Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1094 Gathering of Distinguished Guests

Time has entered July, which is also the time of year when Moscow has the best weather and the most beautiful scenery.

The snow on the roadside has disappeared, flowers are in full bloom, and there is lush green everywhere.

The temperature was only over 20 degrees, and the girls couldn't wait to take off their heavy and bulky winter clothes and put on beautiful skirts directly, becoming one of the beautiful scenery in the streets and alleys.

Normally, this month is the "off season" in the political arena, and many politicians will choose to take a vacation at this time to enjoy a wonderful holiday life.

But this year is different because something big is going to happen!

That is, Mikhail, the first deputy speaker of the Duma and leader of the second largest faction, and Rosiana, the governor of Moscow, leader of the royalist party and contemporary Romanov Grand Duke, are getting married...

This is definitely the most "important" thing in the entire Moscow political scene this year, even as much as the general election that will start at the end of the year!

As early as two months ago, some important figures from various countries around the world had begun to receive invitations jointly sent by Wang Ye and Rosiana.

The main invitees are politicians and the world's top entrepreneurs, and of course the surviving royal families are also indispensable.

It can be said that receiving this invitation means that you are considered a famous figure in the world.

If you can't get it, it just means you still need to work harder...

Entertainment stars like those may be superior in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of Wang Ye and others, they are not worth mentioning.

He didn't send invitations to any so-called celebrities at all.

Even some of the performances at the wedding were more elegant such as the world's most famous symphony orchestra, pianist, ballet troupe, etc.


The super manor across the river from the Kremlin Palace that Wang Ye bought a few years ago has been renovated. He even went to take a look at it in person two days ago.

This manor occupies a huge area, equivalent to the size of fourteen Kremlin palaces. It is located on a mountain and overlooks most of Moscow.

Whether it's feng shui, scenery or location, it's all impeccable.

Otherwise, it would not have been chosen by the previous czars to build royal gardens.

Now, after Wang Ye's three years and a total investment of nearly 4 billion US dollars, this super estate has a completely new look, even far better than before!

All the dilapidated buildings in the manor were torn down and rebuilt, and the flowers, trees, and even bricks and tiles were carefully selected by a professional team from around the world, regardless of cost, as long as they had the best quality and effect!

Looking from a distance, the entire manor was obscured by a large expanse of dense woods. Only the towering red walls could be vaguely seen. As for what it looked like inside, it was completely invisible.

From the foot of the mountain, there is a brand new road leading to the gate of the manor halfway up the mountain. However, this is a private road. There are guardrails and armed sentries at the intersection. Outsiders are prohibited from entering!

Along this road in the woods, you can reach the main gate of the manor in a few minutes' drive. These are two huge pure copper gates with complicated and exquisite carvings. Naturally, there are security personnel standing guard at the gate, which can be said to be heavily guarded. strict.

After pushing open the door, a wide and straight granite-paved avenue leads directly to the main building complex deep in the manor.

There are flat green grasslands on both sides of the road without any obstruction.

The garden in the manor is behind the building complex, and it is a different world there.

The main building complex is composed of about a dozen high and low buildings located in the middle of the manor.

The middle, largest and tallest building is naturally the core building, and will also be where Wang Ye, Rosiana and their children live in the future.

The appearance of this building looks like the style favored by European royal families in the Middle Ages. It has a dome with a spire, high steps, and a large fountain square in front of the door.

Of course, this is not an ancient building, just a purely modern building with some classical elements.

Those so-called ancient castle buildings left over from the Middle Ages are really not suitable for modern people to live in them. In addition to looking a bit "bluffing" on the outside, they are beaten by modern buildings in every aspect!

Originally, if he had followed Wang Ye's idea, he would have just built a modern-style villa, which was simple and comfortable.

However, Rosiana feels that it is better to match her "royal blood" and retain some classical elements.

Wang Ye didn't care much about this originally. Since Rosiana thought so, he should respect her opinion, so it became what it is now.

I have to say that standing on the Fountain Square and looking up at this ancient building complex is quite shocking.

For people who don’t know, they probably really think this is some kind of building like “Buckingham Palace” or “Kremlin”.

As for other buildings, they are all supporting buildings and functional buildings of the main building.

For example, the residences of the service staff in the manor, private libraries, museums, art galleries, etc. are all available!

There is even a building dedicated to security personnel. After all, the area of ​​​​the estate is too large. Enough security personnel must be arranged around to maintain 24-hour patrols. If it is based on three shifts, the number of personnel required is a bit too much. .

In the end, a whole squadron of 150 people was stationed in the manor. Except for the lack of heavy weapons and equipment, everything else was available.

Now that everything is ready and all the staff have settled in, we are just waiting for Wang Ye and Rosiana to move here...

In the past few days in early July, many people feel that the whole of Moscow has become lively, especially since July 5th. The TV news is all about "President so-and-so arrives in Moscow" and "King (Queen) so-and-so arrives in Moscow airport on a special plane." "A certain top rich man appeared on the street in a low-key manner" and so on.

Including the Kremlin, the foreign affairs department, government departments, the Duma, etc. are all busy because there are too many distinguished guests to receive, and it is not good to neglect any of them.

Even Wang Ye was no exception. He basically spent the past two days at the airport, greeting distinguished guests from all over the world.

He does not need to intervene in the wedding preparations, there is a working group led by Hovchenko himself!

His "nephew" is getting married. Of course, Hovchenko is very happy and in high spirits.

He has put down his charity work and has been staying in Moscow for the past two months. He is personally in charge of the manor and wedding preparations. After all, Wang Ye's only "relative" is his uncle. , If he doesn’t come forward, who will?…


"Mr. Hu, I didn't expect you to come here in person."

On July 7, the day before Wang Ye’s wedding, he welcomed another heavyweight guest at the airport.

To be honest, this is his real "mother's family"!

With a gentle smile on his face, Mr. Hu clasped hands with Wang Ye, shook them hard twice, and said: "Speaker Mikhail, I wish you a happy marriage and a son soon."

Both of them knew in their hearts why Mr. Hu would come forward in person to attend Wang Ye's wedding.

In fact, the current identities of the two are still "asymmetrical". If we really want to pay attention to diplomatic reciprocity, sending a vice president or a committee member will be enough.

But Mr. Hu still decided to come in person to show his attention!

To be honest, he came here not only for Wang Ye's sake, but also because the bride is not simple...

Let’s not mention Rosiana’s current identity for now, but don’t forget that she is still one of the popular candidates in the general election at the end of this year. Maybe she will actually win the election next year and enter the Kremlin Palace!

Mr. Hu can be regarded as "investing in advance", trying to have a good relationship with Wang Ye and Rosiana, a political couple who are obviously bound to shine brightly in Moscow's political arena...

Wang Ye was also smiling. He knew that the reason why there were so many guests at this wedding was not all because of his great reputation.

Some came for Da Mao, some came for the sake of the Romanov family, and some came to support him because they had interests in Wang Ye.

But no matter what, in the eyes of outsiders, Wang Ye's influence is already very amazing. Just holding a wedding can invite so many heavyweights to support him, which is extremely rare in the world.

Strictly speaking, wedding standards like his have never appeared before, and it may never appear again in the future.

After all, with Wang Ye's status, it is almost impossible to find politicians as young and unmarried as him.

Not to mention that the wife he married seems to be no less than Wang Ye in terms of family background and personal status!

After sending the distinguished guests to the motorcade, Wang Ye did not accompany them to the arranged hotel, because VIPs were arriving one after another, and he still had to wait at the airport to greet them.

The guests at this wedding, as well as all the vehicles used, were naturally "friendly sponsored" by the Russian Automobile Group. The all-black Jaguar XJL is a luxury sedan comparable to the Mercedes-Benz S and BMW 7 Series, and is also Jaguar's most expensive model. .

The reason why Jaguar was used instead of Land Rover was not because Wang Ye thought Land Rover was not high-end, but because Land Rovers were all SUV models and there were no sedans, so they were not suitable for receiving VIPs.

The black Jaguar XJL, with two small national flags standing on the long and wide front of the car, is still very aura...


It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Ye's wedding has become the hottest news in the world these days.

Many national TV stations or media have sent reporters to follow up the interviews in real time, and some are conducting live broadcasts of the whole process.

Although NTV has the exclusive rights to live broadcast the wedding scene, other media can also shoot outside the scene, as long as they do not disturb the wedding and the VIPs attending the wedding.

He is getting married today, and his parents in China naturally know about it, but for some reasons they cannot be there.

However, in the CCTV news report in the evening, Wang Ye's parents saw their son greeting Mr. Hu.

The old couple sat side by side on the sofa, watching the TV picture of their son shaking hands with Mr. Hu in high spirits and chatting and laughing. They felt both happy and proud, but also a little sour.

It is really not easy for my son to have the status he has today.

What outsiders see is his glorious side, but they don’t know what happened behind the scenes, and the price he paid is even less known.

Just like when he got married today, his biological parents couldn't even show up at the wedding...

"Hey... my son has grown up and started a family... It's a pity that we can't go there. Thinking about it, I feel... I feel sad. Neither of us can see the wife my son Ming Media is marrying with our own eyes." My mother suddenly said Said with sigh.

Dad was more free and easy-going, and understood Wang Ye's difficulties, so he enlightened: "Just have fun secretly. A son in other people's family can only have a daughter-in-law at most. As for us, now we just know There are two already, isn’t that Nana going to give birth?”

Mentioning this matter, my mother immediately forgot about Wang Ye's wedding and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, let's go to Simferopol in a few days. Nana is about to give birth." It’s due, we have to go there in advance, but don’t give birth in advance, and if we haven’t gone yet, that would be bad.”

According to the doctor, Ajielina will give birth at the end of this month, but it is normal for her to be a few days earlier and a few days later.

Dad hesitated for a moment. He was worried that he would have to stay too long this time and it would affect his company.

However, he readily agreed immediately and agreed to go there with Wang Ye’s mother. At worst, he would just stay there for a month or two. Is the company’s affairs more important than having his own grandson?


The wedding is going to happen tomorrow, and many people are coming to Rosiana's side, including her parents, her grandfather Constantine, and other people in the family, hundreds of them!

After all, Rosiana's status is there, and she can be regarded as the next patriarch who has been determined for a long time. In addition, the entire family will rely on her and Wang Ye's power in the future. Of course, no one dares to take it lightly. Those who can come can't come. I figured out a way to come over.

In the evening, Constantine had a long conversation with Rosiana alone. The focus of the conversation was naturally to teach Rosiana how to get along with people like Wang Ye after marriage, how the two of them could complement each other, and never get involved in life. The trivial matters in the movie affected their relationship, not to mention their political careers...

In short, it means the same thing. The combination of the two people and their feelings must be put behind. What is more important is the "fusion" of the two factions!

Because the power Wang Ye now represents is also extremely huge, especially on the Duma side, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as covering the sky with one hand.

Moreover, in the past few years, the power and influence of the Duma have been expanding day by day. According to Constantine's judgment, it is estimated that in a while, after Wang Ye officially becomes the speaker of the Duma, the Duma will be on an equal footing with the Kremlin. …

As for Rosiana, she certainly has a huge interest group behind her.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about her own family. After Rosiana became the governor this year, she has slowly developed her own political power. She has her own faction and many people are following her. (End of chapter)

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