Emma covered her mouth and smiled:”It seems that sir and I have the same hobby, which is food!”

Then Emma stretched out her hand and said:”I’m Emma Watson, from England, nice to meet you!”

Wu Yun felt the eyes around him. Although he felt something was wrong, he still smiled and gently held Emma’s fingertips:”Emma! I know you! I have read Harry Potter many times. of!”

“I am Wu Yun, from China!”Wu Yun briefly introduced himself.

I have to say that European and American people are really straightforward. After Wu Yun introduced himself, Emma looked interested and asked:”Mr. Wu, do you know Mr. Lucas?”

Wu Yun’s expression did not change, and he suddenly understood. No wonder Emma came to him:”Today is the first time we meet, and I only came here after receiving an invitation letter from Mr. Lucas.””

Hearing Wu Yun’s words, Emma was even more curious about Wu Yun, so Gongwei said:”Oh! Mr. Wu must be very famous in China. I’m really sorry, I don’t know much about China. Mr. Wu is also Someone from the entertainment industry?”

Wu Yun nodded, swallowed the food in his mouth, and then said:”That’s right! I have opened several companies in China, including a film and television company.”

Since Emma was interested, Wu Yun didn’t mind revealing some information. In addition, Wu Yun didn’t have a female companion to play with him these days, so he was indeed a little lonely. It happened that the Emma who came to his door met his aesthetic standards.

Although Emma’s character has not collapsed yet, Wu Yun’s shrewdness in her words and demeanor can still be felt.

Name: Emma Watson

Age: 25 years old

Height: 165cm

Weight: 48kg

Appearance: 92 (after makeup)

Body: 89 (B?)

Rating: 82 (very few reviewers)

Skills: Proficient in French, Proficient in English, Proficient in Acting…….

Favorability: 50 (rising)

Emma took small bites of the steak. After swallowing, she dipped a tissue around her mouth a few times and then said:”I didn’t expect Mr. Wu to be a business tycoon! Do you have any cooperation with Mr. Lucas?”

Wu Yun said with a smile:”Mr. Lucas is very interested in the copyright of a novel I have. I think we will still have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.”

Wu Yun’s words were not too full, but the information revealed in them made Emma’s eyes light up. A novel or script that could interest George Lucas, if directed by George Lucas himself, would at least be the same as Star Wars. Script one level

Ever since Emma played the role of Hermione in Harry Potter, her character has basically been fixed there. Many times when Emma appears on the street, passers-by are more likely to call her Hermione than to call her by her original name.

So Emma urgently needs a work that can change her current situation. Although she has participated in some film and television shootings in recent years, the characters have no characteristics and they are almost forgotten after watching them.

In January of this year, Emma signed a contract to participate in Disney’s live-action movie”Beauty and the Beast”, preparing to play Princess Belle, but no one will dislike her many invitations.

“Mr. Wu, is this novel a Chinese science fiction novel?”Emma has a very high IQ and can analyze the answers through minute details.

“Yes,”The Three-Body Problem” was written by a Chinese writer. I wonder if you have heard of it!”

Emma opened her eyes in surprise and said,”It must be the novel that was nominated for the 2014 American Fantasy and Science Fiction Association Nebula Award in the novel category! I’m still a fan of this novel! The setting in it is really great!”


Not far away, the small Marvel circle gathered together to eat.

Elizabeth said with some disdain:”Hermione’s nose and eyes really seemed like magic. As soon as Mr. Egger and the others left, she immediately sat down with a plate. What a good timing!”

Everyone looked at each other, feeling amused. Elizabeth had always disliked Emma. This was an open secret in their circle.

The reason is simply that they are both similar in age and both started out as child stars. As a result, Emma is one year younger than her but is famous in the world, but she has been playing some less important roles.

Scarlett showed an interested look and said:”I am even more curious now about the identity of this young gentleman! With Emma’s character, he can chat so happily. This gentleman is not simple!”

Robert Downey Jr. crossed his legs and put his hands on the back of the chair unrestrainedly, looking at Wu Yun and Wu Yun not far away, and then nodded in agreement:”They are all so curious, so I will explore the way first!”

After saying that, he picked up the wine glass and walked in the direction of George Lucas.


Seemingly finding a breakthrough, Emma discussed the plot of”The Three-Body Problem” with Wu Yun for a while using her own point of view.

“Emma! It seems like you like reading this type of novel! ?”Wu Yun listened to Emma’s views on the three-body problem and knew that this was indeed the performance of a novel fan.

Emma nodded and said:”Indeed! In order to play Hermione well, I watched the entire”Harry Potter” many times to understand the original work.”

Emma then showed a wry smile and said:”Because of this, the image of Hermione is about to become my character, so in recent years I have been looking for some good scripts to get rid of this shackles!”

“I just signed with Disney in February to play the princess in Beauty and the Beast, but I don’t think this movie is enough to get me out of this predicament!”

However, Emma changed her voice and said with a smile:”Mr. Wu, I am really interested in”The Three-Body Problem”. If”The Three-Body Problem” is adapted into a movie, I don’t know if I will be lucky enough to participate in the filming.”

Wu Yun frowned and said:”The main perspectives of these three bodies are all in China, and there are very few important roles of Western women. Are you sure you want to participate?”

Emma glanced at Wu Yun charmingly and said:”The rights to adapt are all in your hands, aren’t they?”

“I am very optimistic about”The Three-Body Problem”, so I must seize this opportunity!”

Wu Yun looked Emma up and down, looked at the favorability score which was already as high as 70, and said with a smile:”Nothing happened recently, right?”

The smart Emma immediately understood what Wu Yun meant and said with a smile:”Mr. Wu, can I add your contact information first? I will go back tonight to confirm the itinerary with my agent. Then I will Contact you again! Do you think it’s okay?”

Wu Yun understood that Emma was probably not telling the truth, so she was still worried and wanted to go back and investigate his background.

But it’s okay. Wu Yun is not the type who can’t walk when he sees a beautiful woman. In that case, I’m waiting for you to take the bait. He is already a billionaire and cannot be like a licking dog like in his previous life.

Then Wu Yun smiled, raised the wine glass in front of him and said,”It’s such a happy decision!”



After chatting with Emma for a while, Wu Yun’s plate was cleared of food.

After the waiter cleared the table, Wu Yun stood up and said:”Emma, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first!”

Looking at Wu Yun’s leaving figure, Emma showed a thoughtful expression, and after a while she waved to the waiter not far away:”Sorry, I can’t finish my meal! Please help me clean it up! Thank you!”


After walking out of the dining area, Wu Yun found where James and others were and walked in that direction.

Just halfway through, he heard someone calling his name:”Mr. Wu Yun, excuse me!”

Wu Yun turned to look at the famous billionaire on the screen and couldn’t help but smile:”Mr. Downey! Hello!”

Robert Downey Jr. already knew Wu Yun’s billionaire identity, so he said in a very polite tone:”Mr. Wu, my friends and I would like to get to know you, but do you have time?”

As he spoke, Robert Downey Jr. pointed in the direction of the Marvel actors and actresses

Wu Yun looked around. Everyone, including the two Chriss, smiled and waved to Wu Yun.


After Wu Yun and Robert Downey Jr. walked over, Scarlett smiled and greeted:”Mr. Wu Yun! We meet again!”

Seeing Scarlett again, Wu Yun felt that the gap between before and after makeup was indeed quite big. If Scarlett without makeup was just a slightly prettier European and American woman, then Scarlett after makeup was definitely in line with the beauty. Most people’s aesthetic

No, according to the system’s score, Scarlett’s current appearance actually reached 95 points, and the gap is not even a little bit.

“Hello! Miss Johnson!”Wu Yun responded with a smile.

“Just call me Scarlett! Let me introduce my friends!”As a woman, Scarlett smiled and acted as the lubricant between them, and introduced all the leading actors in the Avengers to Wu Yun.

Ten minutes later, Wu Yun added the contact information of several people before walking in the direction of James.

In one night, Wu Yun met a lot of people, including business tycoons like Laurena Powell Jobs and Robert Iger, as well as famous Hollywood stars.

I don’t know whether most people knew Wu Yun’s identity or it was because of George Lucas that they were very polite to him. At least Wu Yun did not feel the xenophobia and racial discrimination in Hollywood as rumored.

When the dinner was almost over, Wu Yun found George Lucas and was about to say goodbye.

George Lucas held Wu Yun’s hand and said,”Wu! Remember your promise, you must call me when you adapt”The Three-Body Problem”! I am willing to even be an editor!”

Wu Yun also smiled and said:”Okay! Mr. Lucas, I will definitely inform you when the time comes!”

George Lucas nodded:”I have already said hello to Industrial Magic Light. Although I do not control Industrial Magic Light now, I still have a certain say. If you need special effects production, I can still help. of!”

“Thank you, Mr. Lucas! I’ll leave first! Thank you for your hospitality!”

“Haha! See you at the Oscar party!”

Outside George Lucas’ estate, Wu Yun happened to bump into James Murdoch who was coming out with him.

James smiled and waved to Wu Yun:”When I take over Fox, we will work together again. I am very optimistic about the Chinese market!”

Wu Yun nodded. This is also an opportunity. It is an opportunity for Phoenix Entertainment and Qi Fei. I did not expect that there will be several unexpected surprises at this banquet tonight.



After returning to the villa, Wu Yun and the three women played videos for a while before entering the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Wu Yun found that the mobile phone he bought in the United States displayed several unread messages on Twitter.

Emma:”Mr. Wu, except for attending the Oscar ceremony on the evening of the 13th, I basically have nothing to do in March!”

Emma:”Are you going to watch the Lakers and Pistons game tomorrow? I happen to have two VIP seats here.”

The other two messages were from Scarlett about exercising together in the morning.

Wu Yun casually replied to Scarlett:”Okay! See you at seven o’clock tomorrow morning.””


A hotel room in Los Angeles

Emma was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone in a thin silk pajamas. The silk pajamas covered her curves that were exposed due to lying on her stomach, and they were close to her body without revealing any traces.

After returning to the hotel, Emma did contact her agent. After confirming her itinerary, she searched for Wu Yun’s information on the Internet.

If you don’t search, you won’t know. If you search, you will be shocked.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yun, who looked not much younger than him, was actually only 19 years old!

But his net worth far exceeds 1 billion US dollars. You must know that even at this age, Zuckerberg is still a student in school listening to the teacher’s lectures.

This is simply too scary! If Wu Yun is given a few more years, maybe a person even more awesome than Zuckerberg will be known to the world.

Emma also finally knew that George Lucas and others treated Wu Yun as an equal. Even without”The Three-Body Problem”, Wu Yun would have been treated as a guest wherever he went based on his worth.

Emma thought about it and remembered that her friend had given her two VIP tickets to the Lakers home game a few days ago, and she made a decision in her mind.

So I immediately picked up my phone and sent two messages to Wu Yun.

After a while, Emma’s phone vibrated

Wu Yun:”What time is the game tomorrow?”

The corners of Emma’s mouth raised slightly, and her manicured fingers expertly typed the reply on the screen:”19:30!”

Wu Yun:”Okay!”

Emma waited for a while before Wu Yun replied with a good word. She frowned slightly, complaining in her heart about why Wu Yun didn’t follow the routine and didn’t invite her to dinner.

Just when Emma was wondering whether to take the initiative, Wu Yun sent another message:”You find a place and watch the game after dinner in the evening!”

“Shet! Why is this Wu Yun not a gentleman at all? He directly made a decision for me! Emma complained crazily in her heart, but the reply speed on her hand was not slow at all:”Let’s go to the two-Michelin-starred restaurant Melisse. It’s very close to Staples Stadium, but I don’t know if I can still reserve a seat now!””

Wu Yun:”Okay! Right there! I’ll make a reservation!”

Emma didn’t doubt Wu Yun’s ability to book a seat, so she replied with a few smiley faces and said:”Okay! See you at Melissa tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow!”

Emma smiled, then turned over and lay half on the pillow. The silk pajamas immediately revealed Emma’s slender figure.

Emma opened Google and entered the keyword”little red car”. Immediately, many links popped up on her phone, including English and Chinese.


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