Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1071 Reinventing the Cell Phone

As everyone was looking forward to it, Gang Leader Qiao walked quickly onto the stage.

Without saying anything, he walked to the corner of the stage, picked up a bottle of water and took a sip. The big screen on the stage lit up, and the black Apple logo flashed.

Gang Leader Qiao put down the mineral water bottle and took a few steps forward, but did not reach the middle position.

He said: "I have been looking forward to this day for three years..."

Apple fans cheered and applauded in the audience, although no one knew what he was expecting...

Only Wang Ye and Cook smiled knowingly, because they knew that the Apple mobile phone project was secretly launched three years ago, so Gang Leader Qiao said that he had been looking forward to it for three years.

After the audience calmed down, Gang Leader Qiao spoke again:

“Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along and changes everything.


Apple once...

Perhaps it should be said that a person is lucky enough to be involved in an epoch-making product in his lifetime.

But Apple, and I personally, have been lucky enough to introduce a few of these products to you over the past few days.

In 1984, we launched the Macintosh computer, which not only changed Apple, but also changed the entire computer industry..."

The audience burst into warm applause again.

Gang Leader Qiao looked calm and continued to speak unhurriedly:

“In 2001, we released the first IPOD, which not only changed the way we listen to music, but also changed the entire music industry!

Today, we’re launching three of these products…”

He especially emphasized the word "three pieces" and stretched out three fingers.

The reporters and fans in the audience were all confused and had no idea what was going on, because the two products that Boss Qiao mentioned earlier were indeed of epoch-making significance and directly changed the computer industry and the music industry.

Can it be said that Apple can really come up with three such heavyweight products today?

That is simply unrealistic!

But no matter what, just cheer and applaud!

Gang Leader Qiao still introduced unhurriedly:

"The first thing is a large-screen IPOD that can be operated by touch."

Suddenly, some people in the audience cheered, while others disagreed, because although such a product is very good and advanced, it cannot be said to be epoch-making at all.

Gang Leader Qiao smiled slightly, "The second item is a revolutionary mobile phone!"

At this time, everyone in the audience became excited, because this is the first time Apple has made a mobile phone, a completely new category.

According to Apple's style, when entering any new industry, it must come up with distinctive new products.

Totally worth the wait!

"The third thing is a breakthrough mobile Internet tool."

As he spoke, a square icon appeared on the big screen behind him. This was the logo of the browser that comes with Apple's mobile phone, but the people in the audience didn't know what it was.

Gang Leader Qiao paced back and forth on the stage, while three icons representing "IPOD", "Mobile Phone" and "Mobile Internet Tool" appeared alternately on the big screen.

He repeated: "An IPOD, a mobile phone, and an Internet tool." He repeated it three times. When everyone in the audience looked blank, he asked: "Do you understand what I am talking about?"

The people in the audience said they didn't understand it at all and could only express their excitement by clapping and cheering, although most people didn't know what they were excited about.

Gang Leader Qiao then stood in the middle of the stage, raised his voice, and said loudly: "These are not three separate items, but one piece of equipment, and we named it IPHONE!"

The letters "IPHONE" appeared in white capital letters on the big screen behind it.

Facing the audience, Gang Leader Qiao said, "Today, Apple is going to reinvent the mobile phone!"

Then he took out an Apple phone from his jeans pocket and held it up high. At the same time, a large picture of the front of the Apple phone appeared on the big screen.

Get up, everyone!

Wang Ye also stood up with everyone, looked at Gang Leader Qiao on the stage with a smile, and applauded him.

Next, Gang Leader Qiao demonstrated various new functions of the mobile phone. The whole theater burst into applause and cheers. Both reporters and fans were attracted by the small Apple mobile phone in Gang Leader Qiao's hand.

Because the functions it displays are not to mention how powerful it is, but they are definitely novel enough and are not found in other mobile phones on the market!

Perhaps this is the consistent style of Apple products, focusing on user experience and being different.


Because of the popularity of the Internet, Apple's so-called "reinvented mobile phone" immediately spread around the world.

The various disruptive functions and operating experience of the first-generation IPHONE were also known to Internet users around the world, causing a great response.

It is said that long lines began to form at the entrance of all Apple retail stores in North America on the night of the launch. Although this new phone will not be officially launched until tomorrow morning, many enthusiastic Apple fans can't wait.

Everyone wants to get their new mobile phone as quickly as possible, even if the phone is not cheap, with a retail price of $499...

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Wang Ye turned on the TV and found that many TV stations were broadcasting the "grand event" of queuing in front of Apple retail stores, and reporters were interviewing on the spot.

What’s funnier is that some people actually set up tents on the roadside, probably for sleeping while queuing up at night.

Wang Ye smiled while watching the TV. It seems that this life should be the same as the previous one. Apple mobile phones will still create a rush to buy around the world.

Especially the previous generations of Apple mobile phones, every year when new products are released, they will trigger a wave of panic buying in almost all countries.

Everyone wants to get the new mobile phone as soon as possible, and of course there are also a large number of scalpers among them.

Some people don't want to queue up to buy a mobile phone on site, but also want to get it earlier, so they can only buy it from scalpers at a higher price.

Wang Ye still remembers that his colleagues in the company bought mobile phones from scalpers at an additional price of one to two thousand yuan.

There is also the so-called "selling a kidney to buy a mobile phone" news, which is also widely circulated...

Anyway, he doesn’t understand what these people think. It’s just a mobile phone. Even if it’s excellent and advanced, so what? Isn’t the ultimate use of a mobile phone just to make calls and send and receive WeChat messages? Or some People also use it to play games and watch videos.

Buying a few days earlier or buying a few days later won't delay anything.

He himself has bought several Apple phones, but he is not a so-called Apple fanatic. Instead, he often criticizes Apple's poor signals.

In the corridors or elevators of office buildings, Apple phones will basically not have a signal, but Android phones used by others can make and receive calls normally.

Moreover, Apple's poor battery life is an old problem. It was not until the launch of the 13th generation mobile phone that the battery life problem was solved, but the problem of poor signal was still not solved.

Also, it is best not to use an iPhone in areas with particularly cold weather. Wang Ye has suffered a "big loss" before.

One winter, he went on a business trip to the Northeast and happened to catch a cold wave, with temperatures reaching minus 20 or 30 degrees.

After going to a relatively remote place to meet clients and finish the work, Wang Ye wanted to take a ride-hailing service back to the hotel. However, his phone, which clearly had more than 30% battery left, turned off within two minutes of taking it out...

That day, he walked back to the hotel for two or three hours despite the severe cold of 20 to 30 degrees below zero, so he was particularly impressed!

Since then, he no longer uses Apple phones, but started using Huawei's MATE series.

But now Wang Ye will not say anything bad about the Apple phone in public. Instead, he will praise this revolutionary new phone, because the better the iPhone sells, the more money he can make!

Who would have trouble with their wallet...

Even after the new product launch conference, Wang Ye directly "used the back door" to purchase fifty new mobile phones in advance at Apple's headquarters!

Now his hands, as well as those of Nalan Yaqi and Nova, are all using new Apple mobile phones...

Not only did he want to use it for himself, but he also wanted to take it back to the people around him, asking the Kremlin, Duma, and government officials to throw away "old antiques" like Rittal and replace them with Apple phones that represented the highest technology!

Even if Apple cannot be sold in Moscow for the time being, the trend of using Apple mobile phones must be "warmed up" in advance. This is what Wang Ye, the major shareholder, must do.

As long as the scenes of people using Apple phones in public appear on TV news or newspapers, it is equivalent to a wave of free advertising for Apple.

The rich people in Moscow saw that all the big shots at the top no longer used Rittal, but collectively switched to Apple phones, so they thought they should follow suit.

When the Apple mobile phone is released in Moscow and throughout Eastern Europe, it will become a hit immediately!


Starting from the next day, the whole world was discussing the new mobile phone just launched by Apple. Experts from all walks of life came together. Some praised Apple highly, but of course there were also many who criticized Apple's new mobile phone.

"You guys obviously don't realize how bad it is to give a phone a touch screen. I already foresee the obvious problems with this approach. I will stick with the Samsung A707. Thanks...the colors are also disappointing."

"5 hours of battery life!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me? Are you sure this is a phone, not a laptop?"

"I think it's beautiful, but it won't become the iPod of the mobile phone industry... How long does it take for Apple to develop a mobile phone? Samsung and Motorola can launch a new mobile phone every few months, and they continue to innovate and become more and more popular." The better. It’s a shame, but if I’m texting, I prefer to use a physical keyboard rather than having to press my phone around on the screen for no apparent reason.”

"I don't think the iPhone is very good. As a PDA user and a Windows Mobile user, this thing is of no use to my mobile phone...Apple, let's develop a real PDA."

These are all voices on the Internet, and of course there are many who support Apple. Everyone is debating in various forums and communities.

In the traditional mobile phone industry, various mobile phone giants are also paying close attention to Apple's newly released mobile phone.

Although most of them recognize Apple's innovation, they don't think this phone can really subvert the existing mobile phone market.

Because Apple has only launched such a mobile phone, and the retail price is as high as $500, it is considered a high-end mobile phone. There is no way it can really become popular.

Although mobile phone giants such as Nokia, Samsung, and Motorola sell tens of millions or even hundreds of millions every year, the real sales are low-end models, which only cost one or two hundred dollars.

So they don't feel any pressure. It's just that a new brand has appeared in the mobile phone market. It may be able to take away some market share of high-end mobile phones, but it will not have a real impact on the market.

News on TV, debates on the Internet, and reviews in the mobile phone industry have nothing to do with Wang Ye.

After attending the new product launch conference, he did not stay long. He just went to Apple headquarters to attend a board meeting the next day, and then spoke as a major shareholder at the meeting, praising the senior management team for their contributions to the company. Contribution, and boldly predicted that the company's new mobile phone will achieve sales exceeding expectations. He suggested that Qiao Bangzhu and Cook integrate the industry chain as quickly as possible, increase mobile phone production, and bring the company's new mobile phone to people around the world as soon as possible. Consumers who are looking forward to...

After the meeting, when Wang Ye was chatting with Boss Qiao and Cook, he specifically mentioned that Apple should open retail stores in Eastern Europe, such as Moscow, Petersburg, Yalta, Kiffu, Astana and other cities. , you can open it.

As for the location, there is no need to choose. It is ready-made, that is, Kitty Eagle Shopping Center. It happens to be a shopping mall with the highest luxury positioning, which meets Apple's location requirements...

This matter was actually brought up by Nalan Yaqi after she pestered Wang Ye last night.

Obviously, Nalan Yaqi is very optimistic about the future of the Apple brand and Apple mobile phones. Her Kitty Eagle Shopping Center is positioned as high-end and has good sales, but it just looks too deserted...

So when she saw the long queues at the entrance of Apple retail stores shown on TV yesterday, her eyes lit up and she came up with this idea.

That is to open Apple's retail store into your own Kitty Hawk Shopping Center!

Wang Ye was so entangled by her that he had no choice but to agree to her request. Today he mentioned it in front of Gang Leader Qiao and Cook, and specifically told them to redesign the Apple retail store to create a new one for consumers. A comfortable and elegant shopping and experience environment.

Of course, Gang Leader Qiao and Cook would not object. Wang Ye's proposal was beneficial to the company, especially Wang Ye's proposal to improve the image of the retail store. Gang Leader Qiao was very moved and planned to put it on the agenda.


After staying in San Francisco for two days, Wang Ye took his private plane back to Moscow on the morning of the third day.

This trip to the United States was very low-key and there were no accidents.

Perhaps except for a few executives at Apple and the United States' Diplomatic and Security Bureau, few people knew that he had come to the United States...

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