Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 507 Order for ground effect aircraft 1

In the eyes of ordinary people, it was Major Paulson-Butt's bravery and outstanding military talent that made the surprise attack successful. However, for military experts, they paid more attention to the actual combat capabilities of weapons and equipment.

The Falklands War is still going on, but for military purchasers from all over the world, there is no need to continue to examine the performance of weapons. Being able to evade Argentine ground radar search is enough to explain the problem.

The British military has increased its purchase orders, and this time it ordered 4 additional units at once. The British Navy cut orders for the Sheffield and transferred most of these orders to the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft.

The sharing of military information between the United Kingdom and the United States allowed the U.S. military to learn the entire process of the surprise attack on the Argentinian presidential palace at the first time. From the perspective of the Americans, even sending the Delta Commandos on helicopters would not be able to achieve this effect.

Propeller aircraft are very slow, carry light weapons, and have a very limited combat radius. Comprehensive analysis shows that the Americans may not be able to reach the Argentine coastline if they dispatch. There is no difference between rashly dispatching without air superiority and risking death.

There is only one conclusion now: ground effect aircraft played a key role in this surprise attack. Without ground-effect aircraft, the British army's existing transportation vehicles would not be able to reach the Argentine Presidential Palace. Even if they did not have strong firepower support, the second-rate British troops stationed in Hong Kong would not be able to occupy the presidential palace so easily.

At this time, it will take a long time for the ground-effect aircraft developed by American companies to become combat effective. After all, there was not much technical reserve in this area before. However, the Soviet ground-effect aircraft had already completed its test flight; with their relationship with Bao Zixuan of the Heiyun Group, it was very easy to get technical support, and the Heiyun Group did not dare to say anything about the raw materials.

Representatives of the U.S. military came to Xiangjiang as quickly as possible, hoping to obtain this weapon as soon as possible. What to do once the Soviets use ground-effect aircraft to attack big cities such as New York, Washington, and Los Angeles? At least you must have counterattack measures that can match them. This was the case during the Cold War. If one side had weapons, the other side would try every means to have them, otherwise it would be very passive.

Yin En-Wright came to negotiate in person as the Assistant Secretary of Defense of the United States, which showed that the U.S. military attaches great importance to ground-effect aircraft and is determined to win it. But what surprised the assistant minister was why Miss Dupont was by Bao Zixuan's side. As a member of the largest arms supplier family in the United States, the Ministry of Defense would of course have a record. Moreover, Ian Wright also knows Austin Dupont's father, and the relationship between the two is not bad.

Although Austin-Dupont does not manage family affairs, he is one of the people registered with the Ministry of National Defense. Now he appears in Xiangjiang with Bao Zixuan. Could there be something going on here? In other words, the two people are dating, which makes Ian Wright very curious, but he also knows that now is not the time to consider these things, the ground effect aircraft is the purpose of this trip.

Bao Zixuan: "Welcome Mr. Ian Wright to Xiangjiang and Heiyun. Your arrival makes the entire group employees feel extremely honored."

On the way here, Ian Wright felt a little unbelievable. When would the powerful United States go to purchase weapons abroad? They have always sold weapons to other countries. This may be the funniest thing since entering the 20th century.

Ian Wright: "Thank you Mr. Bao for your warm hospitality. You must already know the purpose of coming here. I won't beat around the bush. The U.S. Navy hopes to purchase a batch of ground-effect aircraft to go back. At the same time, I hope that the Heiyun Group can release its technology restrictions, and can share technology with the U.S. military in terms of ground effect aircraft."

Bao Zixuan was a little angry when he heard this. Isn't this an obvious robbery? What does it mean to let go of technical restrictions? These are the results of the hard work of Heiyun technical staff. How can they be easily shared?

Bao Zixuan: "If Mr. Wright comes to purchase the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft, we welcome it, but if it's a technical matter, we can only say sorry."

"These are scientific research results achieved by Heiyun engineers working day and night. I cannot share the technology just because of your words."

As long as the United States obtains the relevant technology for ground-effect aircraft, it will be able to produce it as soon as possible. Bao Zixuan knew that it would be very easy to make a directional imitation of their finished product. Fortunately, when there is no war, American companies will still respect intellectual property rights and disdain to produce other companies' products without technical authorization. The main thing is that it cannot be sold to other countries, and it is not tenable internationally.

Ian Wright certainly knows that this is an act of robbery, but the U.S. defense industry must be in the hands of its own people. Information security is a term they have always used, and it is also a means of sanctioning companies from other countries.

Ian Wright said with a smile: "Mr. Bao may have misunderstood me. The US military just hopes that the Black Cloud Group can open the source code of the Xiangjiang Monster Computer System. After all, we need to check in detail whether there is any risk of leakage."

Bao Zixuan: "If the U.S. military is worried about this problem, it can design a computer system by itself. At the same time, the electronic components can use products from American companies. The black cloud will never stop this. I don't want to be held back because of the computer system. There is no need to accuse anyone; that would be too much gain."

What Ian Wright wants most is the source code of the computer system. In that case, other countries that purchase the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft will have no secrets in front of the US military. In terms of hardware, including engines, American companies can imitate them, and Bao Zixuan doesn't dare to say anything even if he acts like a rogue.

At this time, IBM refused to disclose its source code, resulting in no substantial progress in the U.S. ground-effect aircraft project recently. Ian Wright also came here with the idea of ​​putting pressure on domestic companies in the United States, but it seems that the effect is not very good now.

Heiyun Group also refuses to disclose the source code of the computer system, so it seems that it can only find a solution through other channels. The first negotiation came to nothing, and it is impossible for Americans to make a decision on projects involving national security in one go. I believe that negotiations between the two parties will continue in recent days. After all, it is impossible for Ian Wright to go back like this.

Ian Wright called Austin Duong over when he left and talked with him for a while. When she came back, Miss Dupont was obviously not paying attention, and she seemed to have been stimulated by something.

Americans may have a lot of concerns, but for countries with a lot of stupid people and a lot of money, they don’t have so many ideas. As long as money can buy good weapons, that's it. As for additional conditions, Saudi Arabia has never existed.

Prince Sultan, the younger brother of King Saud and in charge of the army, came to Xiangjiang. He wanted to interview Bao Zixuan. Saudi Arabia needed the most advanced weapons, and money had never been a problem for them.

Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was born in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and the younger brother of the former King Fahd of Saudi Arabia. He received Islamic education and military training since childhood, and became the commander of the Royal Guards at a young age.

He was appointed governor of Riyadh in 1947, minister of agriculture in 1955, minister of defense and aviation in 1962, and second deputy prime minister in 1982. It is more open-minded and has close relations with Western countries, especially the United States, Britain, and France.

The 54-year-old Prince Sultan can be said to be the absolute most powerful figure in Saudi Arabia, and he is also the first member of the royal family in the army. In fact, Saudi Arabia has long wanted to purchase the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft, but it was worried that its performance would not be stable enough. Now we see that the British have tested the performance of the weapons in actual combat. If we wait, we may have to wait until later.

It was the first time for Prince Sultan to meet Bao Zixuan. This super rich man was younger than he thought. In fact, he mainly came to Daxia Continent this time to discuss weapons procurement matters. But when we learn that Americans want to buy ground-effect aircraft, it proves even more that this product is definitely a good thing. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, selling it first and then talking about it is the basic operation of Saudi Arabia’s foreign military procurement. If you don’t buy anything with the money you earn back, you can only buy U.S. Treasury bonds. Instead of cheapening the United States, you might as well buy something yourself and keep it at home.

Saudi Arabia has purchased many French fighter planes, but there are not that many pilots in the country, so one pilot can use two fighter planes. They are unique in the world, which shows the grandeur of the Saudis.

Seeing such big investors come to his door today, Bao Zixuan knows that he has more funds to deal with the real estate crisis.

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