The undisguised surprise on Jiang Ran's face successfully pleased Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Zhi put down his hands and didn't say anything about whether his neck was cold or not.

Wang Cuilan was already greeting Jiang Ran to eat.

On autumn mornings, especially rainy mornings, a bowl of steaming eight-treasure porridge and a few meat buns are already very comfortable.

In addition, Wang Cuilan also fried two side dishes, and brought tea eggs, fried dough sticks, sugar cakes, and vegetable corners from the front, and this breakfast seemed even more abundant.

Jiang Zhi ate this breakfast, although he didn't speak, the expression on his face was very satisfied.

Jiang Ran doesn't care whether he is satisfied or not, she still has a lot of things to do today, so she can't stay at home all the time.

After eating, Pei Huai went to send Pei Jing to kindergarten, Pei Yang and Pei Shanshan went to work on their own, and Jiang Ran was also ready to go out.

Wang Cuilan and Pei Baoshan originally planned to go back to the village after having dinner this morning.

But Jiang Zhi's arrival disrupted their plans.

Seeing that Jiang Ran was about to leave, Wang Cuilan became a little anxious, and hurried to Jiang Ran's side, "Ran Ran, you are leaving now, then"

Although Wang Cuilan didn't finish her words, Jiang Ran understood that Wang Cuilan wanted to ask what to do with Jiang Zhi when she left.

The relationship between the two families is a bit awkward, and because they are still far behind Jiang Zhi, Wang Cuilan and Pei Baoshan are not good at words.

Jiang Ran didn't want to make Wang Cuilan and Pei Baoshan feel uncomfortable. She patted Wang Cuilan's hand and looked at Jiang Zhi, "What are your plans today?"

Jiang Ran actually wanted to ask when Jiang Zhi planned to go back to Beishi.

But people just arrived yesterday, and their age is still here, and it seems a bit excessive for people to take the train back after a day's rest.

Not to mention an old man like Jiang Zhi, even Jiang Ran himself couldn't handle the train continuously.

Those who are tired and have not experienced it will not understand.

Jiang Zhi stood up, "Are you going to the closet?"

Jiang Ran nodded, "Yes."

"Then I'll go take a look with you."

The small wardrobe is not a shameful place, and there is nothing to keep secret. Since Jiang Zhi wanted to go, Jiang Ran agreed.

She took Jiang Zhi away, and Pei Baoshan and Wang Cuilan could feel more at ease.

The tricycle was in the yard, Jiang Ran thought about riding a tricycle with Jiang Zhi, and Jiang Zhi would not be drenched with an umbrella, but Jiang Zhi refused.

"Although I'm old, I'm not too old to walk, so let's go."

The autumn rain was not heavy, it was dripping, and the rain was long and slender, so there was not much water on the ground, but it made people feel cold.

Since Jiang Zhi said he was going to go, Jiang Ran didn't force it, but nodded and agreed.

The two went out with umbrellas together, and the speed of walking along the way was not fast.

From time to time, Jiang Ran would also introduce Jiang Zhi to the scenery on both sides.

It was raining, and although the shops were all open, there seemed to be no business.

It was still early, and although there were people on the street, most of them were people in a hurry to go to work and school.

There are really not many people like Jiang Ran and Jiang Zhi who walk slowly and talk while walking.

The two of them were really not in a hurry, they walked slowly and leisurely, because they were moving all the time, and they were dressed warm enough, but they didn't feel cold anymore.

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