Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1085 The situation is complicated

At the end of the year, Wang Ye became busy again.

Although the global economic environment is not good this year, it will not have a big impact on Russia, because economically, Russia's biggest external connections are crude oil and natural gas.

As for these two, prices have skyrocketed again this year. Therefore, not only did the subprime mortgage crisis not affect Russia's economic development, it actually significantly increased its GDP this year!

The government's financial report has been released. For the whole year, GDP has officially exceeded one trillion US dollars, reaching more than 1180 billion US dollars, ranking tenth in the world.

The number one spot is undoubtedly the United States. Even under the influence of the economic crisis, the GDP is still as high as 14 trillion U.S. dollars, ten times the size of Russia...

Secondly, it is still a small book. The gap between it and the United States is huge, only 5 trillion U.S. dollars.

The third is Germany, which is over three trillion, and the fourth is China, which is also over three trillion...

This is the first time that Da Mao has entered the trillion-dollar club. Compared with last year's GDP, the growth rate in 2007 was as high as 23%!

Among the top ten countries in terms of global economic aggregate, the growth rate ranks first!

With years of rapid economic growth, especially in the past three years, GDP growth has been above 20% every year. Many financial media have called it the "Russian Miracle"...

Of course, this is also a coincidence. On the one hand, it is naturally inseparable from Wang Ye's control and guidance of economic policies. On the other hand, it is also inseparable from the skyrocketing price of crude oil in recent years...

Damao is a major oil-producing country in the world. In the past few years, the price of crude oil has skyrocketed from US$40 per barrel to US$120 today, which has tripled!

Natural gas prices have also risen a lot, hence the so-called Russian miracle.

In the past few years, after Wang Ye took the lead in leading economic development, the GDP growth rate has been very good every year. In fact, this is also due to the skyrocketing international energy prices.

If it were not for the support of the two pillar industries of crude oil and natural gas, to be honest, the economic data would not be as beautiful as it is now.

Wang Ye alone would not be able to achieve GDP growth of more than 20% for several consecutive years...

But there is no way. You can say that Wang Ye is lucky, or you can say that he has a long-term vision, because he made a judgment early and said that the international crude oil price will rise all the way, so every year the economic policies are formulated relatively radically. .

At first, there were still people who doubted Wang Ye's judgment, but after a few years, all those who had doubted him shut their mouths, because facts have proven that everything Wang Ye said was fulfilled one by one, without exception!

As a result, Wang Ye is the most authoritative one in terms of economic discourse right now, no one else!

As the leader of the rapid economic development in recent years, Wang Ye has certainly begun to attract the attention of major financial media around the world. Many foreign media have also issued interview requests and want to conduct an exclusive interview with Wang Ye.

But without exception, they were all rejected directly by Nova.

Even with domestic media, Wang Ye rarely accepts exclusive interviews, let alone foreign media.


On New Year's Day this year, Wang Ye still went to Petersburg and attended the gathering of the Romanov family.

After all, in about half a year, he and Rosiana will hold a wedding and officially become husband and wife. After all, he is also a serious son-in-law of the Romanov family, and they are both their own.

There was nothing much to talk about at the dinner. The focus was still on the private conversation between Constantine, Wang Ye and Rosiana after the dinner.

It seems that this has been a habit formed since last year. It is rare for the three of them to get together, so they took advantage of the New Year's family gathering to talk about some important things and some future plans.

The focus of the discussion between the three people this time was of course the upcoming general election.

Constantine is determined to push his granddaughter to that position, because only by achieving that step can the Romanov family truly declare its return to glory!

For this, he does whatever it takes!

Of course, if Rosiana really can't get up, then it's not impossible for Wang Ye to be willing to sit in that position...


"Misha, I have had a serious discussion with some staff recently, and everyone still thinks that Rosiana cannot compare to Meddev in many aspects.

Moreover, the Shilavik Group is obviously trying to push Meddev to take over, which can be seen from many aspects.

What worries me the most is that Kremlin’s attitude is rather ambiguous.

Recently, on some important occasions, he always brought Meddev with him when he attended, and he was generous in praising Meddev..."

Constantine said meaningfully, staring at Wang Ye closely.

It's not like Wang Ye didn't know what he said.

In fact, because he was also in the Moscow political arena, he felt it more deeply than Constantine, and he was aware of the Kremlin's attitude earlier.

As Constantine said, in the second half of the year, it seems that the Kremlin's trust and appreciation of Meddev has grown to a higher level. Originally, the adoptive father rarely praised a colleague in public, especially the government. aspects of the characters.

But in the past six months, he has publicly praised Meddev many times, and even attributed the country's rapid economic development in the past two to three years to Meddev's outstanding performance!

This is a bit outrageous...

Because everyone in the real political arena knows whose hands have been in charge of the direction of the country's economic development in the past few years.

It is obviously the credit of the National Economic Commission, or to be more direct, it is the credit of Wang Ye!

Doesn’t the Kremlin know this?

Obviously he knows it, but it is a bit intriguing to say that it is Meddev's fault.


After hearing what Constantine said, Wang Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly, because Meddev was originally recommended by him.

But unexpectedly, they are now faced with the situation where Meddev and Rosiana are competing in the general election at the same time. On one side is the "good brother" and on the other side is his fiancée...

I was caught in the middle, very embarrassed.

He and Meddev had a very good personal relationship, and the two of them had done several major things together, especially when Korokoli was transferred to the Security Bureau, Meddev also helped.

Wang Ye implicitly stated at the time that he would not harm Meddev’s good deeds in the next election.

But now Constantine and Rosiana are looking at him eagerly, wanting to help him, can he refuse?

Obviously I can’t say no if I refuse...

Rosiana looked at Wang Ye even more nervously. After all, she was the governor of Moscow and a person in Moscow's political circles, so she knew the situation there better.

Although Wang Ye didn't say much in front of her, she also vaguely knew that the relationship between Wang Ye and Kegong, Meddev, Shao Yigu, Korokoli and others was not that simple.

If he hadn't been running for election, Wang Ye would probably have stepped forward to support Meddev himself!

Now it's him on one side and his "good buddy" on the other, which really puts Wang Ye in a difficult position.

Therefore, although Rosiana usually has many opportunities to be alone with Wang Ye, she also very wisely rarely mentions the election, just because she is afraid of Wang Ye's embarrassment.

For this kind of thing, one still has to let his grandfather come forward to speak out. After all, he is also Wang Ye's "elder". It is okay to "rely on the old and sell the old" once in a while. Wang Ye should be able to understand.

But how Wang Ye will express his position, Rosiana is not sure...

Although the two have been engaged for a long time and have confirmed their wedding in half a year, and their relationship is very close, Wang Ye still has to make his own judgment on such important matters, and Rosiana cannot force him.


He reached for the cigar box, took out a cigar and put it to his nose to smell the fragrance. Wang Ye did not light it, but just played with it in his hand.

After pondering for a long time, he didn't speak. Constantine and Rosiana didn't say anything either, just waiting quietly.

After a while, Wang Ye finally asked: "Besides Rosiana and Meddev, are there any other competitive candidates?"

Rosiana quickly responded: "As far as I know, there are indeed a few people who have expressed their intention to participate in the general election, but you also know that those people are not to mention unknown, but they obviously have no qualifications and are completely unable to compete with me and Meddev. On a par with each other, it is almost negligible.

Now it is obvious that Meddev and I are competing.

Originally I should have had an advantage over him, but recently my adoptive father didn't know what he was thinking and suddenly started to speak out in support of Meddev, so I was at a disadvantage.

I can't ask my adoptive father about this kind of thing, and grandpa can't ask either..."

She was right. When it comes to this kind of thing, even if he is Rosiana's adoptive father, who usually has a good personal relationship with the Romanov family, he cannot directly clarify it!

If you don’t even have this awareness, then don’t compete in any general election...

Wang Ye smiled and said, "This is understandable. After all, my foster father is the representative of a large faction. The position of Kegong can be said to belong not only to him, but to the entire faction!

Perhaps their faction has reached a consensus, which is to recommend Meddev to participate in the general election.

In this way, at least the position of Kremlin Palace is still controlled by their faction, which is naturally much better than falling into the hands of an outsider.

We are just personal friends with our adoptive father. After all, we are not members of the same faction! "

Constantine also sighed, "Yes, their faction is indeed complicated. Not only the Petersburg faction, but also the Security Bureau and the military. In short, they are all deep-rooted forces. Even he, Sometimes you have to compromise.

If I were sitting in that position, I would probably make the same choice.

Pushing Meddev forward will give an explanation to the factions, and it will even make it easier for him to participate in the election again in the future..."

Originally, Constantine was speaking out of emotion, and whatever he said was taken care of, but when he said the last sentence, he suddenly stopped and looked at Wang Yedao thoughtfully:

"Tell me...does he really have this idea?

It is to take over a person who has been promoted by himself and has not so senior qualifications, and then after one term, he will participate in the general election and return to the Kremlin!

Just like we imagined you and Rosiana taking turns..."

Wang Ye looked at Constantine in surprise, and almost blurted out and asked him if he was also reborn...

Because Constantine really told the true thoughts of the Kremlin!

Wang Ye saw the changes in the situation in the past six months and said nothing on the surface, but in his heart he probably guessed Kegong's true thoughts.

At this level, who is stupider than whom?

The Romanov family's plan was to let themselves and Rosiana take turns on stage to have a "big show" between two people. Apparently the Kremlin had also thought of it.

Moreover, the adoptive father is still "young"...

Oh, compared to Wang Yelai, of course he is quite old, but compared to the leaders of many countries, he is indeed still in his prime!

He must be a little reluctant to retire after just two terms.

In this case, why not push a close confidant whom you can firmly control to work for a term, and then switch back to yourself...

Hence, these changes occurred in the second half of the year.

This is where Wang Ye is really in trouble!

He knew Kremlin's true thoughts, but he couldn't tell her, and it was hard to come forward to help Rosiana, because that would be tantamount to confronting Kremlin...


But now that this matter was directly exposed by Constantine, Wang Ye could no longer pretend to be stupid and could only nod his head solemnly:


But this would be troublesome. If she had the full support of the Kremlin, then Rosiana would be at an absolute disadvantage, even with my help.

How about forgetting it..."

To be honest, Wang Ye is not very interested in Ke Gong's position. Otherwise, if he had expressed his position to Ke Mong long ago, maybe Ke Mong would really consider supporting him.

At Wang Ye's current level, although his power is still a little worse than that of Kegong, the feeling of being in a high position is not much different. Wang Ye has experienced it, and at the same time he also feels this The location is beautiful, but it’s also really tiring!

Relatively speaking, the Duma is quite relaxed, and the Kremlin is in a mess.

If you really want to work for one term, your life may be shortened by a few years, which is not worth it...

That is to say, for the so-called glory of the family, Rosiana insists on participating in the general election, and Wang Ye cannot stop her.

Now that the Kremlin has made a choice and clearly chose Meddev, Wang Ye is a bit retreating.

We all have a pretty good relationship, so there’s no need to sour the relationship over this matter...


Hearing Wang Ye's words, Constantine became anxious. He stared, waved his hands unconvinced and said loudly:

“Misha, we have to try it!

If he is really successful, then next year's general election is already the best opportunity. If he misses this opportunity and waits for him to participate in the next general election, Rosiana will not have any chance.

Moreover, their faction is very powerful, but they cannot dominate the world with one hand!

It is not even certain whether there will be anyone in their faction who will oppose Meddev. After all, Meddev belongs to the Petersburg faction. Will the other forces obey him? "(End of chapter)

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