Hollywood Boulevard was built in 1958. It is a sidewalk extending along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street. There are more than 2,000 star-shaped medals with the names of Hollywood celebrities on it to commemorate their contributions to the entertainment industry.

Wu Yun looked at the stars stretching all the way on the ground and didn’t think there was anything different about them. They just looked like some regularly arranged floor tiles with some people’s names engraved on them.

But Wu Yun didn’t recognize most of the names, because most of the stars on Hollywood Boulevard were put up within a year or two of their original construction.

After having dinner with Lin Wei, Wu Yun decided to walk along Hollywood Boulevard towards Beverly Hills and take a look at the cultural scenery along the way.

Just when Wu Yun was halfway gone

A voice shouted from behind Wu Yun:”Mr. Wu! Please wait!”

An Asian-faced young man in his twenties trotted over. When he was approaching Wu Yun, Big Bear stopped him.

The young man looked at the fierce-looking white man who was nearly a head taller than him. He couldn’t help but swallow his saliva. At the same time, he secretly cursed himself for being a little reckless. He didn’t expect that he would be so excited when he ran into Wu Yun again on Hollywood Boulevard.

This young man was none other than He Yongzhi who was inquiring about Wu Yun in the VIP terminal of Shanghai.

He Yongzhi had just finished his work in the afternoon, and as soon as he came out from dinner with his girlfriend, he saw another influential figure among domestic youth.

In addition, the business of his startup company was also related to Wu Yun, so he ran over without thinking.

“Mr. Wu! I’m He Yongzhi from Ruian Film and Television Special Effects. I wonder if I can keep you for a few minutes?”

As a second-generation rich man, He Yongzhi felt at this moment that he was facing the domestic business tycoons, and his momentum involuntarily dropped.

At this time, He Yongzhi’s female companion also came over and stood beside He Yongzhi.

Wu Yun nodded towards Big Bear

Daxiong glanced at He Yongzhi and then gave up his position.

Tourists passing by looked at the Asians surrounded by these big white men with curious eyes.

Wu Yun said calmly:”Excuse me, what can I do for you?”

He Yongzhi hesitated, then took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Wu Yun with both hands:”Actually, I just want to get to know Mr. Wu and promote our company’s business!”

When He Yongzhi said this, Wu Yun immediately showed a hint of interest.

“Ruian Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd., General Manager He Yongzhi! ?”Wu Yun raised his hand and looked at the business card in his hand with Chinese characters on one side and English on the other, and murmured in his mouth.

Wu Yun had no impression of this company. After all, the common sense and gossip in the entertainment industry that he bought were superficial. Even veterans of the entertainment industry may not necessarily know about these special effects companies hidden behind the scenes.

He Yongzhi saw Wu Yun’s puzzled expression, so he explained with a smile:”It’s normal that Mr. Wu has never heard of us, because most of our company’s business is only carried out in China. I came to the United States just to acquire a small business.” A Hollywood special effects company, let’s see if it can expand its business in Europe and the United States.”

Wu Yun asked:”Does your company have any masterpieces?”

He Yongzhi said casually:”Because our company was only established in 2013, there are still relatively few domestic masterpieces.”Macau Storm”》、《Journey to the West: Havoc in Heaven》、《Demon police》、《We participated in some of the scenes such as”Armor Warrior” and”Equator” which has not been released this year.》、《”The Taoist Comes Down the Mountain”. Of course, our company has also independently produced some special effects for some TV series and some web series.”

“Technically, our company is mature, and we are about to complete the acquisition of a special effects company in Hollywood. By then, our technology and manpower will be able to fully meet the special effects requirements of a large-scale commercial movie.”

Listening to He Yongzhi’s talk, Wu Yun handed the business card in his hand to Wang Hao and said:”Mr. He, let’s add a contact information! It happens that some scripts behind our company are about to be filmed. Let’s take a look at your technology then. how!”

When he came to the United States this time, Wu Yun had already made an appointment with the people from Industrial Magic Light. He was planning to go to the headquarters of Industrial Magic Light for inspection after the Oscar awards party to prepare for the next few movies and TV series.

Now that they are delivered to your door, you can choose a more suitable one by comparing multiple products. In fact, as long as you are willing to spend money on special effects and the special effects company’s technology is up to standard, there will generally be no”50-cent special effects”, let alone vindictive horses.

In addition, Chinese special effects companies may understand Chinese culture better. For example, the special effects of”The Great Wall” produced by Industrial Magic Light are very good, but the style is not at all like the Chinese style.

After Wang Hao and He Yongzhi added their contact information, Wu Yun nodded towards He Yongzhi and said:”I hope you can meet my requirements!”

After saying that, he ignored He Yongzhi and walked forward with the others.

Looking at the back of Wu Yun and others walking away, He Yongzhi looked at the information on his mobile phone. It was Wu Yun’s name. It was probably Wu Yun’s work number.

But it doesn’t matter. With the news just now and the rumors he had about Wuyun Company and the industry, He Yongzhi knew that the opportunity had come again! It depends on whether they can win it

At this time, the female companion next to him patted He Yongzhi on the shoulder:”Yongzhi, come on! I said the day before yesterday that I didn’t have a chance to get to know each other, but now we have met!””

He Yongzhi showed a firm look and said:”So this acquisition is bound to win!”


Before walking a few hundred meters, Wu Yun lost interest in watching any more, so he asked Big Bear to notify Eagle Eye and Stinger to drive over.

Soon, several people got in the car and returned to the hotel.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the villa, Xili, the housekeeper in charge of Wu Yun’s villa, came over with a beautiful envelope and said:”Mr. Wu, this is an invitation sent by Mr. George Lucas.””

“OK! Thanks!”Wu Yun nodded towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao took out a hundred dollars from his bag and handed it to Xili knowingly.

After returning to the villa, Wu Yun also remembered who this George Lucas was.

I never expected that such a Hollywood boss would invite him

George Lucas was born on May 14, 1944 in Modesto, California, USA. He is an American director, screenwriter, and producer. He graduated from the Film Department of the University of Southern California. Star Wars-related movies are closely related to this boss.

This is not the most important thing. He also founded Lucasfilm. Many people may not be very familiar with Lucasfilm, but most of his subsidiaries are familiar with it, and that is Industrial Magic Light!

In 2012, Lucasfilm, including its subsidiaries, was acquired by Disney for $4.05 billion.

That is, last year in 2014, Lucas was tied for 295th on the Forbes list of the world’s richest people with a personal worth of US$4.9 billion.

“Dear Mr. Wu Yun, nice to meet you……….First of all, I sincerely invite you to attend the banquet hosted by me at home. There will be industry leaders and many actors participating. I hope to provide you with a rare communication environment.”

“Time: March 10, 2015 at 6:30 pm”

“Location: 35 XXX Road, Beverly Hills”

Signed: George Lucas

This was the first time Wu Yun received an invitation to such a Western banquet. He wondered if it was like on TV. Men and women were wearing formal attire or dresses, holding wine glasses and talking and laughing together in twos and threes.

Since it was a business-oriented gathering, Wu Yun planned to buy a casual suit so that even if everyone dressed casually, they would not be embarrassed.

So the next day, after morning exercise and breakfast, Wu Yun took the opportunity to go out and find a store that was said to be the top ready-to-wear suit brand Kiton.

Wu Yun chose a dark blue plaid suit with a casual style.

Originally, Wu Yun’s figure was slightly stronger due to years of exercise, and he looked very slim when wearing a suit.

Wu Yun was about to button the third button on the top, but was stopped by the shopping guide:”Sir, the third button is a fake decorative button. If you button it up, it will cause the collar to deform!”

This was not Wu Yun’s first time wearing a suit, but the fabric of this suit made him feel that you get what you pay for.

According to the shopping guide:”This is the pinnacle of ready-to-wear, a representative of Italy’s Neapolitan suit. It has a light and close-fitting structure. More than 90% of the fabrics are exclusively owned. It has the lowest output among all ready-to-wear brands. It has a high manual content and each suit top requires more than 200 hours of work!””

After these gorgeous words and the modification of fabrics, a set of casual suits cost Wu Yun US$30,000.

The time soon came to the evening of March 10th

At this time, a manor covering a large area was full of people. It can be said that there were many luxury cars inside and outside the manor.

The big G driven by Wu Yun and others is inconspicuous here, and the Ford F150 is even more eye-catching.

After parking the car at the designated location, Wu Yun asked several people to���The escorts were all resting in the car, waiting for his signal.

It wasn’t that Wu Yun didn’t want to take them in with him, but when parking the car, several people with bodyguards were stopped by the guards at the door.

What Wu Yun heard most clearly was:”Sorry, sir! Please ask your bodyguard to wait outside!”

What makes Wu Yun a little awkward is that most of the guests who enter are in pairs. The men are in suits and leather shoes, and the women are beautiful.

But this feeling comes and goes just as quickly

The two of them successfully passed the inspection at the courtyard gate and entered the inner courtyard.

As soon as he entered, a waiter came over and said,”Sir, please come with me. Mr. Lucas is receiving guests in the lobby.”

To be honest, after seeing Lucas’s manor villa, Wu Yun felt that the villa he had in Chengdu was really the worst one here.

However, in China, there are almost only a handful of people who want to build a manor villa in the city, and the price is even more impressive.

At the same price, you can only buy a courtyard house in China, or even half of it.

In 2012, a young Chinese couple named Ning Sijiao spent US$34.5 million to buy a French-style mansion in Beverly Hills. The mansion has a construction area of 36,000 square feet (approximately 3,344 square meters) and an area of 2 acres (approximately 8,093 square meters). It is located on the hillside of Beverly Hills, overlooking the famous Sunset Strip

This only happens in sparsely populated areas.

When Wu Yun heard the waiter’s introduction, he also had this idea in his heart. This is really a good deal!

As soon as Wu Yun entered the hall, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Even though Wu Yun was wearing a casual suit, his face still looked very young. Coupled with Wu Yun’s skin color, some people even looked in disbelief.

“Welcome, friends from afar!”A white man with gray hair and beard who looked to be in his fifties said loudly with a smile.

As the white man strode closer, Wu Yun also smiled and stretched out his hand to shake it with the white man.

In the eyes of jealousy, discrimination and envy, Wu Yun smiled and said:”Mr. Lucas, thank you for the invitation! This is the Chinese gift I brought to you.”

Wu Yun took a beautiful long box from Wang Hao and handed it to George Lucas. This was a calligraphy and painting that Wu Yun bought in Chinatown when he was buying clothes. It was not too expensive, but it had a meaningful meaning. Still quite beautiful

“Mr. Wu, thank you for your gift!”George Lucas handed the box to the waiter, then smiled and put his arm around Wu Yun’s shoulders and said,”Dear Wu, come here! Let me introduce you to some partners!”

Because George Lucas is only 168cm tall, he said he was holding Wu Yun’s shoulders, but he was actually putting his hands on Wu Yun’s shoulders.

Wu Yun is now a monk who is also two years old and is confused as to why Mr. George Lucas is so enthusiastic.

George Lucas led Wu Yun towards the location of two men and one woman

One of them, Wu Yun, because he had done research in advance, was Robert Iger, the current CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Disney. Wu Yun recognized him at a glance with his meticulous dress and hairstyle.

The other one is a white man in his thirties or forties wearing black-rimmed glasses and a neatly trimmed beard. He is about the same height as Wu Yun and is wearing a very decent blue suit.

The last middle-aged woman was wearing a plain dress. Her figure was relatively slim, but her appearance seemed unremarkable to Wu Yun, just like Europeans and Americans couldn’t distinguish the appearance of Asians.

The three of them smiled and watched as George Lucas brought Wu Yun over. Among them, the younger white man wearing glasses smiled and nodded to Wu Yun.

Wu Yun also smiled and nodded in response.

“Come on, come on! Three! Let me introduce to you Mr. Wu Yun, a rich man from China!”When George Lucas introduced Wu Yun, luckily he didn’t follow the Western custom of saying Wu Yun’s name backwards.

George Lucas said with a smile:”Although Mr. Wu Yun is only 19 years old this year, his personal wealth can be said to be far more than 1 billion US dollars. Looking at the world, Mr. Wu Yun’s achievements are unique!”

George Lucas briefly introduced the information he had investigated to several people, including several of Wu Yun’s companies.

Following George Lucas’s introduction, the three of them originally thought Wu Yun was a star in Asia and didn’t care much about it. After hearing the introduction, they already placed Wu Yun on the same level or even higher.

“I know that everyone has never heard of Mr. Wu Yun’s name, because his rise in China has only been a year. I believe that Mr. Wu Yun will definitely have a place in this year’s Forbes rankings!”

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