Chapter 15 Competitors

Chapter 15 Competitors

 After a whole week of continuous overtime work, my sister-in-law and a few friends finally completed the production of two thousand pairs of gloves. The remaining gloves were sold through wholesale. This time, after all the cooperation between several people was calculated, excluding labor and costs, Fang Qing and her sister-in-law actually made a net profit of more than 40 yuan!

Looking at the blue ten-yuan note in her hand, Fang Qing felt particularly at ease. She handed the money to her sister-in-law, but she stubbornly gave half of it to her, "Here, if you hadn't come up with the idea, my sister-in-law wouldn't have even thought about it." Don’t dare think about it. You deserve it, take it!”

Fang Qing declined for a long time, then carefully took it, looking at the money in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Suddenly he remembered something, and quickly grabbed his sister-in-law, "Where are the leftover cloth ends from the last time you made gloves? Do you still have them?" "

Sister-in-law nodded, "There are many pieces of cloth that can be spliced ​​together to make stool cushions, how could I throw them away. You little girl, what other ideas do you have?"

Fang Qing told her plan in detail. When she heard it, her sister-in-law praised her for studying the book in vain. She took some money and went out to contact Zhao Qiang about the matter.

 The Fang family is working hard to grow alone amidst the gossip of others.

Zhao Qiang contacted several lumber mills and ordered a batch of wooden sticks. He also went to a hardware store to buy a lot of wire and threw it into his yard. The few people started processing it.

Zhao Qiang polished the wooden stick smooth, while Fang Cuiying and others sorted out the rag strips, tied them with wires, and finally fixed them on the front of the wooden stick. After fixing them with short nails, they trimmed the overall shape, and a cotton mop was completed.

 As soon as the mop was launched on the market, it attracted attention in Jingtan County. There were people selling mops in the market, but they were shipped wholesale from other places, so the price must be slightly higher.

Fang Qing and his mops are all made locally, and the cost is reduced to a minimum. They were quickly noticed by local retailers, and several waves of people came. Fang Qing sold all the mops before the end of the year!

The three of them sat in the dilapidated processing point, counting the orange one-yuan notes in their hands. The more they counted, the happier they became. Zhao Qiang scratched his head and took the money handed over by Fang Qing embarrassedly. There was something on his seemingly fierce face. Sorry.

"This...this is so bad, Qing, I just did a favor, I feel guilty for taking this money..."

Fang Qing looked at his uncle with joy, put the money into his arms and looked at his sister-in-law, "If it weren't for my sister-in-law and uncle this time, I wouldn't be able to do it by myself. This time I will give you a small head and a big head." You should consider this as a gift to my future brothers and sisters."

The sister-in-law's face turned red when she was told that. She pinched Fang Qing and then looked at the money in her hand happily. Last week, she accidentally fainted while doing mopping, and then she found out she was pregnant.

 Fang Qing and Zhao Qiang later told her not to let her continue working, but she was worried and insisted on staying. Zhao Qiang had no choice but to find another helper and let Fang Cuiying guide and supervise. Although the cost has increased, nothing is as important as the children.

The three of them divided the money and returned home happily. However, within a few days, Zhao Qiang came in a hurry and brought bad news.

"Qing Yatou, something happened! The garment factory just gave me a message, saying that the batch of rags left for us is no longer given to us and has been sold to others!"


Although Fang Qing knew that someone would follow suit and compete, he didn’t expect it to happen so quickly! She stood up suddenly and spilled the ink on the table. She didn't bother to wipe it off. She grabbed her coat and scarf and hurried to the clothing factory with her uncle.

At the back door of the garment factory, a short man was shaking hands with the deputy director and saying goodbye. Behind him was a broken carriage covered with rags.

Fang Qing knew immediately upon seeing it that this person must have stolen their order.

"Wait a minute! Director Wang, please wait a minute!" My uncle and Fang Qing were sweating profusely as they ran and stopped the carriage that was about to leave. Only then did they notice that the short man turned out to be the day laborer who had helped before! But Fang Qing could no longer take care of him. He grabbed the iron door that was about to be closed and pushed his head along the crack of the door to squeeze in. "Director, didn't we agree before that all these rags should be left to us? What do you think? Sold them all to him?”

Director Wang looked bright and blocked the door to prevent these two people from entering. "You can't blame me. The price they offered is high, and they want more than you. This is decided by the higher-ups. I, a small director, can only If you can obey orders, just wait, I will keep the next batch for you!"

After speaking, he glanced at the worker next to him, and the two of them closed the iron door with a bang.

Fang Qing spent a long time patting the door, but no one opened the door for them.

She was a little confused. This business had just started, and it was over so soon? She also planned to buy a TV for her family this year, but now, she doesn’t even have enough parts, right?

Seeing that the man was about to leave with the carriage, Fang Qing suddenly became furious and quickly chased after him, dragging the cloth package behind him and trying to pull it off.

Seeing this, the little man suddenly swung the riding crop in his hand. The old horse roared in pain and sped up. Fang Qing was staggered by this sudden pull. After being dragged for a long distance, he finally pointed his finger. He lost his strength and fell into the mud puddle.

Zhao Qiang was frightened as he chased Fang Qing. After catching up with Fang Qing, he hurriedly helped him up and checked him up and down for a long time. He was relieved when he saw that Fang Qing only scratched the skin on his palm.

"You girl, you don't want your life! Aren't they just some rags? If they're gone, they're gone! The worst thing I can do is find my uncle again. You are the future college student of our family. If something happens to you, how will I talk to your sister-in-law? Tell them! You can't do this again..."

Fang Qing was still a little dazed after being thrown. He watched the carriage disappear at the end of the road, as if he followed it with hope.

It wasn't until her uncle called her anxiously that she came back to her senses, feeling helpless and aggrieved, "Uncle, our mop is gone... I promised Boss Xu two days ago that I would leave more for him, and I took all the deposit. Now that the cloth is gone, what will we do..."

Seeing his usually quiet and calm niece crying so wronged for the first time, Zhao Qiang felt uncomfortable. He rolled up his sleeves to wipe away the child's tears, wiped the dirt off his pants, and consoled him with a naive smile, "It's okay! This doesn't count. Yes, there is a small clothing factory in Hexi. My uncle will ask him right away. Don’t worry, it’s okay..."

Fang Qing wiped away her tears and limped to the next clothing factory with her uncle. But when she got there, she realized that rags had been in short supply in recent days, and many people had shipped them away in advance, and even if they wanted to make a reservation, the price It has also increased a lot than before.

Fang Qing sat on the curb, the cold wind making her nose red. She looked at the strip of cloth in her hand disheartenedly, "Uncle, what materials are we still processing, please return them..."

 (End of this chapter)

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