After initially resolving the conflicts between the students, Bao Zixuan began to sort out the German technical materials brought back from Poland. And his first project has been determined, that is, the ground effect aircraft.

At this time, it was not long before the Anglo-Malaysian Island War, and Heiyun Group was still just an ordinary technology company. Heiyun has not obtained a military license. If Heiyun develops a ground-effect aircraft before then. When the war is at its most intense, the British military will inevitably place an order with Heiyun Group. By then, the British will not take the initiative to provide military industry licenses.

Bao Zixuan was checking the information of the entire Heiyun Group's engineers and senior technicians, and he would put a mark on the back of anything he liked. No matter where they are at this time, these people will be required to report to Yulin Institute of Technology immediately. All people who receive the notice must put down their hands and work immediately.

This transfer order can be said to have caused an uproar in the entire group, and many people did not understand it very well. However, seeing that the transfer order was signed directly by the boss, they chose to execute it unconditionally. After all, this was the first time in the history of the group. The boss must have some particularly important project, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

Moreover, it was based on the premise that it would drag down the progress of other projects. As a person with a background in science and engineering, Bao Zixuan would not have known that many of the people who were transferred were the leaders of various projects. Once they are absent, the progress of the project cannot be guaranteed at all, and the economic losses caused to the group will be very large.

When Tin Shui Wai was being vigorously developed, Bao Zixuan had a huge single-room office designed. It can be said that playing basketball in this office is wrong. Although his two classmates did not understand it, they still designed it according to the plan.

People who received the transfer orders arrived here one after another and looked at the empty field. They don't know what the boss is planning to do, but they believe they will have the answer soon.

Bao Zixuan looked at the people coming over and said, "I'm glad that we can work together here. You should be curious about why I want you to put down your work and come here to report."

"Because there is an important project that you and I need to complete together, I decided to set up a factory here. We are all workers in this factory. This factory is completely comparable to the Skunk Works of the American Lockheed Company."

"Many people still don't understand what Skunk Works is. Skunk Works is the officially recognized nickname for Lockheed's advanced development projects. Skunk Works mainly serves as a secret research project and developed many of Lockheed Martin's famous aircraft products. Including U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, and based on reliable intelligence, they are about to develop the world's first stealth aircraft."

"In fact, Skunk Works was created as early as 1943 as the pre-research group of the Aviation Branch, carrying out basic research on key technologies. When it was first established, Lockheed was producing the first batch of actual combat jet fighters for the U.S. Air Force. XP-80, at this stage, the team has made a series of brilliant achievements in high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and stealth fighter research."

"Skunk Works uses corporate operations and humanized management methods, leads a group of proactive professional engineers, and uses unparalleled creativity to develop the most secret and advanced weapons products in U.S. defense technology. It also uses rapid and effective Cost control is world-famous and has become a benchmark for large companies in high-tech industries around the world to follow."

“From its humble beginnings in a warehouse-style office, more than 10 engineers, and a weak model project foundation, to a highly efficient innovation team that leads the research and development of America’s most secret advanced technologies, the legendary Skunk Works has grown beautifully in just a few decades. It has completed multiple jumps and has maintained a strong momentum of development to this day, which is inseparable from its unique and advanced management concepts and methods."

"Lockheed has a skunk factory, and Black Cloud Group cannot lag behind. Today I announced the establishment of Black Cloud Group's Weasel Factory. You are all the first workers of the Weasel Factory, and I am the director of this factory."

"In the next period of time we will work and live here together, and our daily goal is to discuss how to make the product more perfect and meet the design requirements."

"Now you have half an hour to decide whether to join the Skunk Works. If you join, the salary will be 1.2 times the current level. But in the next few months, you will have to eat, drink, and eat here. Whoever decides to join the team I have half an hour to call my family.”

At this time, an engineer said: "Boss, do we have to work here all the time in the future?"

Bao Zixuan: "The Weasel Factory only organizes everyone together when it encounters major projects that need to be tackled. Normally, you can develop products that you are interested in."

As expected, Bao Zixuan was not disappointed, all 199 people chose to stay. Salary is one aspect, and everyone is curious about what major project the boss has that requires so many of them to complete together. Every R\u0026D personnel has a strong curiosity, otherwise they would not be able to do this job.

After seeing everyone come back, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since you have chosen to stay, I must live up to your trust. The salary will still be increased as usual, and you will also receive corresponding bonuses after each project. .”

At this time, everyone cheered, after all, nothing happened. Your salary has been improved, so what else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Bao Zixuan continued: "The first project to be tackled by Weasel Factory has been sorted out, and I have also made relevant designs."

"We will carry out research and development around the ground effect. The ground effect is also called the wing-ground effect or the airfoil effect. When a moving object runs close to the ground, the aerodynamic interference caused by the ground to the object. When the aircraft flies or runs close to the ground, the ground effect To the flow characteristics of the air around the aircraft. The ground effect can be produced by low-altitude flying aircraft or helicopters, as well as cars and motorboats. It is a way to reduce the induced drag of the aircraft and at the same time obtain a higher lift-to-drag ratio than flying in the air. Hydrodynamic effect: When a moving aircraft falls very close to the ground (or water surface), the pressure difference between the upper and lower parts of the entire aircraft body increases, and the lift force will suddenly increase."

"I designed an aircraft using this principle and named it a ground-effect aircraft."

At this time, many people began to discuss it. After all, the span was too big. We need to give them a process of adaptation, which many people cannot easily understand at the moment.

Although there are engineers working on aircraft engines here, they know that the engine thrust required to achieve this kind of ground effect is very large. If it is just to push an aircraft of dozens of tons, it does not require such a big effort. The boss's ability alone is enough. enough.

This requires a design that integrates airplanes, ships, and trains, and the aircraft can fly on the ground and water. And there can't be a runway. It can be said that just solving the upward lift of the engine requires a lot of challenges.

Bao Zixuan did not disturb them, just let them get used to it. After all, this is the first day of reporting here, and people and things need to be familiar with each other.

This Weasel Factory, which was completely modeled after the Skunk Factory, was established in Tin Shui Wai in a low-key manner, but when it really came into people's sight. Everyone discovered that this factory was changing the world.

Unlike the Skunk Factory, which only researches military products, the Weasel Factory researches everything. As long as it is related to high technology, there is nothing he has not developed. It can be said to be an alternative to the world's scientific research institutions.

And the people here have one thing in common: they work hard to save their lives. When focusing on R\u0026D, the average working hours exceed 14 hours. It can be said that every minute and every second is worthy of the salary given to them by the boss. It is this persistence that created the legend of Weasel Factory and Bao Zixuan, so that future generations can only worship them.

Scholars of later generations are discussing why Bao Zixuan gave the factory this name, and many people do not understand. Even the engineers working there didn't know the allusion and reason until Bao Zixuan completely retired. The person who took over the factory asked, and Bao Zixuan just replied: "The weasel has no good intentions in paying New Year greetings to the chicken."

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