Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Chapter 471 The Falklands War breaks out

For a period of time after the ground effect aircraft was successfully developed, Bao Zixuan did not rest at all. He is dealing with people of different personalities and nationalities. For him, this is a more tiring job than doing research and development.

After arranging the company's affairs, Bao Zixuan seemed to disappear for a while. We just knew that he was going on vacation, but no one knew exactly where he was going or what he was going to do.

But for some people, being able to rest for a while is already a luxury, and Bao Zixuan is very satisfied with this. Now he must move on to the next stage of his work, because the long-awaited thing has finally happened.

Malvinas Islands, known as the Falkland Islands in the UK. is an archipelago located in the South Atlantic Ocean. The main island is located about 500 kilometers east of the southern coast of Patagonia, South America, at about 52° south latitude.

The entire archipelago includes East Falkland Island, West Falkland Island and 776 small islands, with a total area of ​​12,200 square kilometers. The Falkland Islands are a territory seized by the United Kingdom using force. The people on the islands have internal autonomy, and the United Kingdom is responsible for their defense and foreign affairs. The capital of the islands is Stanley, located on East Falkland Island.

The discovery of the Malvinas Islands and their subsequent European colonization are controversial. France, Britain, Spain and Argentina all established settlements on the island. Britain reasserted its colonial rule in 1833, but Argentina still claimed sovereignty over the island.

On March 19, 1982, a group of scrap hardware dealers hired by the Argentine authorities forcibly landed on South Georgia, 1,390 kilometers east of the Falklands. They established a camp on South Georgia and raised the Argentine flag. The Royal Navy's icebreaker HMS Endurance was dispatched to dismantle the camp. The HMS Endurance was armed with only two 20mm Oerlikon cannons and two Wasp helicopters. It was accompanied by a platoon of Marines who planned to hoist these flags. The Argentines who sang the national anthem were driven away. However, the Argentine Navy's 5,000-ton Hidden Bay had already landed 100 soldiers, and the Endurance had to turn back.

As Galtieri's best supporter, Argentine Navy Commander Johei Anaya was responsible for formulating the plan to land on the Falklands, also known as "Operation Rosario" with his consistent anti-British stance. The initial scale was as follows: amphibious landing. The force consists of 3,000 people. It uses superior force to overwhelm and surround the few Royal Marines and local police stationed on the Falklands, forcing them to surrender to reduce unnecessary casualties; after the occupation is successful, the prisoners of war and residents on the island should be deported; occupation The troops should complete the task of withdrawing to their original garrison within 48 hours. The top administrator of the Falklands was changed to a military governor, and 500 military police were deployed for military rule.

In early 1982, after the failure of diplomatic mediation between Britain and Afghanistan that was not eager, and the unsuccessful return of the small Endurance, the operational plan was finally determined. In fact, the prelude to the capture of the Falklands has been exposed from the exchanges between ham enthusiasts, and the Argentine navy began to transport troops on board in the port of Belgrano. Although there are various signs indicating Argentina’s intentions, the Latin American group of the British Joint Intelligence Committee on 3 On March 30, he still believed that "aggression will not come soon."

On April 2, 1982, President Galtieri ordered the dispatch of troops to occupy the Falklands, and the Falklands War officially broke out. Britain was initially surprised by Argentina's attack, but quickly responded diplomatically to put pressure on Argentina.

No one thought that the Argentines would really dare to attack the British troops on the Falklands. Even if the British Empire has lost its former glory, it is still an old empire and a developed country. Although armaments have dropped a lot from their peak, they are not comparable to Argentina.

Now that the Argentines actually dare to break ground on Tai Sui Tong, the British side has only one battle to prove its strength. Otherwise, other regions will follow suit, and the British Empire's influence in the world will become weaker and weaker in the future, and no one will take you seriously.

In London at this time the mood was very different. While not everyone was sure where the Falklands were, the British authorities quickly talked themselves into a state of righteous fury. The invasion of British sovereign territory, the insult to the country's honor and the disrespect shown to the Argentinian nation showed just how far Britain's nationhood had fallen.

In the spring of 1982, support for Thatcher's government was at an all-time low. Rising unemployment and inner-city riots, combined with her perceived lack of empathy, had turned Thatcher into an electoral recidivist. According to the BBC, declassified documents decades after the war show Thatcher called the invasion the worst moment of her life.

The United States was Britain's biggest ally, but at the height of the Cold War, the United States was more concerned with containing communism than helping to safeguard British interests abroad. Galtieri may have been a brutal dictator, but in the eyes of the U.S. government, he was anti-communist, and as such, he was an important leader in South America. President Ronald Reagan quickly dispatched Secretary of State Alexander Haig to London to explain the U.S. perspective to the prime minister.

After receiving the attitude and support of the Americans, the Iron Lady could be said to be full of confidence; she immediately began to mobilize troops and generals to prepare for the use of force against Argentina.

At the same time, Bao Zixuan in Xiangjiang was certainly not idle. As early as after the successful test flight, Heiyun Group began to secretly produce related parts for ground-effect aircraft. At first, Mike Briffen did not quite understand it; now it seems that the original boss It had been planned for a long time, but how he knew it has always been a mystery.

Heiyun Group is now able to assemble three ground-effect aircraft, and construction has already begun. Bao Zixuan knew that although Varenko-Ustikhov should have some plans in Argentina after his reminder, these would only cause some trouble for the British and would not affect the situation of the war at all. It can be said that this war did not last long in the previous life, and it will not last long in this life either. Now the British need all the materials that can facilitate the war, and ground-effect aircraft are definitely a killer weapon.

Governor Sir Youde came to the Black Cloud Group for the first time. This time he was accompanied by Major General Richard, the commander of the British Forces in Hong Kong. They came here for the ground effect aircraft this time, and it can be said that the end is imminent.

When Sir Youde held the swearing-in ceremony of the Governor, Bao Zixuan was on vacation abroad. Therefore, this is the first time that the two people have met, but their names and introductions must be familiar.

Bao Zixuan: "Welcome Governor Youde to visit Heiyun. It's a pity not to be able to attend your inauguration ceremony."

Youde: "I'm sorry, I have long wanted to come and take a look at Heiyun, the number one company in Hong Kong, but I never had the chance. However, the more critical a time comes, the more important a company can be reflected. You should know That’s why we came here!”

Bao Zixuan: "If the Governor came alone, then you would not have guessed it. But since General Richard appears here, it means that the Hong Kong government wants the Black Cloud Group to contribute to the war."

Richard: "What Mr. Bao said is right. The military wants to requisition the ground-effect aircraft that Heiyun Group is conducting test flights on, and it also hopes to be equipped with flight technicians. But please rest assured that the ground-effect aircraft only undertakes strategic transportation tasks." , will not participate in the war."

Bao Zixuan: "The military wants a few."

When they heard this, the two of them were stunned, and they actually returned a few. Don’t you only have one test flight now?

Richard: "Could it be that the Black Cloud Group now has many ground-effect aircraft? It would be great if that were the case."

Bao Zixuan: "The former Governor MacLehose informed me of London's intentions when he left. They requested that the first two ground-effect aircraft produced by Heiyun Group be sold to the relevant British departments. Later, with the addition of wealthy people from the United States, the Middle East, etc. The order made the ground effect aircraft in short supply. Although the test flight has not yet ended, I have absolute confidence in Heiyun products, so I placed a production plan order for 3 units before the product test flight was completely completed.

I heard that Bao Zixuan was so brave, he dared to spend so much real money just because he wanted to place an order. It seems that there are quite a lot of rich people in this world, and the young man in front of me is definitely one of them.

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