Rebirth to 70s As a Group Pet Boss

Chapter 439 Completely convinced by her

The tester surrounded by a few people was created by Song Chu with the help of Gu Yue.

This is technology ten years later, and of course these people have never seen it before.

Will did not expect that Song Chu's private laboratory configuration would be so top-notch. Compared with the school laboratory just now, there was no comparison at all.

It can be seen from the shining eyes of several researchers in their company.

In fact, he himself was born as a scientific researcher, and he also participated in experiments in many projects, so the value of this kind of testing equipment can also be seen.

"Song, which company did you buy this instrument from?" he couldn't help asking.

I heard that Song Chu had a very good relationship with the three pharmaceutical companies and sold them patent licenses, but I didn't expect it to be so good.

The equipment in Song Chu's laboratory, the three companies are not sold to the public, but they will sell it to her.

It can also be seen from this point that the three companies attach great importance to her and her abilities.

Soong Chu smiled and said, "I didn't buy it from another company, it was developed by my partner."

His family, Gu Xueshen, is not good at making medical and pharmaceutical laboratory equipment, but professional equipment such as testers is fine.

In fact, it is not impossible to create experimental equipment such as medical treatment and pharmaceuticals. After all, there are so many relevant materials in her space laboratory.

It's just that the current domestic production level and materials can't keep up. You have the technology, and you don't have some compact machines and special materials that can be manufactured. There is no way.

That's why she thought of cooperating with Yamei Group on a project first, and in the future, she will also open a company with strong professionalism in medical, pharmaceutical and other fields in China.

Will was amazed, "This is what Mr. Gu developed?"

In his influence, the technology here is very backward, at least five years behind them, but someone has developed more advanced instruments than them, which is a bit unbelievable.

Song Chu smiled proudly and nodded: "Yes, this is what Gu Yue studied, and he is also an expert in this field."

We can also make things that are more advanced and advanced than your technology, blinding you foreigners.

"Mr. Gu seems to have done a lot of research in this area. I don't know if I can trouble Song to ask him for help. I want to talk to him." Will saw the value of the instrument, and naturally he would not let it go.

Song Chu nodded and smiled: "No problem, I will help you contact him."

After leading people to visit the laboratory on this floor, Song Chu asked Will with a smile, "Are you still satisfied with my private laboratory?"

The smile on Will's face became more sincere, "Song, your laboratory is definitely the best in any company or research institute. Of course we are satisfied."

Soong Chu kept saying that his laboratory could meet the research and development of cooperative projects, but he was still dubious.

After visiting the laboratory of this school, he originally thought that he had been deceived by Song Chu.

Who would have thought that her private laboratory was so good, even he was a little envious. The eyes of several researchers he brought with him now have green eyes, and they look like they don't want to leave. How can they be dissatisfied.

But this also means that his vision is correct, and there will be no more voices questioning his cooperation with Song Chu from the company.

Two of the researchers he brought over this time were related to the company's top management.

Song Chu smiled at several researchers and asked, "Are you satisfied with the working environment in the future?"

These people are all technical consultants sent by Yamei Group and will stay in her laboratory to work.

It will also be the object she will win over in the future. After she stabilizes them, she will find a way to let them bring assistants and arrange talents from related majors to come to learn techniques.

Then when their equipment company opens, these people can directly enter the research and development department to work, killing two birds with one stone.

Several people nodded in succession: "Very satisfied."

This condition is much better than in their company. In addition to the top-notch and new equipment, the environment is also better.

They just checked that the accommodation and other facilities are also first-class, and the treatment is better than theirs, so there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

They are all single and have no family involvement, so they can do scientific research wherever they want, as long as they can meet their requirements.

And Song Chu completely satisfied them.

After all, in addition to the equipment they originally used on her side, the company will also ship a batch of related and most advanced equipment to support their collaborative research.

The original negotiation was that after these equipments were used up, their company would pull them back.

However, they felt that after seeing the equipment provided to Song Chu by the other three companies, they would be embarrassed to take it with them when they left in the future, otherwise they would look so shabby and stingy.

Of course, this is a matter between Song Chu and Will, and they can't control it either.

Song Chu nodded confidently, "That's good, you can do research in my laboratory with peace of mind. I guarantee you will always be satisfied."

These are high-end scientific researchers with mature technology. If she doesn't use them, it will be a waste.

There are so many things in her space laboratory, throwing some to them from time to time, I can't believe it can't keep them.

"As long as you can achieve results at each stage, in addition to the salary and bonuses from your company, my institute will also reward you."

"I hope we can cooperate happily in the future." Of course, if you want to fish, you have to give up bait.

Sure enough, several researchers felt in their hearts

Very comfortable, who would think that there are too many rewards, Song Chu is respecting them.

Several people stepped forward and shook hands with Song Chu, "The faster the cooperation!"

Seeing Song Chu easily appease these high-end scientific research experts who had previously expressed their dissatisfaction, Principal Zhu and others had to admire her power.

But she also really paid for it. For her private experimental center alone, they are sure that there is no other research institute or laboratory in the country that can match it.

Even their eyes are green when they see it. As long as people who really like to engage in scientific research, who can resist this temptation?

No, the few Professor Yan who came to visit with him were very excited.

"Xiao Song, can we continue to do experiments with you in the future?" This equipment is absolutely amazing, they are like watching a baby.

So I could only have the cheek to ask Song Chu.

Soong Chu smiled and said, "Of course, if you have important research projects, I can also lend the laboratory to you."

"A few floors downstairs, you can also bring students to do experiments, but you have to get my permission, and then you can't damage things." She added.

She is still very tolerant of her own people, and hopes that the school will cultivate more professionals in various fields.

She herself plans to train a group of professionals to prepare for opening an equipment company in the future.

After saying this, several professors were very excited, "Xiao Song, you are so generous, we thank you."

Song Chu is really generous and generous. Otherwise, if it was someone else, they felt that they would not borrow the laboratory at all, and proposed that they could bring students to experiment.

Such a person is very open-minded, no wonder they can go so far, at this moment they are completely convinced by her.

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