“The first is the problems we sorted out by collecting customer feedback information.”

“Mainly reflected in the insufficient number of bicycles, random parking and equipment failure, etc.”

Wu Yun watched Li Yan explain the PPT generously and nodded with satisfaction.

Regarding the problems of shared bicycles, Wu Yun had already made plans in his mind and discussed a plan with Li Qiuliang. He would give them a heads-up when Little Yellow Car and Mobike became big!


“The third key issue is the external environment.”

When the PPT screen turned, a yellow and orange section appeared, with OFO yellow car and Mobike written respectively.

“Because of our company’s successful precedent, in addition to our little red car, there are also two small yellow cars and Mobike on the market.”

“Everyone knows about the little yellow car, it’s like a shit stirrer and it’s disgusting!”

Li Yan’s words made everyone present laugh. Everyone knew that Little Yellow Car’s recent practices were indeed disgusting with Little Red Car’s tactics!

“Xiaohuangche has recently invested a large number of bicycles into the market. What is different from before is that they have begun to develop outside of universities.”

“As for Mobike, apart from my colleagues in Shanghai who know it well, other colleagues probably have never heard of it!”

“According to reports from colleagues in the city, a shared bicycle company named after Mobike has appeared in the city.”

Everyone who heard the news for the first time was shocked and couldn’t help but sit up straight.

“Mobike is now vigorously promoting their bicycles, and of course has put a small number of shared bicycles on the market in Shanghai!”

“According to Mobike’s publicity, they will officially invest in large areas on National Day!”

“As for how much to invest, we don’t know!”

“It is conceivable that the capital and the magic city will be the focus of competition in the future!”

Li Yan closed her notebook and said with a smile:”Don’t be too nervous, everyone. Our company is far behind these two companies, so what we have to do is to open up more markets, follow the path of others, and make them indispensable.” There is a way to go!”

“Now I would like to invite Mr. Li Qiuliang to explain to you the company’s development plan for the fourth quarter of 2014!”

“Invite Mr. Li!”

Applause rang out, and Li Qiuliang walked to the host stage

“Dear colleagues, good morning! I’ll keep the story short and talk about our company’s development strategy for the next quarter!”


A monthly summary meeting was held from 9:30 to 10:30

After Li Qiuliang finished his report, he invited Wu Yun to make a summary

Wu Yun did not want to imitate the chanting summary of those principals in his previous life, but simply said:”Everyone, do a good job! Whether I can ride in a Rolls-Royce depends on you!””

Even if his past life experiences are taken into account, Wu Yun is only a young man in his twenties.

This joking speech made many veterans who had been working for a long time smile knowingly, knowing that the chairman was telling the truth.

“Okay, no kidding! I won’t be stingy when the annual meeting is ready! There will also be a secret prize at that time! Let me reveal a little bit of news first, that is, there will be a bonus car! Everyone works hard!”

Regardless of whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, most employees will not care about how much your company earns, but only care about how much they can get.

Therefore, Wu Yunlao’s cake was really eaten by many people. After the meeting, they all discussed what kind of car would be rewarded.

After the meeting, when Wu Yun was about to run away again, Li Qiuliang shouted from behind:”Mr. Wu, don’t forget what happened tonight!”

Wu Yun looked at the time and found that he would be in time for the second class break.

This big class is a professional class, and there is a male teacher. In Wu Yun’s impression, his truancy rate is the lowest.

Nothing but this old Liu who likes to do roll calls without following the routine in the second period.

When he first entered college in his previous life, many people fell into his trap, including Wu Yun

Wu Yun hasn’t told the counselor about his situation yet, so he is still going to attend this class and deal with the roll call.

When Wu Yun walked into the classroom where he was taking professional courses, Liu Yongheng and Li Shiming, who were originally fighting, froze.

“Forehead! Boss, you are not trying to escape~” Li Shiming was about to say skipping classes when Liu Yongheng covered his mouth.

“Damn you, you big mouth! What a pig teammate!”Liu Yongheng noticed that Old Liu on the podium was looking at this place, and simply restrained Li Shiming.

“Move your butt in!”Wu Yun slapped Li Shiming’s scalp and flew over, directly occupying the magpie’s nest.

Only then did Li Shiming realize that he almost got into trouble, so he explained:”Boss, I didn’t mean to say that you skipped class!”

Although it was still quiet, it was inevitable that it would be attacked by Wu Yun and Liu Yongheng. Li Shiming’s sharp scream could be heard throughout the class.

“Ahhhh! I was wrong!”

“Hey hey hey! What are the three classmates behind doing? Why are you taking off your pants in broad daylight? Class begins!”Lao Liu raised his head and pointed at the three people in the back row.

In an instant, everyone in the classroom turned to look here

Li Shiming’s movements were stiff and he was holding his casual pants with both hands, but Liu Yongheng had already pulled out a long section of his red underwear from behind.

Wu Yun fastened Li Shiming’s headband around his waist.

The classroom fell silent, and then burst into laughter!

But Li Shiming seemed to have a social angst syndrome. He broke free from the restraints of the two and stood up to straighten his pants.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Li Shiming put his hands on his hips and said in a feminine voice:”What are you looking at? Have you never seen anyone wearing red underwear?”


Li Shiming flicked the elastic band of his red pants with both hands, lifted up his pants and sat down.

After seeing everyone turn their heads, Li Shiming cried sadly:”It’s over, it’s over! My reputation is completely ruined! You two must treat me to a meal! Otherwise~”

Liu Changheng moved his wrist and said with a wicked smile:”What else?”

Seeing that he was about to be attacked from both sides again, Li Shiming swallowed his saliva and said,”It’s nothing, actually AA is quite good.”


In fact, the content of Lao Liu’s class is quite interesting. He often gives some examples to prove microeconomics.

For example, interesting cases such as the fact that good oranges are generally not available in areas where oranges are produced

Of course, I didn’t talk about too advanced cases. After all, I have just started learning now. Most people won’t understand the meaning.

Halfway through the class, Lao Liu took a break and said:”While everyone is still absorbing and digesting the knowledge, I will call the names first. Raise your hands to those whose names are read. I know you!””

Wu Yun snickered inwardly. Sure enough, he was still the same old Liu, who often went against the routine and made surprise roll calls.

“Liu Yun!”

“arrive!”A girl in the first row raised her hand to indicate

“Hu Yuanyuan!”


“Li Shiming!”

“arrive!”Li Shiming raised his hand feebly

Lao Liu said with a smile:”You are Li Shiming! You are really a famous person in history! I will remember you! In class from now on, I will first check to see if you are there, and if you are not, I will start calling the roll.”

Li Shiming was about to cry but felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders!

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