The sun is scorching the earth

August 1 happened to be the weekend. Huang Yong was lying on the sofa at home, and the air conditioner in the living room was whirring.

Having just finished playing Honor of Kings, he suddenly felt uninterested, so he turned off the game software, clicked on Weibo and started browsing.

“MD, is Kuqi Bicycle’s deposit non-refundable? I submitted an application for a deposit refund for a week, and now the software still prompts me that there are 999+ people in line in front of me and it is being processed. Please wait patiently!”Pictures/Pictures/Pictures!

Huang Yong was stunned when he saw this Weibo post. He remembered that he had applied for a refund of the deposit for the little blue car a few days ago, but he has not yet received any news about the refund.

However, Huang Yong did not immediately exit Weibo and check it on the Xiaolanche App. Instead, he clicked on the many comments under this Weibo.

“Damn it! I also applied for a deposit refund from Kuqi Bicycle! But still no response at all! The App interface is exactly the same as the original poster’s interface! This makes me wonder if Kuqi Bicycle has no money to refund the deposit! ? If anyone is in the same situation as us, please give it a like!”

Huang Yong took a closer look and found that this pinned comment had more than 30,000 likes. He also gave this comment a like and then continued reading.

“real or fake? Why did I apply for a refund at Xiaohongche and it was refunded instantly?”This comment also has a lot of likes.

There are a lot of replies below

“I envy you for living in a big city! In our second and third tier cities, we can only ride bicycles of small brands.”

“I am in Shanghai, and I have accounts on Xiaohongche, Xiaohuangche and Mobike. I just tested it. Xiaohongche has the fastest refund speed. Xiaohuangche and Mobike are about the same. They both have to wait. The account will arrive in a while”


Huang Yong read the comments and found that three shared bicycle brands in second- and third-tier cities had problems with refunds, including the little blue bike he usually rides.

Huang Yong is a college student in a third-tier city in central China. He goes to school and lives in this city, so for convenience, he registered as a member of Little Blue Car and paid a deposit of 300 yuan.

There’s no summer vacation anymore. The weather is too hot and I don’t want to go out to play, so I just play games at home.

Recently, King of Glory has released a lot of new skins. He is very greedy after seeing them, but at home, his mother only gives him basic living expenses. Even if he tops up the money, he can’t buy all the skins he wants to buy.

While thinking hard, I remembered that I still had a deposit of 300 yuan on the little blue car. This was an unexpected surprise. So Huang Yong smiled and opened the deposit refund channel of the little blue car, and clicked on the refund button.

As a result, after waiting for several days, I still haven’t received any news about the refund of the deposit.

Huang Yong then commented on Weibo:”I am going to send these screenshots to the relevant departments. Anyway, I have nothing to do during the summer vacation, so I have time to do this! MD, pay me back the money for my skin!””

After commenting, Huang Yong exited the Weibo interface. After taking screenshots of all the evidence in the Xiaolanche App, he came to his laptop, uploaded the screenshots to several relevant department websites, and posted A long story about the whole thing, and expressed the hope that the relevant departments can manage this situation and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

After doing this, Huang Yong found that there were many Weibo message reminders on his mobile phone.

“XXX commented on you!”


In just this moment, Huang Yong’s comment was upvoted by many netizens

Maybe it’s because they are in the spotlight, but many people expressed that they want to report this situation to the relevant departments.

Huang Yong saw these comments and had an idea in his mind. He forwarded this Weibo to his class group and also sent a screenshot of his comments.

Because he knows that 99% of his classmates are users of Little Blue Car

Huang Yong waited for most of the day but did not receive a reply from the relevant departments. He suddenly slapped his head and said:”Why did I forget that today is Saturday! These departments are not working! I have forgotten all the time to play during this summer vacation!”

Until Monday morning, Huang Yong, who had just woken up, felt his phone vibrate. When he took it, he saw a text message reply from the relevant department:”Thank you for your trust. Our department has received the complaint and will handle the matter as soon as possible.””


A department office

“Xiao Li, sort out these complaints and send them to the leader’s office!”The office team leader ordered

A girl who looked like she had just graduated excitedly compiled the comments and complaints on the website into a report. After summarizing, she chose to print it.

Soon, the printer made a swish printing sound, and dozens of pages of reports were sent out of the printing port one after another.

The girl picked up the report in her hand, arranged it neatly, and pressed it hard on the table with a stapler.

“Da da da!”The sound of leather shoes colliding rapidly with the tile floor spread far away, and the sound attracted the attention of many other office colleagues.

Someone stretched out his head to take a look, then returned to his seat and sighed:”This little girl is really fast at doing things! It looks like she will have to settle down for a few more years!””

The man’s words immediately gained the agreement of other colleagues in the office.

The girl took the report and ran to the door of the leader’s office. She stopped, straightened her appearance, calmed down her breath, and then knocked on the door.

“Please come in!”

“lead! Something big has happened! This time it’s a group incident! This is the report I compiled from the website!”The girl said and put the paper document in her hand in front of the leader.

The leader slowly blew the tea leaves floating on the water in the tea cup in his hand, took a sip and sighed, then put the cup aside, picked up the report in his hand and read it.

As if she was afraid that the leader would not understand, the girl explained:”Leader, the complaints compiled here are part of the complaints about this group incident. There are many more on the website, and I have responded to them one by one. What do you think of these? deal with?”

After listening to the girl’s words, the leader did not speak immediately, but looked at it carefully.

Complaint that Little Blue Car is suspected of fraud and the deposit will not be refunded!

The leader couldn’t help but take a breath when he saw that these pages were almost all complaints about Little Blue Car. He knew that this matter was serious!

He knew that Little Blue Car was a shared bicycle company that existed in several cities in Hubei Province and the neighboring province. Even he jumped on the bandwagon and registered Little Blue Car and paid a deposit.

When Little Blue Car was promoted, he clearly remembered that it was said that the deposit would be refunded at any time, but looking at the complaints online, he found that the time marked was at least a few days, and the deposit had not been refunded yet.

The leader immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the Little Blue Car App. After searching for a while, he couldn’t find a way to refund the deposit, so he said to the standing girl:”Xiao Li, come! Please help me see what’s going on with this little blue car.” Deposit refund!”

After hearing the leader’s instructions, the girl took a few steps forward, took the leader’s mobile phone with both hands, put it on the table, and explained it while looking at it. She quickly helped the leader choose and return the deposit.

Looking at the words displayed on the interface that there are 999+ people queuing in front of you, please wait patiently, the boss knows that this matter may not be covered!

After thinking for a while, he said:”Xiao Li! I already know the situation! It’s very important. You go back and publish an announcement on the website that our department will strictly investigate the deposit incident and give an explanation to the public! As soon as possible!””

After listening to the instructions, the girl immediately turned around and left the office.

After seeing the girl leave, the leader stood up, paced back and forth for a few times, then picked up the mobile phone on the table and made a call.

“Old leader! Something big is happening! you listen to me!……”

After hanging up the phone, the leader breathed a sigh of relief. He had just called the old leader and told the seriousness of the matter. Now he only needs to coordinate with other units in the city to jointly enforce the law and order the little blue car to make rectifications immediately. At least The deposits of people in this city must be returned as soon as possible, otherwise they will no longer be able to operate.

As for other cities, it will naturally be coordinated by his old leaders.

The leader stood behind his chair, looked at the dark cloudy sky outside, and murmured:”The bike-sharing industry is going to change!”


“Click! ~” Tsui Hark shouted loudly with a loudspeaker

The two actors who were originally hanging from the wire were immediately put down.

“How did you act? Didn’t you eat? This is fighting, not dancing, so try harder! The expression must be in place! Come again!”

All the cameras immediately returned to their positions, and the scene of the decisive battle between the Wild Wolf Gang and the Qixuanmen was restarted.

Wu Yun stood up and was about to take a closer look when his cell phone rang. The sound was not loud, but it was very clear on the set.


“Whose cell phone! Didn’t I ask you to mute or vibrate your cell phone?” Tsui Hark turned around angrily, only to see Wu Yun take out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

Wu Yun showed an apologetic look and said:”Sorry! Director Xu! You are busy! I’m going to take a call!”

Tsui Hark looked a little embarrassed, but finally sighed and said loudly after the meeting:”What are you looking at! Let’s start again!”

Wu Yun ignored the movement behind him, walked out of the crowd and came to a quiet place, and then answered Li Qiuliang’s call.

As soon as the connection was connected, I heard Li Qiuliang’s excited voice:”Mr. Wu! The deposit has exploded!”

The fatigue of the afternoon was instantly gone, and Wu Yun asked in a deep voice:”Which one is it? The yellow car or the Mobike!?”

Li Qiuliang on the opposite side couldn’t help but cover his face. The big boss could only see the two companies chasing behind him:”They are none of them, they are the little blue cars competing with us in the central region!”

“There are also cool bicycles in coastal areas! These two companies have received a large number of complaints in the past few days, and some have even complained to relevant departments!”

“Now cities in the central region have announced joint law enforcement, ordering Little Blue Car to make rectifications, and ordering Little Blue Car to return the deposits of those who applied for refunds within a week! Otherwise it will be shut down!”

Now the little blue car has been forced to the forefront!

Wu Yun understands the operation of shared bicycles very well! So Wu Yun knew that this was undoubtedly a fuse, a fuse that would cause changes in the shared bicycle industry!

It is absolutely impossible for Little Blue Car to refund the deposit of the person who applied for a refund within the time limit, because after such a commotion, other users will also panic and return their deposits. By then, the gap in funds required will become larger and larger. In the end, Little Blue Car will be broken. The jar broke!

“What is the reaction to this matter in the country now?”Wu Yun asked

“There hasn’t been much turmoil yet, because although the refunds from Xiaohui Car and Mobike were not timely, they were returned to the users within a short period of time! It’s just that the funding gap between Xiaolanche and Kuqi Bicycle is too large, so it’s difficult to return users’ deposits.”

Wu Yun asked:”Are we ready?”

Li Qiuliang naturally knew what Wu Yun was asking, so he said with a smile:”Mr. Wu! Don’t worry! We have long been prepared to face the wave of full refunds of deposits! All the holes have been filled!”

Because Wu Yun did not misappropriate much of the deposit from the beginning, coupled with Wu Yun’s large initial capital investment and subsequent financing, after a year of development, Xiaohongche has already filled the holes and even obtained made a profit

“Then let this fire burn brighter! Let’s go add some firewood!”The corners of Wu Yun’s lips curled up, and his sneer made Li Qiuliang’s hair stand on end!

However, Li Qiuliang really admired Wu Yun. When he first founded Xiaohongche, Wu Yun had considered the possibility of a thunderstorm on deposits in the future. It must be said that Wu Yun really had a keen eye on the operation of capital and the development of the company. Li Qiuliang also sees the development of Wuyun’s other companies.

“Ha ha! Mr. Wu! rest assured! I have already prepared the copy! I just need some big Vs to send it out!”Li Qiuliang said with a smile, and subconsciously glanced at the article on the computer in front of him that was about to cause an uproar in the industry.

“very good! Let things ferment a little more! It’s time for us to do a hot search!”

Wu Yun looked at the watch on his hand and said:”It’s still early! I’ll leave for Chengdu right away! I’ll go back to the company tomorrow morning!”

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yun came to Qi Fei who was reciting the script, patted Qi Fei on the shoulder and said:”Fei Fei! There is something wrong with my company! I will go back to Chengdu soon! Take care of yourselves, and if you want to cook, just ask An aunt!”

Qi Fei put down the script in his hand and asked with some confusion:”Why are you in such a hurry? Did something happen!?”

This is the first time she has seen Wu Yun behave like this. Wu Yun usually goes to the company slowly and is not in a hurry. Now that he is in a hurry to return to Chengdu, something big must have happened!

“Little red car, no! Something big is going to happen in the shared bike industry! I want to go back and take charge!”

Qi Fei stood up, came to Wu Yun’s side, picked up the tissue on the table and gently wiped the sweat from Wu Yun’s ears due to the phone call.

“Um! Go ahead! be careful on the road! Remember what you promised me! When I finish filming, take me and Mengmeng to the capital together!”

“If you get into trouble, forget it! I guess my dad can’t solve it either!”

Wu Yun smiled, held Qi Fei’s hand and said,”Don’t worry! You can film with peace of mind!””

At this time, Wen Meng walked over from the crowd watching the filming. Seeing the state of Wu Yun and the others, he asked with a smile:”What happened! See how serious you two are!?”

Because there were many people at the scene, in order not to have a bad influence on Qi Fei, Wu Yun did not do anything intimate. He just leaned on the chair and said with a smile:”It’s okay! I have something to do in the company. I have to go back to Chengdu first. Please accompany me.” Feifei is filming here! I’ll pick you up when the time comes!”

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