Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1104 Attack and Slander

This conflict initiated by the Gelug State has instead become a stage for Mao to demonstrate its regional influence.

Leaders of surrounding countries followed Wang Ye and unanimously condemned the Georgian state, and unanimously passed a resolution to station peacekeeping troops in South Ossetia, which also allowed some forces with ulterior motives to see the situation clearly.

Therefore, international public opinion has become one-sided, criticizing the GRU for launching military operations without authorization, which is an act that "violates human rights" and "endangers regional peace". No country or region dares to come out and support the GRU. .

Wang Ye struck while the iron was hot and announced that the combined brigade under Stekov's command would be dispatched to the South Ossetia region to act as a peacekeeping force, and would be stationed not far from the capital of the Georgian state.

Of course, the country of Georgia is not very large, and South Ossetia is not far from its capital.

Otherwise, the Gelug Kingdom would not have advanced to the vicinity of the capital of South Ossetia overnight.

The Wagner combatants led by Androv drove the Gru defeated army back to the Gru territory and then stopped. They did not step into the Gru territory. This was naturally Wang Ye's request.

The pursuit along the way really frightened the GRU troops, causing heavy casualties.

When the Gru troops returned to the country, a rough calculation showed that there were less than 10,000 people left, and more than half of the troops were lost!

This is because the Gelug national border is very close to the capital of South Ossetia, and they retreated into the country not long after running all the way. Wagner did not have much time to attack.

But such a result is simply unbearable for a small country like it...

Regardless of whether you can accept it or not, the result is here. On one side, Mao’s aggressive army is suppressing the situation, and on the other side, there is betrayal and disobedience from the forces behind it. The Gelug political arena is in chaos.

President Saakashvili can no longer control the situation, because he was the one who initiated this military operation. If the operation fails, he will become the biggest sinner and must bear all the consequences.

The political arena in the GRU itself is divided into two major factions, one belonging to the "Western" faction and the other belonging to the "Maoist" faction. Saakashvili is of course the representative of the Western faction. They are relatively powerful, so they push the "Maoist" faction to the "Western" faction. The voice was suppressed.

But now that the military operation has suffered a disastrous failure, figures belonging to the Maoist faction have stood up and, with the anger of the people, have begun to "counterattack and settle accounts."

At the same time, people across the country also launched large-scale demonstrations, demanding that Saakashvili take responsibility for the failure of the war and demanding that the ruling party completely step down!

Before President Saakashvili could express his position, the GRU parliament stood up directly, announced his impeachment, and expressed its willingness for peace and wanted to sit down and negotiate with Mao and South Ossetia.

This is tantamount to directly ousting Saakashvili, and also proves that after this fiasco, Saakashvili has completely lost power in the GRU political arena!

Sure enough, the day after the parliament expressed its position, Saakashvili sadly announced his resignation and gave up the presidency.

After a parliamentary vote, officials from the pro-Maoist side will temporarily act as president, waiting for the start of the new general election...

These are all Gru's internal affairs, and Wang Ye doesn't care. Anyway, this time he has gotten the results he wanted, and everything is going according to his plan.

The CHEP, which was originally unknown, also took the opportunity to show its face and proved its importance in the region. Although the CHEP did not take action during this conflict, it was Wagner who stepped forward and gave the GRU troops A head-on blow.

But everyone tacitly understood that Wagner was Deputy Speaker Mikhail's "private armed force". Of course, it could also be regarded as one of Mao's armed forces.

As for the CHEP, it was originally supported by the Mao family. It is an organization that the "big brother" uses to cover the "little brothers"!

So this time the conflict in South Ossetia has fully proved that when the younger brother is in trouble, this big brother who takes the lead really dares to take the lead, and he is really powerful!

Everyone also began to pay attention to the CHEP organization and became more cohesive.


On August 9, a large demonstration broke out in Georgia. The people unanimously demanded that President Saakashvili step down and take responsibility for the failure of the war.

On August 10, the GRU Parliament announced the start of the process of impeaching Saakashvili and made a request to Mao on behalf of the country to end the war.

On August 11, Wang Ye announced the end of the military operation. All Wagner combatants withdrew from South Ossetia, and the CHPO peacekeeping force officially entered South Ossetia.

On August 12, Wang Ye signed a tripartite agreement with representatives of Georgia and South Ossetia, and everyone reached a consensus...

In just a few days, a regional conflict that attracted global attention was put down. In far away Asia, the Olympic Games were in full swing...


Every country attaches great importance to the Olympic Games, and Damao, as a sports powerhouse, is no exception.

Otherwise, the adoptive father would not fly to the Olympics in person. On the one hand, he is supporting the scene for the partner countries, and on the other hand, he is cheering for the athletes from Damao who are participating in the Olympics!

Although Wang Ye is busy dealing with the conflict in South Ossetia, he has not forgotten the Olympics.

Under his instruction, his group companies jointly invested and established a special Olympic fund. As long as athletes can win medals in the Olympics, they will receive very generous rewards!

The gold medal winner will receive a high-end apartment in Moscow, a Range Rover, and one million US dollars!

The silver medal winner will receive an ordinary apartment in Moscow, a Jaguar car, and half a million US dollars!

The bronze medal winner will receive a Volvo car and half a million US dollars!

Moreover, these rewards can be obtained repeatedly. As long as you have the ability to get five or six gold medals in one go, the rewards you will get will be amazing!

In the past few years, Russia's economy was not very good, so even the living conditions of those athletes were relatively difficult. Now that they finally have the opportunity to become a "rich man", why don't they risk their lives?

It is said that there must be brave men under heavy rewards. I wonder if they were stimulated by these rewards. In this Olympics, the big-haired athletes really worked hard, and good news came frequently...

Synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating and other strong events have won medals one after another!

In the medal list, China is firmly in first place, while Russia and the United States are competing for second place. They even finally defeated their opponents at the last moment, narrowly defeating the United States with a gold medal and winning second place in the medal list. s position.

The United States can only settle for third place in the medal table. This is the first time in recent decades...

The summer of 2008 passed in such a lively way.


Time has entered October, and Moscow has also begun to snow heavily, entering the severe winter season.

The new general election has officially begun!

The three most promising candidates, Rosiana, Meddev, and Grezlov, have also devoted themselves to the campaign, and the competition has begun to heat up.

Sure enough, as Wang Ye said at the beginning, by this time, there was no longer any sympathy. While Meddev and Gryzlov were "infighting", they also targeted Rosiana.

They are not stupid, and of course they will not fight each other and lose both sides, leaving Rosiana to take advantage.

Since we are going to break up, then drag everyone into the water and no one can escape!

"That's ridiculous!

A candidate in his twenties, who had only been working for less than five years, had already reached a high position by virtue of his family connections.

Now he is even thinking about joining the Kremlin Palace!

Do you really feel comfortable leaving our country to her?

Are you really not afraid that she will act randomly after taking office and destroy the great development situation of our country?

Although her husband, Deputy Speaker Mikhail, is very capable, this does not mean that her abilities are equally outstanding. I strongly appeal to voters to be cautious and cautious before voting!

You must treat every vote in your hand seriously and responsibly, because maybe your vote will determine the future of this country..."

This was what Grezlov said in an exclusive TV interview, directly starting his "attack" on Rosiana.

The angle of attack is also what Wang Ye analyzed before, "age", "work experience", "nepotism"...

But these things are indeed facts, and even if they are there, Rosiana cannot say that Gryzlov is slandering her.

But no matter what, Rosiana must respond and fight back, otherwise if Gryzlov really sets the "rhythm", it will greatly affect her support rate.

So Rosiana launched a strong counterattack that day, talked about Gryzlov in an NTV talk show, and got angry.


Of course I know him very well. After all, I also worked in the Duma for a period of time and dealt with him several times.

How to evaluate?

To be honest, there is not much to say. After all, it is obvious to everyone that he has been in the position of Speaker of the Duma for almost ten years, but he has been doing nothing and has not made any impressive achievements.

The reason why the Duma has been able to play an increasingly important role in recent years has nothing to do with him!

It's just that Mikhail became the deputy speaker and began to have a voice in the Duma, so the Duma became better and better...

I am indeed young and have not worked long hours, but I have heard a Chinese proverb.

If you have ambitions, you will not grow taller; if you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain!

This sentence is the most suitable to describe Speaker Grezlov and I.

What does the proverb mean?

Oh, it literally means that a person who is ambitious and talented does not need to look at his age. As long as he is given a big enough stage, he will make dazzling achievements.

Speaker Mikhail is the best example of this!

To be honest, maybe I will be the next one.

As for Wu Zhikong’s longevity, that is simply the best way to describe Speaker Gryzlov..."

It has to be said that Rosiana's eloquence skills developed as a reporter have really come into use. She definitely has the advantage in "speaking" from a distance on TV.

After this interview was broadcast, it was said that all the tableware in Gryzlov’s house was smashed…


Gryzlov jumped out to attack Rosiana, and Meddev was not to be outdone.

However, because he is not very old, he does not have the nerve to attack Rosiana based on his age. Instead, he chooses Rosiana's background to talk about.


She used to perform very well as a reporter, and later she was considered competent when she worked as an assistant to Deputy Speaker Mikhail.

However, after becoming the governor, there may be no one to guide her, and she is still in the adaptation stage.

And don’t you think it’s strange? Although Deputy Speaker Mikhail is very capable and powerful, that does not mean that his assistants are equally capable.

Therefore, it was a surprise to everyone that she could directly serve as the governor of Moscow at that time.

In my opinion, as a direct descendant of the Romanov family and the contemporary Grand Duke of Romanov, she is not suitable for politics, let alone holding a high position.

And the faction she formed has such extreme ideas!

It is completely unsuitable for the development of modern society. If she comes to power, our country may be isolated by the international community and besieged internally and externally.

After all, everyone knows that no one wants to go back to the era of Tsarist Russia, haha..."

This guy is so shady that he directly said that Rosiana and her royalists wanted to "restoration"!

As he said, no one really wants to go back to the era of Tsarist Russia, except the royalists...

In addition, the meaning behind his words made it clear that Rosiana's position as the governor of Moscow was "unclear". She has not yet become the governor, so don't think about the position in the Kremlin Palace. You are not worthy. !

Of course Rosiana couldn't bear it in the face of this provocation.

She didn't even bother to appear on the TV show and directly "counterattacked" on her Facebook.

“Let me think about what someone was doing when I was special assistant to Deputy Speaker Mikhail…

Oh, come to think of it, it seems that he was the general manager of Gazprom at that time.

What about before?

He seemed to be an ordinary staff member of the Kremlin's office.

Just because he graduated from Petersburg University, he was highly employed. He jumped from an ordinary office worker to the general manager of Gazprom, and then...

Needless to say, if we participate in the Olympics with this level of triple jump, our country should have another gold medal!

Also, I believe every resident of the Moscow region can see clearly how well I have performed as the governor of Moscow.

In the past three years, the whole of Moscow has undergone tremendous changes. Countless high-rise buildings have gone up. Factories are in full swing. Jobs, taxes, people's livelihood and welfare, every data is higher than before I became governor. A huge breakthrough..."

While fighting back against Meddev, Rosiana certainly did not forget to show off her achievements and take the opportunity to win votes...

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