

As you can imagine, with the closure of the old market, the New Sun Market exploded.

No competitors can come in and sell cards. If all merchants want to buy phone cards, they can only buy their own company's cards!


This is no longer normal business competition.

This is a dimensionality reduction attack!

"Isn't this a little bad?" Liu Jun rubbed his hands a little embarrassed.

He felt that this was simply bullying.

The entire New Sun market will not allow competitors to enter...

"Haha, it's okay. This is our territory. Are they still allowed to come and cut the cake?" Wang Ye said disapprovingly.

Liu Jun didn't say anything else, but he was filled with emotion.

Now Wang Ye is really about to reach the point where "one word can decide life or death"!

With his casual words, several phone card companies may go bankrupt!

And those companies don’t even have a chance to struggle...


This is when the height is different, the way to look at the problem and solve the problem is completely different!

Previously, Wang Ye had considered how to enter the big market with his company's phone cards.

His plan at that time was to bypass those channels for selling newspapers and sell cards through the many international students who worked as part-time translators in big markets!

If the profit margin is large enough, those international students who work as part-time translators in big markets should be happy to make some extra money!

In this way, you can bypass the traditional phone card sales channels and have a "secret store"!

I have to say that this plan has a high chance of success. At least it can share the market equally with the original phone card companies...

But now Wang Ye doesn't consider doing that!

Because he is already the president of New Sun Group, New Sun Market has become his territory!

Here, if he didn't mean what he said, it was pretty much the same.

Why go to all the trouble when a problem can be solved with just one sentence...

And if you do this now, you are not sharing the market with others, but monopolizing the market yourself!

There is no need to give up too much profits to end retailers, and the company can also earn more profits!


Sitting on the sofa, each of them had a cigarette, both enveloped in the curls of green smoke.

"I may go to Qingyun Company less often in the future, and it will completely depend on you. In this way, we will make up a share transfer agreement later, and I will transfer the shares of Qingyun Company to you by 10%." Wang Ye said suddenly.

When Liu Jun heard this, he stopped smoking. He quickly put out the cigarette butts and waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no, that won't work! I am also the general manager of Qingyun Company and I get a salary. Those are what I should do. . Although you rarely care about the company's affairs, the company cannot be where it is today without you. Therefore, I can't take the shares!"

His attitude was quite firm, without any ambiguity.

Wang Ye smiled, waved his hand and said, "Stop pushing back, you deserve this."

What he just said was not to test Liu Jun or anything, but to really give him more shares!

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