Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 107 This gift is too much

Agelina found a boyfriend, and he was Chinese!

Ever since she told her family on the phone a few days ago, this matter has become the focus of discussion among the three of them!

Agelina's parents didn't object to this, but in fact they were still a little worried.

But this is normal. In any family in any country, if their child finds a foreigner, parents will be worried...

After all, if we are not from the same ethnic group or from different countries, there will inevitably be many differences in living habits and cultural concepts.

When you first fall in love, love may cover up many problems, but what happens when two people live together for a long time?

It is very likely that a problem will occur!

During the discussion at home, both parents expressed their concerns.

Dad's main worry is that Ajielina said that Wang Ye is just an international student, which means he is not very old and has no source of income.

Do we still have to rely on Agelina’s work to support her?

Isn't this a "white face"?

In a fighting nation, such people are usually looked down upon!

What my mother is worried about is that if they get married in the future, will they settle in Russia or return to China?

It would be best if we settled in Russia. It's not too far away from home and we can take care of each other.

But if we go to China, the distance is too far. We may only come back once every few years.

In addition, China is a very poor and backward country. Wouldn’t my daughter have to suffer if she went there...

However, the younger sister Nova does not take her parents' worries seriously. She thinks that as long as her elder sister Ajielina and Wang Ye are in love, that is enough.

Regardless of nationality, income, or cultural differences, these are all solvable problems!

Of course, this is also because she is still young and does not know the hardships of life...


But no matter what they think, Agelina is back now and she has brought her boyfriend back.

When they met for the first time, Ajielina's family had a pretty good impression of Wang Ye.

The young man is tall and handsome. Except for his black hair, he is not inferior to any Russian young man in other aspects.

In particular, his facial features are relatively three-dimensional, and he seems to be in line with Russian aesthetics. He is also a handsome guy in Russia...

After getting to know each other, the parents pulled the two of them into the living room.

In old-fashioned Russian residential buildings, the living room is relatively small, and the living room and dining room are not separated, making the area more and more restricted.

Naturally, there is no need to talk about decoration for this kind of house.

The floor is still made of small wooden strips, and the walls are covered with dark yellow cloth wallpaper. Although it is very simple, it looks quite warm.

Wang Ye handed over the carton he was carrying, smiled at Ajielina's father and said, "Uncle, I heard that you like to drink, so I bought some for you. I don't know if you like this brand."

He didn't say anything, but Abba didn't pay attention to the things he was carrying. He thought it was their own luggage.

I was stunned for a moment, took the medium-sized cardboard box, took a look at it, and my eyes jumped.

This is Crown Vodka, which is basically the most expensive wine in Russia!

It feels like an ordinary family in a small city in China. The "hairy son-in-law" brought you a box of Feitian Moutai the first time he went there...

" bought so much!" It took him a long time to say something.

This is a whole box of eight bottles!

"If you like to drink, just buy more. Ajielina and I usually stay far away, so we finally come back." Wang Ye replied with a smile.

My father-in-law felt much better immediately. Apart from anything else, this young man was quite polite.

It’s not because he was generous and bought enough wine, but because he took his own preferences into consideration and catered to his needs!

On the other side, Agelina also took out a small plastic bag, took out two paper boxes from it, and handed them to Nova.

Said: "Little sister, this is Misha's gift to you and your mother."

Mom is busy pouring water and serving snacks for everyone.

"Wow! Do you still have my gift? Thank you Misha." Nova said happily, taking it as she spoke.

But as soon as she took a look, her eyes straightened.

After staring at the cover of the carton for a long time, he raised his head hesitantly and asked: "Inside this..."

The cover of the box is very obvious, with the image of a mobile phone, but Nova can’t believe that there is actually a mobile phone inside!

You know, at that time, mobile phones were still a luxury product for most ordinary people.

"Well, it's a mobile phone. With a mobile phone, it will be much easier for us to communicate in the future." Ajielina nodded and said.

"Mom, Dad! Misha gave me a mobile phone! Oh, I also gave mom one." Nova suddenly screamed.

This shocked Wang Ye.

Isn't it just a broken Nokia? As for this...

Wang Ye is looking at this issue from the perspective of twenty years later.

But it’s only 2001 now, especially for an ordinary family in a small city like Ajielina’s family, it is indeed a bit exaggerated to give two mobile phones as a gift.

Agelina's parents were also very surprised.

A whole box of Crown Vodka is worth five to six thousand rubles. This is already very generous, but it is still within the acceptable range.

After all, here in Russia, it is normal to give wine, but Wang Ye gave too much.

But give me a mobile phone...

This is a bit too much!

"Misha, why did you buy them a mobile phone? It's too expensive and they can't use it." Abba asked in surprise.

"This is just a communication tool. It's not expensive. It will be convenient for Ajielina to contact her family in the future. Nova will be a college student soon and will also need a mobile phone." Wang Ye responded.

Agelina's father shook his head repeatedly, but Nova and her mother couldn't put it down and started playing with their mobile phones.

"Thank you, brother-in-law, I like it very much!" Nova said excitedly, holding the phone.

It seems that this gift was given well. Nova's title of Wang Ye was upgraded from "Misha" to "brother-in-law"!

"By the way, Nova, how is your university application going? Do you really want to go to Moscow to study?" Agelina remembered this and asked.

"Yes, I also plan to apply to Friendship University and become alumni with my sister and brother-in-law, hehe." Nova replied with a smile.

"With your grades, it's definitely no problem. You can even go to University of Toronto." Ajielina nodded.

Wang Ye was a little puzzled and asked: "Since Nova's grades are so good, why don't you go to MO University?"

"Brother-in-law, with my grades, it is very likely that I will get an education subsidy if I apply to Friends University. However, although I can get admitted to MSU, it is almost impossible to get an education subsidy. The tuition and living expenses there are too expensive." Nova Explained to him.

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