Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1090 Great advantage

After hearing what Gryzlov said, Gebrev was speechless.

Because what Grezlov said makes sense!

Indeed, as Gryzlov said, Meddev's choice was not unanimously recognized by the entire faction. It was just that the Kremlin was pushing for it, and there were no other competitors within the faction. Therefore, most of the faction members Just acquiesce.

Why are Gebrev and the others so anxious now? Isn't it because another strong competitor has emerged within the faction?

Seeing that Gebrev lowered his head and said nothing, Gryzlov's expression softened a little. He sighed and continued:

"Hey, there are many things that everyone has no control over.

You...I can understand your worries, but I hope you can understand my difficulties. In fact, if you think about it from another angle, it is not a bad thing for the faction that I can stand for election.

The current situation is that me, Meddev, and Rosiana are the three most competitive candidates.

But among the three, if I were to rank them, I would say without humility that Zhirinov and I should be the strongest team, while Meddev and Rosiana are evenly matched.

No matter how you look at it, the last position most likely belongs to our faction.

The only difference is whether I or Meddev can go up, and that has no impact on the faction.

What I can guarantee is that if I win in the end, I will still put the interests of the faction first, and no one has to worry about it. You should understand..."

Gryzlov's subtext is "Factional interests come first, campaign comes second"!

Let's all compete fairly and fairly, and don't be impatient. Basically, that position still belongs to the Shilawik Group, and the interests of the faction will not be affected.

Of course, the Kremlin can continue to support Meddev, but it cannot prevent Gryzlov from wooing faction members to support him. Everyone competes based on their ability.

Gazlov nodded. He knew that he was unable to persuade Gryzlov to give up the election. He had already said everything that needed to be said. If Gryzlov couldn't listen, he couldn't force it.

However, he couldn't return without success, he had to do something.

After thinking for a while, Gazlov suddenly raised his head and stared into Gryzlov's eyes, and said meaningfully:

"I wonder if you have ever thought about why Zhirinov suddenly asked you to join forces in the campaign?

If it were me in his place, wouldn't it be better to go directly to Rosiana to join forces!

Don’t you think that Zhirinov’s relationship with you is better than his relationship with Misha? "

Gryzlov was stunned for a moment, and his face became solemn. Apparently, Gebrev's words had an effect.

But even if he had any thoughts, he would not express them in front of Gazev, so he smiled disdainfully and retorted:

“Zhirinov and I have worked together in the Duma for so many years, we know each other well, and we are of the same age and seniority, so it is naturally the most suitable partnership between us!

Although he has a good personal relationship with Mikhail, don't forget that the person running for election this time is Rosiana, not Mikhail!

If Mikhail really ran for the election, I would not run for it.

And everyone knows that Mikhail has already stated that he will not run for election, nor will he express his support for any candidate, because the three of us have a good relationship with him.

Therefore, there is no need for you to sow discord between me and Zhirinov. "

He didn't even say a word, but after talking about it for this reason, it was natural that Gazev couldn't stay any longer, so he got up and said goodbye, returning to the Kremlin Palace to resume his duties...

But after Gorbrev left, Gryzlov frowned and remained silent for a long time.

It has to be said that the last words of Gorbrev really made him suspicious, that is, why did Zhirinov suddenly come to him and want to join forces with him to run for office?

It’s really just like Zhirinov said, he is not willing to miss this opportunity...


Grezlov and Zhirinov joined forces to compete in the general election, which obviously caused quite a shock.

Not only is Meddev busy with work, but Rosiana has also cheered up. Recently, she has been frequently interviewed by major TV stations, seizing every opportunity to promote her governance philosophy to the public.

On TV, Rosiana obviously had her makeup artist carefully style her. She looks more mature than her actual age. She wears a decent suit with elegant colors and looks very approachable.

Don’t forget, Rosiana was originally a journalist, so her eloquence is quite good.

Compared with politicians like Meddev and Grezlov, she obviously knows better what to say to please the people more.

"Why participate in the election?

Of course because I think our country should be better than what it is now!

No matter what standards we use, including population, land area, education level, technological level, resources, etc., our country should be a developed country.

But what now?

That is to say, the economy of Moscow State has developed faster in recent years. Looking at those remote areas, the economy is still stagnant.

After I became governor, I vigorously supported high-tech industries, introduced a large amount of foreign investment, and invested in infrastructure construction.

Over the past few years, the entire Moscow State has undergone earth-shaking changes, which everyone has witnessed with their own eyes.

Believe me, after I win the election, I will make all parts of the country as rich and beautiful as Moscow Oblast..."

In the exclusive interview, Rosiana was full of energy and eloquent.

Obviously, many of the so-called political achievements she talks about should actually be attributed to Wang Ye.

However, Wang Ye did not participate in the general election. Doesn't it mean that her husband's achievements were made by herself, so she naturally took them all on herself...

Wang Ye would not object anyway.

In fact, Wang Ye also saw this interview with Rosiana. He did not have any dissatisfaction. He just smiled and shook his head, sighing that Rosiana had indeed grown a lot since she became governor.

Politicians should be like this. Regardless of whether it is their own merit or not, as long as they have something to do with themselves, they should not hesitate to take it on themselves and let the people of the whole country know!

And she brazenly said that it is obviously impossible to make remote areas as rich and beautiful as Moscow.

Moscow is in today's situation not only because of Wang Ye's massive efforts, but also because the city has a very solid foundation!

A long time ago, this was an international metropolis, and Wang Ye only started to restore it to its former glory...

But it’s okay for Rosiana to say it on TV because she has to!

Especially before the general election, it is the time when everyone is desperately promoting themselves and gaining support.

If you are still modest and don't even dare to say nice things, then how can you possibly attract people's votes?

Anyway, no matter whether you can do it or not, you should speak out the "big words" first, and then you will be qualified to do it after you win the election. If you cannot win the election, you are not even qualified to "can't do it"!

Nalan Yaqi, who was watching TV with Wang Ye, felt a little sour when she saw the radiant Rosiana on TV.

But she also understood that she was not qualified to compete with others.

Although I am also a so-called "Gege", compared to Rosiana's "Grand Duke Romanov", he is obviously a joke...

Rosiana's ancestors were a serious royal family!

And she was a direct descendant and inherited the family title!

As for herself, she said she was a descendant of Nalan Mingzhu, but that was all. Nalan Yaqi herself didn’t know whether it was true or not...

Not only in terms of background, but also in comparison to her own ability and status, Nalan Yaqi cannot be compared with Rosiana.

Although she has a good reputation now when she goes out and others call her "Mr. Nalan", her so-called careers are basically given by Wang Ye and have little to do with her own abilities...

Rosiana is a governor of Moscow, has established her own faction, and is even now participating in the general election.

Maybe in a year, his status will be higher than that of Wang Ye!

How can this compare...


There was no comparison, but seeing Rosiana stealing the show made Nalan Yaqi feel uncomfortable.

She turned around and asked Wang Ye:

“Misha, do you really want your daughter-in-law to participate in the general election?

Aren't you afraid that if she really wins the election, she will have a higher status than you and overwhelm you at home? "

Wang Ye laughed and said casually: "It doesn't matter if you push me on the other side. Don't you always push me on the other side?"

Nalan Yaqi obviously understood and said angrily:

"You...I'm talking about business, stop joking.

I see that Moscow is very lively recently. People are preaching in several well-known squares and parks all day long. It is probably the major factions trying to win the support of voters.

Also, posters of the candidates have begun to be put up on many streets.

I paid attention and found that your wife has the most posters!

In TV shows, she also appears in the most scenes. The other two people combined do not have as many opportunities to appear as she alone.

This must have cost a lot of money! "

She was indeed right. The general election is a money-burning game.

For this election, Rosiana has prepared a billion dollars in funds. The money was swindled by the Romanov family and donated to Rosiana's campaign office through several companies.

Constantine also said that the money is just an upfront capital, you can spend it as you like, and when it is spent, he will continue to provide it!

There is no way, who makes the Rosiana family have strong financial resources.

It is estimated that in comparison, except for Wang Ye and Hovchenko, even Abramovich may not be as rich as their family...

According to Wang Ye's understanding, Meddev and Grezlov are not so generous.

It is estimated that the two of them combined have less campaign funds than Rosiana alone!

However, this does not mean that Rosiana will definitely win, because both Meddev and Gryzlov have some political resources that cannot be bought with money.

So everyone has their own pros and cons, and it’s hard to say who will win!

Rosiana is spending money everywhere for publicity, and Meddev and Gryzlov are not idle either. The two have been very high-profile recently, frequently appearing on various major occasions, and have appeared in the news more often than the Kremlin and Kremlin. Wang Ye......

Meddev even took advantage of his position to conduct inspections across the country and became the "protagonist" on television stations in many states.

Although it is only March and there is still some time before the general election, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the "battlefield" of the general election is already full of smoke!

As for the other candidates, to be honest, the gap is a bit big. They were completely suppressed by the sharpness of these three people and had no chance to show their faces at all.


In public, Wang Ye said nothing about the election, also to avoid suspicion.

But in private, I don't have so many scruples about chatting with Nalan Yaqi.

So he chuckled and said: "Don't worry, it's just begun, the fun is yet to come. Just watch, this year's election will be more lively than ever before!"

Nalan Yaqi rolled her eyes and asked curiously: "Then can you predict who will win?"

Wang Ye smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

This question is a bit difficult for Nalan Yaqi. She usually doesn't care much about politics, but these three people are all big shots, and a political novice like her also understands something.

After frowning and thinking hard, Nalan Yaqi said in a positive tone: "I think it will be Gryzlov!"

Wang Ye asked again, "Why?"

Nalan Yaqi replied without hesitation:

"It's very simple. Meddev and Rosiana are both too young and they don't look reliable.

If I were to vote, I would definitely not feel comfortable handing such an important position to the two of them.

As for Grezlov, his age and qualifications are there. He has been in politics for many years, holds a high position and has rich experience.

Oh, it seems that he has always had a good reputation and there has never been any scandal.

Choosing such a person makes me feel reliable! "

I have to say that her analysis may really reflect the psychology of many ordinary people.

This is also the most basic reason why Gryzlov dares to stand up and participate in this election even at the risk of offending the biggest leader in the faction.

Because he feels that he has a great advantage!

After all, the general election must ultimately be chosen by the voters one by one!

Even though Meddev has the support of the Kremlin and Rosiana has the support of a wealthy oligarch, the reputation he has gained from so many years of business is something that neither of them has!

After listening to Nalan Yaqi's analysis, Wang Ye also nodded and affirmed:

"I didn't see it, your analysis was very reasonable.

Indeed, Gryzlov has a great advantage in this regard, and his partner Zhirinov is similar to him. Both of them are quite capable. "

Nalan Yaqi said in surprise: "Does that mean I guessed it right? Do you also think that Gryzlov will win in the end?"

Wang Ye shook his head and said:

"I didn't say that, I just said that your analysis makes sense.

However, you have to know that the results of general elections are often unreasonable..." (End of Chapter)

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