Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 473 Xiangjiang Monster Pilot

The purpose of coming here this time is to inspect the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft, and now we have seen its appearance. Then the internal structure must be understood clearly. After all, this guy will be used to fight in the future. If you are not familiar with the environment, please wait to be beaten.

Bao Zixuan led a few more people towards the inside of the Xiangjiang Monster and came to the cab in front of everyone. Even the well-informed governor and commander were shocked by the scene in front of them. Although they had seen the internal conditions of the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft from the photos, the photos were only flat after all, and there was no three-dimensional effect at all. Big impact.

The interior of Xiangjiang Monster is full of technology, and LCD screens are used wherever digital display is required. In fact, there is a backup instrument system hidden inside. After all, if the electronic components fail, mechanical things can still be installed. But you can't see it at all, which makes the entire cab look particularly clean and tidy.

Yoder smiled and said: "Sheng Bao, coming here feels like entering an alien spacecraft. This is not like a product of the earth, but more like an extraterrestrial civilization."

Richard: "The Governor and I feel the same way. It seems that the Xiangjiang Monster is at a higher level of technology than we know. These display systems alone cannot be produced by ordinary companies, and even if they can produce estimation software, they cannot meet the requirements." "

Bao Zixuan: "Technology is advancing very fast now. When I was studying in Oxford, personal computers were just getting started. Now it has become popular in developed countries, and the same goes for liquid crystal display technology, which will definitely become mainstream in the future."

"However, Xiangjiang Monster has also considered the special situation after the electronic components are destroyed, so we also have a set of instrument panels as a backup to allow the aircraft to adapt to various environments."

"Since you two have arrived, why don't you fly around to test it out?" Seeing Bao Zixuan's confident look, the two decided to take the risk. If nothing goes wrong, the Xiangjiang monster will be equipped for the British army, and they will not dare to try. I'm so embarrassed to let ordinary soldiers ride.

Bao Zixuan has taken several test flights before, but it can’t be called a test flight. The basic test flight work has been completed. As mentioned before, there are only test flights in special environments and no experiments. Therefore, it is not so much a test flight in Xiangjiang as it is a flight training.

Soon the staff started the aircraft, this time without Mike Briffen commanding it. There are certain grievances and grudges between the Germans and the British that others cannot understand. Seeing that the British were frustrated, Mike Briffin was eager to set off firecrackers, so how could he help them test the Xiangjiang Monster properly?

At this time, the people who most hope that the British will lose, apart from the Argentines, may be the Germans who have the strongest will!

Although Richard is not young, he is a soldier after all. He stood and watched various data throughout the flight. In contrast, although Yoder also had military experience, it all dates back to World War II. Therefore, he sat on the chair during the entire flight, and the armrest next to the seat was not gripped very tightly. It can be seen that this old boy was also very nervous. If he could refuse, he would definitely not participate in the test flight.

Today there are three heavyweights on the Xiangjiang Monster, and no one dares to make a mistake. Therefore, this test flight was just a simple flight around the Xiangjiang River, but this also shocked Richard. He watched the entire flight process and knew the overall performance of this aircraft.

It still gave him a shocking feeling. It was definitely a weapon for the army to quickly attack. If there are hundreds of such aircraft, I can't imagine how many materials and people can be transported to wherever they want to be.

But what surprised him was that all the aircraft operators spoke English, and their language fluency was not like a second language. Could it be that all these people are British, that would be great, and they could be allowed to serve their motherland.

After the aircraft stopped, Richard couldn't help but asked curiously: "Sheng Bao, why do these operators look like British people?"

Bao Zixuan: "It's not like they are all British. Some are from Scotland; some are from Wales."

Hearing that the people who were able to skillfully drive Xiangjiang monsters were all British, Richard said excitedly: "Can you borrow them temporarily for a while? After the war is over, I will send them back intact."

Bao Zixuan; "I don't have the final say on this, they have to make their own decisions. I can only say that I have no objection to any of them wanting to serve the country, and they can come back and continue working after the war; after all, everyone has the ability to love the country and serve the motherland." Effective rights and obligations.”

Richard said to the person in the driver's seat: "What is your name and what did you do before."

Hearing Richard ask himself, the person in the main driving position stood up and said: "Your Excellency General, my name is Matthews. I served in the British Special Air Service Regiment for 5 years. After retiring, I joined the security department of the Black Cloud Group. Because He was transferred here to be the Xiangjiang Monster pilot only after he knew how to fly a helicopter."

Hearing the answer from this young man named Matthew, not only Richard, but also Governor Youde next to him, his eyes lit up. After all, this army is really famous and is famous all over the world.

The British Special Air Service Regiment, also known as the Airborne Special Operations Regiment, is one of the most elite special forces in the world and the first regular special operations force in the world. He is one of the originators of most modern special operations tactics and a role model among modern special forces, known for his ability to complete tasks accurately and efficiently in a short period of time. It has the highest mission completion rate among all special forces and has strong combat effectiveness. It is a world-famous veteran special forces force.

There are approximately 900 members of the Special Air Service Regiment, with an average age of approximately 26 years old. The headquarters and training base are located in Hereford, 130 miles west of London, near the Brecon Beacons.

According to mission needs, the Special Air Service Regiment is affiliated to the British Army and is under the command of the British Army Home Command. The organization includes 3 regiments, with a total of one command company, 6 combat companies and a counter-insurgency commando team.

As the world's first special forces unit, it only has 900 people. It has always been the most elite force in Britain, and it can be said that the people here are the most elite fighters. They are all capable of equaling ten, and they can be called warrior kings.

Richard said excitedly: "Matthew, are all the people who drive the Xiangjiang Monster with you a soldier?"

Matthews: "Basically, they are all the same, and some are engineers who graduated from domestic universities. For example, three of my former comrades came to work at Heiyun, and they are all able to skillfully fly the Xiangjiang Monster ground-effect aircraft."

"There are also a few from the Royal Air Force. They are all pilots and have better driving skills than us."

In fact, Bao Zixuan had already planned it. At first, Mike Briffin did not understand why so many British people were arranged to participate in the test flight. Some people clearly performed better than the British, but they were not given a chance to test the aircraft at all. Because the boss has handed over the valuable test flight work to the British, many people are unconvinced.

Bao Zixuan wanted the British to owe him a favor, and also wanted to have a good relationship with the British army. To prepare for the future production of military products, after all, good things must be recognized by someone.

Military products are different from others, and not everyone is qualified to test them. Even if this thing is produced by you, it won't work, because the test process may endanger people's lives and property safety.

After entering a state of war, the British government will only trust its own citizens, especially British people who have served in the army. Now Bao Zixuan can consider the overall situation and let them participate in the war, which in itself proves his open-mindedness.

If Bao Zixuan disagrees, they will have no choice but to leave by resigning. Many people will be reluctant to part with this job. After all, Heiyun is not a company that anyone can enter if they want to.

Although he had doubts, Richard did not dare to say it. Anyone would think this way. It was such a coincidence that people couldn't believe it.

It can be said that these Xiangjiang monster pilots were prepared for the British government. Did Mr. Bao know that there was going to be a war? However, considering that the Heiyun Group has an intelligence network all over the world, everyone is not surprised.

Now even if you want to take the personnel away, you can't because Heiyun has not obtained a military license. It is not yet qualified to produce military products, so the Xiangjiang monster cannot go to the battlefield yet; there is no need for drivers. If these people are just used as ordinary soldiers, it would be a waste, and they are not luxurious enough.

The British military took a fancy to them because they had served in the army and were able to skillfully fly ground-effect aircraft. The risk of recruiting them to re-enlist in the army this time is not small, and there is no precedent before.

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