Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 825: Politeness


The so-called business war is based on the premise that the strength of the two companies is not much different, at least in a specific region.

If we compete in the same space with completely unequal strengths, it is not called a business war, but bullying.

In that case, you don't even need to use any unconventional means. You can easily defeat your opponent with just a few moves of your fingers.

This is to use force to suppress others.

Chen Yang put down his tea cup, looked at his uncle and said with a smile, "When this platform is developed, there will be many profit points. The commission from franchisees may become a secondary source of income.

For example, as I just said, I can establish a raw material supply warehouse, negotiate cooperation directly with manufacturers, get the lowest ex-factory price, and then supply it to franchisees at a higher price.

This is even cheaper than the wholesale price they go to the market for, because there are several layers of middlemen missing.

Even further, I directly estimate the material demand of the entire platform based on the business volume in the past period, and place orders with suppliers through rationing. I can also assist the supplier factory group to negotiate the price of upstream raw materials.

Exchanging quantity for price is applicable at any time. The profit difference in the middle is the profit point. If you are greedy, it is not impossible to occupy a share in those factories for nothing.

Another example is design. Many decoration companies do not have their own design capabilities, or lack high-end design capabilities. Most of them use fixed template drawings.

It doesn't matter, I can set up an open design team that belongs to the platform and is oriented to franchisees. It not only has a rich element library, but also provides professional high-end customized design solutions. I will draw a commission based on the total project price, or directly charge a design fee. Can.

Or, I can set up my own transportation fleet and take the delivery process into my own hands. At the worst, I can negotiate with relevant logistics companies to get better delivery prices.

In addition, there is a lot that can be done in places other than decoration.

Furniture, home appliances, after decoration, these things must be brought in, right? Since they need them, why can't we provide them?

There are countless electrical appliance companies, large and small, in the Zhujiang River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta. Their products are frequently updated. The obsolete inventory does not have any quality defects, but the price is pitifully low. The platform can buy the inventory of those brand manufacturers. Resell to customers at low prices.

By that time, I will not only be a decoration order-taking and after-sales service platform, but also a platform focusing on supply chain services in the decoration industry,"

Chen Yang stretched out his left hand as he spoke, "I capture the front-end market. More than half of the orders in the national market enter through my interface and then distribute them."

Then he stretched out his right hand and said, "I will seize the back-end material market and hold all the raw material resources in the decoration industry in my hands."

Then he put his hands together and grinned, "Using the two markets as bargaining chips, whether it is temptation or coercion, the wisest choice for those decoration companies is to become my franchisee, enjoy the resources I provide, and at the same time Accept the rules and constraints I set,

By that time, this platform will have monopolized the national decoration market.

Don't say that I use my power to overwhelm others and can easily defeat my competitors.

Even if I don't do it so directly, I just need to specifically target the area where my competitors are located, make some targeted activity plans, or engage in a few price wars, and I can drive them away.

This is the platform advantage.

It is also one of the most significant features of the Internet industry, winner takes all! "

After listening to Chen Yang's long speech, my uncle opened his mouth and imagined the scene. After a while, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head repeatedly.

"No wonder you said that the Internet will completely subvert industry rules and business models. If such a platform is built as you said, the model of the entire industry will be completely different.

Not to mention anything else, just those small business owners in the building materials business will probably be in bad luck. "

Chen Yang picked up the teapot and poured water, and said with a smile, "Not necessarily. The so-called overthrow of the old model and the establishment of a new model is just a change in the business model and process.

The fundamental rules of social and economic activities boil down to two words: supply and demand. "

He put down the teapot, raised his head and smiled,

“There is demand and supply, and all social production activities based on these two points ultimately constitute a complete social economy.

Under the original business model, steel mills made steel and supplied it to building materials factories. The building materials factories produced products, and then passed through provincial, municipal, district and county agents, and finally entered the building materials market in various places.

Then the decoration company’s designers and engineering procurement personnel gather in various building materials markets for procurement.

This is the existing circulation model of building materials.

However, under the Internet model, such a circulation model will not work. If the agents at the provincial, municipal, and district levels and the terminal merchants who open stores rely on this model, the business will definitely be worse than before.

However, this does not mean that there are no development opportunities for them under the new model. "

Chen Yang took a sip of water from his teacup and continued, "For example, some can switch careers to become decoration companies, some can serve as transit warehouses for us, or join as a transporter on the platform.

Or you can rely on the platform to do the delivery and installation business of furniture and home appliances.

What has changed is only the model and links; what remains unchanged is the demand for practitioners in commodity circulation.

It just depends on who has stronger adaptability and changes faster.

Those who are eliminated will always be the conservatives who are unwilling to make changes.

And for such people, even if no new model emerges, they will not be able to go far in the old model.

In short, it’s just one sentence,”

Chen Yang picked up the tea cup again, gave his uncle a meaningful look, and said with a smile, "Only change is the unchanging truth. Those who cannot adapt to social changes will eventually have no future."

The younger uncle nodded thoughtfully, picked up his tea cup, and while drinking tea, he silently thought about what Chen Yang just said.

After a while, he gently put down the tea cup, looked at Chen Yang and said,

"I have a question. For example, there is a large decoration group company in Guangdong. They have a one-stop business from building materials to decoration. They are very famous and have a very high market share in Guangdong. When I was doing business, my most common competitors were them.

So once your platform is built, will it be impossible to play with this model? "

Chen Yang blinked,

Little aunt, you are chatting to death!

He also knew that this group company was an industry leader under the traditional model, and it provided a one-stop service from raw materials to products to engineering. If the decoration industry, like real estate, had deep regional characteristics, perhaps they would have gone out of Guangdong long ago. Building, facing the whole country,

If you want to kill such a local snake, can you do it with a simple crushing mode? !

Chen Yang put down his tea cup and said with a grin, "Not necessarily. The key point is whether the two sides have the intention of a head-on collision. If not, then let's just settle for our own affairs.

However, this possibility is normal in other industries, but it is rare in the Internet industry, because the characteristic of the Internet is that the winner takes all, and it is almost impossible for multiple giants to live in peace.

So this is about another situation, that is, this decoration group company that follows the traditional model will not see other opportunities because of my platform, and thus cross over to the Internet business.

Without entering the Internet, their business will only be limited to Guangdong, which will not pose a fatal threat to my platform. In this way, I do not need to compete head-on with them. Not to mention that the national market is so big, just Guangdong alone. The market can accommodate two giants at the same time, and it is entirely possible for them to coexist peacefully.

But if they cross over to the Internet industry, the situation will be completely different.

Based on the winner-take-all rules of the Internet industry, under the premise of legality, I will engage in uncompromising market competition with opponents on the same track.

But in the face of such competitors, the method I just mentioned is useless, and other methods must be used.

For example, if I want to defeat this group, I cannot simply crush it in terms of resources.

Because they have become a climate, self-sufficient in all resources, and have very high risk resistance, the so-called front-end market and back-end supply chain cannot threaten them.

In this case, if I want to defeat him, I need to use some other methods.

The first one is burning money,”

Chen Yang gently poured the water in the cup onto the tea tray, looked at his uncle and said with a smile, "I will spend ten times more money than other areas to launch a large-scale combination punch in Guangdong. From advertising to promotions to all kinds of subsidies, there is only one purpose: to hurt people with their own money and force them to take care of themselves. They must either fight for their money with me or admit defeat.

Before they throw in the towel and quit, I have a second move, which is still burning money.

But the burning direction is not the market or customer subsidies, but the public opinion channel.

On the one hand, I will try my best to find quality problems with my opponents, whether it is raw materials or engineering quality. As long as there is a problem, I will be willing to spend a lot of money to buy it back.

Then, I will spend a lot of public relations expenses to make their quality problems known to everyone, and fundamentally attack the opponents. "

At this time, my uncle suddenly asked, "What if there is no problem with their quality?"

"Then just hype the concept,"

Chen Yang poured himself another glass of water, held it up and said with a smile, "Wang Mouji's herbal tea is a typical example of the concept of hype, but they are promoting positive things, and in addition to positive things, they can also make negative things.

As an expert, you should know that the decoration industry will have national quality standards, and there will be certain ratio regulations for project and material pollution. If it does not exceed a certain ratio, it will be considered qualified.

But, you know, ordinary people don't know,

All you need to do is find a few specious experts to question the test results of competitors' materials and projects, and then use large-scale public opinion methods.

Even if they are white, I can describe them as black,

Even if they can make an announcement to clarify, the market business will definitely be greatly affected. For the Internet industry, every step is slow. If there is a negative impact, I can let this impact expand, and finally step on it. They cannot turn over. "

Chen Yang has always used Gustave Le Pen's "The Crowd" as a theoretical means to operate the market, but it has always been used for positive guidance and has never been used for negative slander.

But just because you haven't used it doesn't mean you don't know how to use it, it just means you don't bother to use it.

Of course, just because he is telling his uncle now, it does not mean that he will definitely use it.

Even though he is retired, he still uses his shit. Besides, the scale of Rainbow Group is so big that it gives him a headache. He is afraid that his dirty butt will cause a fishy mess and it will be too late to clean himself up. Why would he use such dirty methods?

The reason why I say this is just for my little uncle to hear.

In real business competition, there are endless means. You may not use some things, but you must know them. Otherwise, you will not even know how you died.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Yang's words, my uncle couldn't help but shudder. He picked up the teacup and drank tea with an awkward smile. As for what he was thinking in his heart, only he knew.

After chatting for so long, Chen Yang felt that he was almost done, so he asked directly,

"Sister-in-law, you now want to expand your decoration business, and then your idea is to develop towards the Internet. Is that what you mean?"

My uncle put down his tea cup, grinned, and said, "I won't hide it from you. After watching your speech, I really have the idea of ​​changing my business to an 'Internet+' model, so I want to talk to you." Let's have a good chat,


Having said this, he couldn't help but reveal a wry smile on his face, "After hearing what you said just now, I also feel that this project is indeed very promising.

But on the one hand, I am completely unfamiliar with these things. If I hadn’t heard you talk so much, I wouldn’t even be able to touch the threshold.

On the other hand, in the things you talked about, apart from models, I only heard two words, ‘burn money, burn money, burn money’! "

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at Chen Yang, and said with a wry smile, "My company only has a few dollars, how can I get so much money to burn, so now my head is dizzy and I don't know what to do."

This is what I said,

Chen Yang curled his lips imperceptibly. In fact, this little uncle's character was not bad, but he was separated from the Chen family by a layer, and he always kept a certain politeness.

Even though we later went to Guangzhou with Dad Chen to do the decoration business and got a lot closer, we didn't have anything to say like my eldest uncle.

If my eldest uncle had something to do today, he wouldn't need to go through his aunt to tell him. Instead, he would go directly to Chen Yang.

This is one of the reasons why the Chen family prefers their eldest uncle.

However, no matter what, they are still very close relatives. Now that the conversation is about this, Chen Yang cannot pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Then he said to his sister-in-law, "The money problem is easy to solve. Originally, when I started an Internet company, I rarely used my own money to invest.

If you really want to change careers and go into the Internet industry, I have a suggestion:

Chuangfuture has a complete service system for start-up companies. From financing to development planning, they can provide services in this area.

If you think about it, you can go to Mr. Cai, who creates the future,"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone, found Cai Yaping's phone number, copied it and sent it to his uncle, "I've sent her phone number to your mobile phone. You can contact her directly."

Then he put the mobile phone on the tea table, looked at his uncle and said with a smile,

“If you feel that the competitive pressure of the Internet is too great and you are worried that you may not adapt if you step forward, that’s okay.

If you don’t want to do ‘Internet+’, you can also do ‘+Internet’ first.

‘+Internet’ is very simple. Just like the model I just mentioned, it can also be directly transplanted.

It is also possible to build a website yourself, then place advertisements in the areas where your business is expanded, and rely on your own company to provide services to customers. "

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