Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 799 Analysis


When Professor Huang put down the microphone, Chen Yang immediately pointed at him with his palm, raised his eyes to look at the audience stage, and said seriously,

"Yes, that's what I mean.

Hey, hey, why are you laughing? "

Chen Yang pretended to be dissatisfied and pointed at the audience stand, "I didn't copy Professor Huang's advice."

There was another round of laughter in the audience.

Chen Yang could only spread his hands helplessly, and turned around twice. When the laughter stopped, he raised the microphone and said with a smile,

"Okay, okay, no kidding,"

Then he waved to Professor Huang and motioned for him to sit down.

Then he continued, "Really, it's not an exaggeration at all. Professor Huang's suggestion is included in the third point I want to say.

Look down, what are you looking at?

First, look at the road under your feet, and secondly, look at what shortcomings you have.

The foundation is very important. Professor Huang has said this a lot, so I won’t mention it again.

As I said just now, most companies, including ourselves of course, always want to rush forward and set their sights on the future.

I can't be wrong about this.

Especially for technology companies like Damai Communications, technological leadership is related to the life of the company. If the technology falls behind, it means that the life of the company has come to an end.

I also hope that our high technology, our big data, and cloud computing can serve as a basis to promote continuous technological innovation in enterprises, so that our technology can stand at the highest peak and forefront of technological innovation in the world, and can bring benefits through technological innovation. New business opportunities bring about new changes combining business and technology,

The next ten years will definitely be a decade of rapid development of Internet technology and the full integration and embrace of technology and business, creating a chemical reaction.

I want to be the future barley, the future members of Future Creation, and the rainbow economy. For businesses, partners, and customers, we will use the power of technology and the business infrastructure established by technology to help everyone develop better together."

After taking a breath, Chen Yang looked at the crowd under the stage and said seriously,

"However, it is not easy to achieve this. It requires our continued investment in research and development and the consolidation of various basic work,"

As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of Professor Huang.

“Professor Huang suggested just now that we should increase investment in basic science to provide a more solid technical foundation for our applied research and development. I completely agree with this.

Moreover, this kind of investment in basic science applies not only to Damai, but also to Zhanrui, Dajiang, Future Times, and even companies such as Hengli, Anjia Real Estate, and"

As Chen Yang was talking, his voice suddenly became softer, and then he looked in the direction of and said angrily, "How can you interrupt the leader's speech?"

Looking along his line of sight,

Sure enough, it was another veteran, otherwise Boss Chen would not have spoken to him in this tone.

I saw Li Rong standing there jumping up and down and waving her hands, obviously she had something to say.

When the staff handed over the microphone, she held it and smiled, "Mr. Chen, you can't blame me for this. The main reason is that the opportunity is rare.

I have to correct you here, we are no longer called, we have changed our name! "

Chen Yang blinked and could only cover for her, explaining in the direction of the camera,

"I want to explain. Didn't I just say that each company under the group will develop independently in the future? When I held a meeting with last month, I made a request to them.

Starting this year, they will be completely separated from Anjia Real Estate, and they will no longer be able to use the word Anjia.

I think what Mr. Li means is that he has chosen a new name? "

When he said the last sentence, he turned to the direction of Li Rong,

At this time, there was another burst of ridicule on the live video barrage,

"So Boss Chen is in charge of killing and not burying,"

"You don't even know that your company has changed its name, but you can still be the boss?"

"Boss Chen, why don't you just do nothing?"

When Boss Chen finished speaking, Li Rong immediately nodded and said, "Our current name is Snail Network!"


Chen Yang frowned and scratched his head, then glanced at the camera twice and quickly changed his expression, "Ah ah ah, Snail is great, what a name. Well, from now on you will call it"

There was another burst of laughter on the barrage,

"The castle isn't deep enough, and I can't even hide my expression."

"This is an expression of dissatisfaction..."

"I have a question. Doesn't Boss Chen know that the company below has changed its name?"

No matter what people outside think,, which changed its name, is the first step to establish its own brand.

When Li Rong sat down, Chen Yang scratched his head, "Oh, what did I just say?"

The scene suddenly burst into laughter again,

It is indeed easy to disrupt your train of thought when your speech is interrupted. Boss Chen is in trouble this time.

Comrade Li Rong, the instigator, stuck out the tip of his tongue in embarrassment in the close-up of the camera.

However, if time went back two minutes, she would still make the same decision.

There are still more than 20 million people watching the live broadcast. If we use advertising fees to calculate it, I'm afraid the money saved will be tens of millions. This business is naturally very cost-effective. Even Boss Chen can't say Say no.

Chen Yang patted his head and still didn't remember.

This is the disadvantage of not having a speech script. Once your thinking is disconnected, it is not easy to continue.

Forget it, you are free to express yourself anyway, so just be free and say whatever comes to your mind.

Chen Yang took two steps forward, held the microphone and said,

"Finally, I would like to share some insights with you.

The first one is strategy. Strategy is very important. Some students may value execution more. However, the strategy has never been separated from the execution. Of course, it has never been separated from the execution of the strategy. The two are one and two, two and one. , none of which can be ignored,

Second, we must pay attention to the value of customers. This customer is not just the channel dealers, agents, and consumers who pay you, but also includes the suppliers who supply you, and even other types of businesses. partners,

As the old saying goes, a fence has three stakes and a hero has three gangs. The teacher also said that we must make more friends and fewer enemies.

It’s all the same. You want your customers to become your loyal partners, and your development strategy is not a castle in the air. You can’t do it without your customers.

Customer value is the driving force, engine and direction of enterprise development. This must not be ignored.

The third one is the balance between opportunity and ability.

In fact, this point is consistent with what I just said about ‘looking forward’ and ‘looking down’.

There are always opportunities, and everyone wants to seize them. However, when we aim at opportunities, we must first judge whether you have the ability.

If yes, grab it immediately. If no, what should I do?

Internally, improve capabilities, externally, look for partners. This goes back to the second point just mentioned, which is customer value, so these things are actually related.

The fourth is the issue of planning and change.

We often hear a saying that plans don’t change as fast as plans, as if plans are made just for the sake of change.

So many people think that plans are useless.

But no,"

Chen Yang raised his finger, walked slowly on the stage, and said to everyone present and in front of the screen,

"Legendary CEO Welch said in his autobiography that most of General Electric's strategic plans are useless, but the process of formulating strategic plans itself is of extremely high value to the company.

I very much agree with this sentence. What does it mean?

When you make a plan, it may not be the right one. This is normal.

However, it is very important that you have observed your industry, market, competitors, etc. in order to make this plan.

So, after reading and thinking about it, this is the key point.

It will affect whether your judgment is accurate and what impact it will have on the company. "

Chen Yang raised his finger, paused for several seconds, and then gently put it down.

Then he smiled and said,

"2008 has passed, and we miss it very much, but there is no need to linger.

Please also adjust your mentality, remember what I just said, 'look forward' more, 'look down' more, be down-to-earth, and achieve our goals step by step. "

As he spoke, he turned back to the center of the stage, stood on the stage with his head held high, looking at the 30,000 people present, and seemed to also see the 300,000 people who were not present.

He took a deep breath and said with a smile,

"In the new year, there is a new atmosphere. After the financial crisis has passed, our Rainbow Group will also fully launch the listing work of its subsidiaries.

I hope that each of you can reap your own value in the process of enterprise development!

Okay, I have finished my words. I would like to wish you all a happy New Year and may you all have good luck and happiness in the new year. Thank you! "

As Boss Chen finished speaking, the lights on the stage dimmed instantly.

After a while, it turned on again.

But this time, the stage was filled with people who had just performed on stage. Everyone stood neatly in several rows, clasped their hands together, and sang together,


"A man will remain a boy until he dies."

In a certain villa in Beijin, Lao Zhang stretched out and flexed his muscles. Then he looked at Lao Li who had been sitting next to him and said with a smile, "Boss Chen, this song is well written, I want to I’ll also take it over and cover it for the Sou Tiger Year Party.”

Only then did Lao Li come back to his senses, turned to look at him and said with a smile, "Then you might as well ask him to get another one. I heard that on New Year's Day, he sent the chorus of this song to Wheatfield. The path of music,

Good guy, Zhang Lu is really not afraid of troubles. He gathered all the people with a little bit of creative ability in Wheatfield Music to help him fill in the songs."

After a pause, Lao Li asked with a mysterious smile, "Guess how many songs they composed?"

"Hey, you asked me this?"

Lao Zhang raised his head and laughed, patting the hand on the armrest of the sofa gently, and said with a smile, "You have to ask Xiao Ma, maybe you can stump him. Well, you forgot, you can know the entertainment industry Those people here were introduced by me!"

Lao Li curled his lips, sat upright, let out a long breath, looked at the collective chorus on the screen, and said with a smile, "Hey, tell me what kind of brain Boss Chen has, it's just that he has such a high business talent. He can actually write songs, a song called "Red Dust Inn" and half a song called "Young Man", which are enough for him to make his debut, and he will be popular for another five or six years."

"Not necessarily in five or six years, but definitely in two or three years,"

Lao Zhang changed into a comfortable position and said with a smile, "Seven Boys, he took one by himself. I heard that they were going to do a variety show of good Chinese songs, and they used this as the theme for the first issue. Here is There are five songs, and there is another one, and a lot of people are staring at it.


He turned to look at Lao Li and said with a smile, "If I open my mouth, I should have a chance!"

Lao Li shook his head dumbfounded, "Are you really planning to imitate Boss Chen and make your debut with him?"

"I can't make my debut, let alone be with him,"

Lao Zhang crossed his legs and shook his feet happily in the air, "But it's still okay to play with a handful of tickets,"

As he spoke, he tugged on his collar and said, "Now, at our level, singing original works is in line with our status, right?"

Lao Li pointed at him dumbfounded, "I'm too lazy to care about you."

At this time, a song on the screen had finished singing. As Yaya, Nazha and other hosts finished speaking the lyrics, this much-anticipated corporate annual meeting finally came to an end.

After a brief black screen, Damai Video released the replay as expected.

Of course, Lao Li had no intention of reading it again. He turned his head and looked at Lao Zhang and said softly, "What do you think of Chen Yang's speech tonight?"

When he heard the business was being discussed, Lao Zhang's face finally turned serious.

In fact, the reason why Lao Li showed up at his home today was for this purpose.

Boss Chen's speech at the annual meeting last year made the two of them think about it for a long time. Naturally, they will not miss this year's annual meeting.

The two of them got together to analyze whether there would be anything new in Boss Chen's speech this year.

After pondering for two seconds, Lao Zhang said solemnly, "The wolf is coming!"

Hearing this, Lao Li nodded in agreement, "My first reaction was that the wolf was coming."

He looked at the video on the screen and said in a deep voice, "Boss Chen is not simple. Taking advantage of the raging financial crisis, he purchased non-performing assets worth tens of billions on a large scale.

They are said to be non-performing assets. In fact, most of them are companies that have been affected by the financial crisis and ran into operating difficulties and went bankrupt as a last resort.

Originally, these assets are a big burden for any company, even high-quality assets.

But Chen Yang is different, because he has another project in hand, the ‘Future Industrial New City’! "

At this point, Lao Li suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned to look at Lao Zhang and asked softly, "Tell me, did he have premeditation and judged that there would be a financial crisis and a large number of bankruptcies?

That’s why the idea of ​​‘future new industrial city’ was come up in advance, just to house the acquired asset package? "

Hearing what Lao Li said, Lao Zhang frowned. After a moment, he suddenly looked at Zhou Bichang who was singing on the screen and said softly,

"Do you still remember the last words he said?"

Lao Li also turned his gaze, "Plan, is it important?!"

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