Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1064 New Budget

"Boss, the overall construction progress is still going according to plan.

The headquarters buildings of major companies are all designed by the world-renowned design firms and the most famous designers.

Each building is unique and has its own highlights.

As for the construction of the building, we turned to China Construction Group, they are the construction company with the strongest strength and the most employees in China, and they can guarantee the smooth progress of the construction..."

Nova talked eloquently.

Wang Ye nodded while listening. With Russia's formal accession to the WTO, the central CBD area has become more important.

When I was planning to build a CBD, I still had some objections, thinking that Moscow does not need so many skyscrapers at present, and building these buildings is purely because Speaker Mikhail wants to engage in "political achievement projects", which is a great achievement!

Wang Ye didn't even bother to explain to those people, he could only say that the sparrow knows the ambition of the swan!

Perhaps many companies in Russia like to work in old buildings, which is relatively low-key, because many companies are engaged in "grey industries", so of course they want to keep a low profile.

But those top 500 companies in Europe and America don't like to keep a low profile!

A world-class big company, other people have plenty of money, and if they enter your new market, they will have to "take the lead" and rent or purchase top-level office buildings with the best conditions and the best conditions!

Hire the best local employees and offer the best salary!

Only in this way can they highlight the strength of their company...

Therefore, now that Da Mao has officially joined the WTO, this central CBD area is considered to be at the right time. After it is built, whether it is for personal use, rental or sale, the supply will be in short supply.

Moreover, a large number of powerful companies can be gathered in one location, which is also conducive to attracting talents.

In short, there are many benefits!

After listening to the report, Wang Ye shook his head slightly, "Hey, the progress is still a bit slow, but there is no way, this is already the fastest, after all, they are all skyscrapers..."

The construction of this CBD central business district has only started this year, and the efficiency is already very high, but it will take two or three years to really build it to a similar level.

Some buildings that are not that tall will take about two years to complete and settle in. As for those tall buildings, it will take three years to start.

That's why Wang Ye lamented that the progress was too slow.

There is really no way to do this. After all, to build such a super building, it cannot be repaired immediately when the money is in place and the people are in place. It must be done step by step and scientifically.

Perhaps the main structure was built very quickly, and it took almost a year or even more than half a year.

But the external decoration, internal water and electricity, decoration and so on are very time-consuming. Doesn’t everyone who is engaged in the construction say that the whole project has only completed one-third of the building’s roof, and the most time-consuming and expensive money is behind...


The convoy arrived in the central business district, and now there is a super-large construction site here.

The entire CBD area is surrounded by simple walls and closed management, leaving only a few entrances and exits, guarded by guards.

This is also to prevent ordinary people from accidentally walking into the construction site and getting injured.

Today's weather is not bad, at least there is no heavy snowfall, so there is a roar on the construction site, it should be that the construction workers are hurrying to work.

Wang Ye came to investigate today, and he didn't notify anyone, so it was a temporary idea.

Just before coming, let the office make a call to the construction site management office.

The guard must have received the notification from above, and after seeing Wang Ye's motorcade, he quickly opened the gate and let the motorcade drive in without asking any further questions.

"Boss, do you want to go down and have a look?" Nova asked.

Wang Ye glanced out through the car window, and ordered: "The security vehicles should wait here, and our car will go inside for a while."

Although the planning of the central business district is not too big, it will take a long time to walk all the way.

Not to mention that this place has not yet been built, the entire road is covered with mud and water, and it is even more inconvenient to walk.

So Wang Ye thought to take a car and drive around the main road first, and then get out of the car to have a look if necessary.

In this case, there is no need for the entire convoy to follow, that would be a bit too ostentatious.

After all, this place is also closed now. Except for the construction workers and site management personnel, there can't be any idlers, so there is absolutely no problem in terms of safety.

Following Nova's arrangements, Wang Ye's car started slowly and drove along the repaired main road in the central business district.

On both sides of the road, there are construction sites in full swing, with roaring machines and crowded people.

It can be seen that in order to advance the completion date as much as possible, major enterprises are willing to spend money. Correspondingly, the number of workers sent by the construction units is large, and their respective construction machinery is also large.

After going around for a while, Wang Ye basically saw only Chinese faces and black-haired people.

That's right, according to Nova's report, the contractor seems to be from China. As for those black-haired guys, they are probably recruited locally.

With the rapid economic development of Da-Mao in recent years, a lot of people from the neighboring countries have come to work, so there are more black-haired people than before.

When foreign companies like China Construction Group come to contract projects locally, the policy also requires them to hire a certain proportion of employees from the local area. It is impossible to appoint all workers from China.

Looking at the construction workers who were still working hard in the cold winter, Wang Ye was filled with emotion.

It's not easy for everyone, especially those workers with Chinese faces.

In order to earn more money, he traveled thousands of miles to a foreign country to do heavy hard work in the severe cold of minus 20 to 30 degrees.

The income of construction workers in Moscow is not bad. Just like those on the construction site here, Chinese workers should be able to earn six to seven hundred dollars, and black-haired workers may be even higher.

It's not that the construction company deducts the wages of Chinese workers, but because they are sent from abroad, they can only be paid according to the salary standard of the company to which they belong.

In addition, the company will bear their round-trip air tickets, board and lodging, visa and other expenses.

However, in 2006, for ordinary Chinese workers, they could earn US$600 to US$700 a month, or about US$6,000 in RMB, which is considered a high salary!

So this kind of work abroad, everyone is rushing to do it.

Originally, Wang Ye wanted to get out of the car and chat with those Chinese workers, asking them if they had any difficulties or inconveniences in working here in Moscow.

But in the end, he still didn't go down. After reading it, he directly told the driver to go back the same way, and was going to work in the Duma Building.

Because what he is going to do now is not to solve the problems of some small groups or a small number of people, so the structure is too small.

It is to change the destiny of the entire society and the country, and ultimately even change the world pattern!

When one day, he really achieves this step, the fate of most people will also change accordingly...


When the time came to the end of the year, Wang Ye became busy again.

As the director of the National Economic Commission, at this time, I have to take stock of the data of the country's economic development over the past year and see whether the expected results have been achieved.

In addition, the next year's fiscal expenditure budget plan to be submitted by the government will be reviewed, which is a major event.

Every year, both parties have to bargain around this fiscal expenditure and budget plan, and there are several rounds of back and forth.

Naturally, the government wants to ask for more money, so that the financial pressure in the coming year will be less, but the economic committee must consider the overall situation and try to maintain a balance of payments or sustainable development.

Although the exact data of the country's GDP in 2006 has not yet been calculated, it has been roughly estimated that it should be able to reach the expected goal of 900 billion U.S. dollars.

This data, compared to 765.8 billion US dollars in 2005, is equivalent to an increase of 17.5%!

It is not surprising that the GDP growth rate has reached more than double digits for three consecutive years.

Of course, the international community has also paid attention to this situation, so some world-renowned economic media have listed Da Mao and a certain Asian country as "twin stars", believing that the strong economic development of these two countries has driven the recovery of the global economy.

And Russia's fiscal revenue this year has also reached about 250 billion, accounting for 27.8% of GDP.

This is also a very ideal data, which shows that the growth of GDP is very solid and does not contain much moisture.

Normally, the fiscal revenue of a developing country will account for 20%-30% of GDP, which is a healthy figure, like China, it is generally about 24%.

But in some developed countries, this proportion will reach more than 30%!

For example, in the United States, its fiscal revenue will account for about 35% of the country's GDP.

And some boasted economies, such as the third brother, whose fiscal revenue only accounts for less than 10% of GDP, then this data is outrageous, indicating that its GDP data is too watery and does not have much credibility.

Da Mao can reach 27.8% this year, and the proportion is getting higher year by year. This also shows that the country's economy has indeed been developing healthily in recent years, and the taxes that should be collected have also been collected. improving.

Perhaps in another year or two, this country will truly enter the ranks of developed countries in the world!

What is even more precious is that this year's economic growth in Damao does not rely on rising energy prices as it did in the past.

The economic layout of various industries over the years has finally come to fruition this year.

In addition to the traditional energy industry as the pillar, Damao's military industry, Internet, automobile, commerce and retail industries have all started to make efforts this year, and have achieved impressive results, which is why this year's GDP has increased by nearly 20%!

It can be regarded as the realization of the all-round development that Wang Ye promised at the beginning, and he cannot walk on only one leg.

After reading this year's financial report, Wang Ye nodded with satisfaction, because everything is going according to his plan, and the economic development of such a big country is under his control. This kind of psychological satisfaction is really It's indescribable!

Looking at the expenditure budget for 2007, it is clear that the government did not mess around like it did last year, and it was quite satisfactory.

Only an expenditure budget of 280 billion U.S. dollars has been made, which is only a small increase compared to this year.

Combined with the GDP expected to exceed one trillion yuan next year, this budget is not an exaggeration, but rather reasonable.


After reading everything, Wang Ye closed the folder, pondered for a while, and then picked up the phone to call Nova.

Instructed: "Make a copy of this document and send it to the members of the Economic Committee, as well as Speaker Gryzlov and Deputy Speaker Zhirinov. In addition, Minister Shao Yigu is invited to come to my office this afternoon. I want to talk to him. Let’s discuss next year’s military spending.”

In this government budget, the military budget for next year has already been included, but Shao Yigu talked to Wang Ye privately, saying that he intends to apply for a special budget separately in the name of the Ministry of National Defense.

This budget will only be used to purchase advanced military equipment, mainly warships and fighter jets.

As for the manufacturers of warships and fighter jets, they are also the United Aviation Group and the Black Sea Shipyard controlled by Wang Ye.

Wang Ye understood Shao Yigu's thoughts. After all, he had just been promoted to minister, and the new official took office three fires.

Especially for an "outsider" like him who wasn't born in the army, if he wanted to convince everyone in the army, he had to show some real skills!

This true skill does not refer to how strong Shao Yigu's "individual combat ability" is or how high his military literacy is...

After all, in his position, even in the army, there is no need to consider such issues as personal combat effectiveness. What is more important is his strategic vision, leadership ability, and "money-making ability"!

Especially the last "money making ability" is very important...

Modern military relies on high-tech equipment, but where do these equipment come from?

Obviously it was going to be spent with a huge amount of money!

Everything is empty talk without money!

As for the fighting will and the quality of military personnel, it is not unimportant, but it is obviously not as important as before.

Especially in the "confrontation between strong and strong", the war is fought over technology and logistics!

Perhaps in the battle, the soldiers of both sides have almost no chance to meet each other, they are separated by hundreds or even thousands of kilometers, various fighters confrontation, missile bombing, drone swarms, electronic interference confrontation, etc...

Under such circumstances, what is the use of your army's individual combat capabilities? Can it withstand a missile bombing from others?

Therefore, the essence of the so-called "military reform" led by Shao Yigu in recent years is to reduce personnel and update equipment!

Reducing personnel can save a large amount of military expenses, which can be used to improve the treatment and living conditions of servicemen, and to recruit talents with higher education and higher quality.

But the money for purchasing equipment is not a small number. It is obviously impossible to rely on "self-reliance", and it must require support at the national level!

In the past two or three years, after Wang Ye has mastered the power of financial budget review, he has also given proper care, and will give an extra 10 to 20 billion US dollars every year, which also makes Shao Yigu loose a lot in his hands. Only then can the military reform be carried forward relatively smoothly.

The reason why he has such a strong relationship with Wang Ye is not without reason.

On the surface, the success of the military reform is due to his own ability, and because of the meritorious service of the military reform, he was promoted to the position he is today.

But he knew in his heart that without Wang Ye's silent support behind him, how could the military reform have gone so smoothly! (end of this chapter)

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