Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 135 A road never thought of

Obviously, this incident was even more sensational and directly strengthened the confidence of everyone present.

That is, the new sun market will definitely be much stronger than the old market in the future!

Otherwise, how could Boss Kong dare to make such a promise and sign a written contract!

The old market has been closed for a few days, causing heavy losses to everyone. It’s unclear when the goods in the shops will be taken out.

It’s hard to say whether it can even be taken out...

Therefore, now is also the time when everyone is most susceptible to this guarantee!

So what's there to hesitate about?

What everyone has to do is grab a bunk right away and move here!

Suddenly, the scene became chaotic, and countless people began to push forward, trying to grab a better bunk.

After all, places are limited, first come, first served...

When Boss Kong saw it, he quickly shouted:

"Don't panic, everyone! Line up in order, there are still plenty of stalls. The New Sun Market can have a total of 3,500 stalls! In addition, there is another good news to tell everyone, that is to thank everyone for their support of the New Sun Market , the first batch of merchants to move in will be exempted from half a year’s rent and two months’ management fees! And they have priority to renew their lease!”

Good guy, this good news really comes one after another!

Ordinarily, given the current situation, even if no rent and management fees are waived, everyone will still rush to come here.

This new sun company is too generous!

Half a year's rent and two months' management fees are directly waived, which adds up to thousands of dollars!

After Boss Kong finished speaking, several staff members and the security team behind him began to step forward to maintain order.

Let the huddled Chinese business owners line up in several rows according to the categories of goods they sell, such as shoes, bags, cotton clothes, furs, toys, etc.

Then the number plates will begin to be distributed, and those with the highest number can prepare to choose a space and sign a contract with a store.

And those who are at the back of the queue don’t have to worry, they can go do other things first and come over to go through the leasing procedures when the time is almost up...


When Ajielina arrived at the Little Red Building by car, she didn’t even know what was going on because there were so many people in front of the building!

She finally squeezed through, and was led by a tall and strong security guard to an office on the east side of the second floor.

It was also the office where she and Wang Ye came to see Hovchenko yesterday. Of course, it now belongs to Wang Ye...

After knocking on the door and entering, Wang Ye greeted him with a smile.

The two hugged each other and touched each other's cheeks. Wang Ye reached out to take the windbreaker that Ajielina took off and helped her hang it up.

Agelina looked around the office and asked in surprise: "Misha, are you really going to work here?"

Although she still didn't know how Wang Ye was talking to Hovchenko today, she could roughly guess it based on his posture.

Wang Ye should have come to work at New Sun Group!

"Haha, please call me Mikhail from now on..."

Wang Ye was just about to announce his new name, but he only remembered the first "Mikhail" and forgot the rest...

Slightly embarrassed, he quickly picked up the new passport from his desk and read it: "Mikhail, Ivanovsky, Khodorkov"

"Also, don't forget, I'm from Krasnoyarsk."

Agelina didn't know what "nervousness" he was having, she blinked her eyes with confusion on her face.

Wang Ye simply handed her the passport in his hand.

Ajielina took it and took a look, the expression on her face was exactly the same as when Wang Ye first saw this passport!

"Who...who is this? Why does it look so similar to you!" she asked in surprise.

Wang Ye replied with a smile: "Isn't that different? This is me! This will be my Russian identity from now on. Mr. Kovchenko helped me. By the way, I am still his distant relative!"

After talking about this, Ajielina finally understood what was going on.

She asked in confusion: "Why do you need such an identity?"

Wang Ye put away his smile and said a little seriously: "Because... here in Russia, a foreigner is not allowed to be too popular. There are many hidden ceilings for foreigners!"

Wang Ye is really not talking nonsense on this point.

Lao Maozi's side is quite exclusive...

Of course, why Kovchenko gave him this Russian identity was not just because of this.

There are also some factors behind it that Wang Ye cannot say. After all, he is only vaguely aware of it and cannot be sure yet!


"From now on, you can work here as an assistant. In addition, for the three hundred shops I bought, although the leasing procedures are now handled by the group, the finances must be separated. Please pay attention."

Wang Ye stood in front of the large desk and gave instructions to Ajielina.

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Ajielina responded simply.

Her experience in the past few months has been quite "magical"...

It can be said that since getting to know Wang Ye, Ajielina feels that she has embarked on a path she has never imagined...

What does the future hold?

She can't tell now.

But one thing is for sure, this path is definitely much more exciting than being a teacher!

"Oh, and your salary has also been increased. It is tentatively set at five thousand US dollars a month. After all, you are the personal assistant to the president of the group. You have to work hard without any credit. You can't justify the low salary." Wang Ye joked again.

Although he knew that he had that relationship with Wang Ye, he would not be short of money in the future.

But now that she heard that her salary has been increased, Ajielina is still very happy.

After all, this money was earned by one's own "skills"!

It's two different things than what Wang Ye gave me...

It feels more peaceful to spend it.

"Also, I remember you said that you have a driver's license, but you're not very good at driving. You've been practicing more recently and I'll give you a car later." Wang Ye added.

"Thank you, Misha, thank God for allowing me to meet you." Ajielina looked at Wang Ye lovingly.

It wasn't because of how much material satisfaction Wang Ye gave her, but the feeling of being cared for and cared for that moved her very much!


While the two were talking, there was a knock on the office door.

The person who came in was the bodyguard leader assigned to Wang Ye from the Yukos headquarters, a retired special forces soldier who was said to have participated in the Car-land War!

His name is Anton.

"Mr. Mikhail, this is the gun license that I applied for for you, and there is also a gun. It was just sent over from the headquarters. Take a look. If you don't know how to use it, we can practice it when you have time. I can teach you soon."

With that said, Anton handed over a small black leather bag.

Wang Ye's hands shook.

What the hell?

Gun license?

Comes with a gun!

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