Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 131 The new president takes office

In the small red building of the New Sun Management Office, Boss Kong's expression was uncertain.

Originally, Boss Kong was overjoyed when he received news in the morning that the old market was closed.

He understood that Hovchenko must have made up his mind to break up with the ACT Group, and he also acted ruthlessly!

The reason why this was not done before was because Hovchenko gave face to the boss of ACT Group, adhering to the principle of keeping the two sides in harmony and doing their own business.

But what happened yesterday, no matter whether it was ACT Group’s fault or not, they are definitely taking the blame!

Hovchenko had a good reason to attack them!

Since the old market is closed, no matter how many days it is closed, it will definitely seriously shake the confidence of many bosses in the old market.

Because the safety of the old market cannot be guaranteed, everyone will definitely not dare to place all their "bets" there. In this case, New Sun becomes a very good choice!

He can foresee that starting from today, the shops in New Sun will become very popular!

But not long after, Boss Kong received a call from the group headquarters. It was from Ivan, Hovchenko’s right-hand assistant.

On the phone, Ivan informed Boss Kong of a group decision. This news may not be good news for Boss Kong...

Because the group parachuted a president over!

What is Mikhail...

Boss Kong has never heard of this person. Of course, he is not very familiar with his boss's Yukos Group. Maybe he was transferred from the Yukos Group.

In addition, Boss Kong is a little confused.

Because before anything happened yesterday, didn't Hovchenko invite Wang Ye to come and work at New Sun Group?

At that time, he also promised to make him president.

Later, because something happened, we didn’t talk about it in detail.

Why did Hovchenko send an old guy named "Mikhail" to be the president today? Where is Wang Ye?

Of course, Boss Kong thought that Mr. Hovchenko might have just said that yesterday and then forgotten about it.

Remembering that when he met Wang Ye yesterday, he told himself that the two of them would be colleagues from now on, Boss Kong found it a bit funny.

I really thought that the position of President of New Sun Group was so easy to get!

too naive……


Originally, the nominal president of New Sun was Hovchenko himself.

Mr. Kong serves as the executive vice president and is responsible for the daily business management of the big market. He has great power.

Everyone knows that Hovchenko is just a name, and Boss Kong is the real power figure in the market.

But now, after the new president comes by air, Boss Kong has to hand over a large part of his power!

Of course he was a little unhappy.

However, Boss Kong did not dare to say anything about this kind of thing. After all, it was Hovchenko who paid for the New Sun Group and established many connections.

The reason why Mr. Kong was appointed as the executive vice president was because of his influence among Chinese businessmen.

After all, this New Sun Market still needs to be supported by Chinese businessmen...


"Mr. Kong, the new president is arriving soon. Would you like to go down and greet him?"

In the office, Boss Kong's assistant reported to him.

Although Boss Kong was not very happy, he was also a smart man. With a smile on his face, he stood up and said cheerfully: "Then we must go and greet him!"

He took his assistant directly downstairs and stood at the gate waiting for the arrival of the new president.

After a while, I saw two off-road vehicles, one black and one white, speeding towards me. With the sound of brakes, the car parked in the parking lot in front of Xiaohonglou.

The black one is a Mercedes-Benz G55!

It's exactly the same as the three cars that Hovchenko drove when he came over yesterday, except this one is brand new!

The white one is a Land Cruiser, and it's also a good car.

Boss Kong was stunned when he saw the white car, because it felt a bit familiar...

The door of the big black G opened and closed with a bang, and two people got out. As soon as Boss Kong looked over, his mouth opened wide with shock on his face.

Because he knew both of these people!

One of them is Hovchenko's assistant Ivan, who just came yesterday.


It turned out to be that guy named Wang Ye!

What about Mikhail?

He looked at the white car next to him, but the four big men who got off the white car all held real guys in their arms. They were security personnel, and none of them looked like the new president...

While he was feeling stupid, Wang Ye and Ivan had already walked over.

"Mr. Kong, this is the new president appointed by the group company, Mr. Mikhail." Ivan solemnly introduced.

"Call me Misha, Mr. Kong. We will be colleagues from now on. I hope we can work together to build the New Sun Market." Wang Ye said with a smile on his face.

Only then did Boss Kong react.

He stretched out his hands in a panic, tried hard to smile on his face, and asked cautiously: "Miha...Mr. Ir?"

Wang Ye nodded, "Yes, I am Mikhail. Mr. Kong can call me Misha from now on. Don't call me wrong, haha..."

There is something in his words!

Boss Kong nodded confusedly.

Several people entered the president's office together, which was also the largest office in the Little Red Building and was originally reserved for Hovchenko.

Although he only comes here once in a while, as a boss, he definitely wants the best office.

Now that Wang Ye has taken over the position of president, this office has been reserved for him.

However, the conditions on this side of the market are relatively simple, and in terms of luxury, they cannot be compared with those on the Yukos Tower.

Wang Ye doesn't care about this either.

There was no one else in the room except Wang Ye, Boss Kong and Ivan.

Only then did Boss Kong come to his senses and asked hesitantly: "What on earth is going on? Wang... No, Misha, are you Russian? But that's not right. When we signed the store contract..."

He has contacted Wang Ye several times. He also handled Wang Ye's shop purchase contract, so he is relatively familiar with it.

Wang Ye shook his head and said meaningfully: "Wang Ye is Wang Ye, and Mikhail is Mikhail! Now the group has appointed me, Mikhail, as the president of New Sun Group, and I also own New Sun Group 20% of the shares! Mr. Kong is a smart man, he knows what he should and shouldn’t say!”

Boss Kong is indeed a smart man, otherwise he would not be able to survive today.

When Wang Ye said this, his brows jumped several times.

Nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice, he said quickly: "I understand, I understand! President Mikhail, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with your work in the future. If you have any orders, just tell me!"


Wang Ye, the new president, has his own ideas about the new sun market.

So he immediately convened a meeting with the middle and senior management of the group company.

First, let everyone get to know him, the new president.

Secondly, it is also necessary to make adjustments to the business strategy of New Sun Market...

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