Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 782 Tailor-made

After Shirley finished speaking, Qin Yu stared at her expressionlessly for a few seconds, then lowered his eyebrows and thought alone.

On the screen, the six American Rainbow Group executives present were waiting quietly without any impatience.

After a brief silence, Shirley suddenly looked at a middle-aged man across the conference table. This man was Richard Fuld, the former chairman of Lehman Brothers and current special advisor to the president of Rainbow Group.

After receiving the message from Shirley's eyes, Fuld raised his eyebrows, rolled his eyes twice, raised his head and glanced at the screen first, then coughed dryly,

Awakened by the sound of coughing, Qin Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at the computer screen.

At this time, Fuld raised his hand to indicate that he wanted to speak, then adjusted the height of the microphone on the table, looked at Qin Yu on the big screen, and said seriously,

"Ms. Qin, I want to share my thoughts."

Qin Yu nodded, "Please."

Fuld smiled and said, "There is no doubt that the American Rainbow Group is a financial company. Even if we have recently acquired a large number of technology R\u0026D companies and manufacturing plants in Europe, the purpose is not to fully expand the physical business, but to hope that It can provide systematic support to the main financial business from the physical aspect,

Because we did not arrange for people to fully take over the operations of these companies, but gave them suggestions and provided financial support from the side.

I don’t know if there is any problem with my understanding like this? "

Qin Yu nodded slightly and said seriously, "Of course, this is the business development idea we have determined before.

Although the financial industry is at the top of the industry pyramid, in the final analysis it still belongs to the service industry and needs to rely on the real economy to survive and develop.

Finance and entities are in a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship.

Although finance that is separated from the entity can influence the financial market and leverage greater interests through financial derivatives, it is also water without a source and a tree without a root. It has no foundation of its own. Once it encounters a storm, no matter how large it is, All may be destroyed in one moment,

Therefore, we need the real economy to provide us with blood and possibilities, so that the real economy can become the material basis of the main financial industry.

Only in this way can the main financial industry not develop uncontrollably and allow risks to be magnified without limit.

When facing attacks from opponents in the financial market, entities will also provide us with more confidence and means. "

After saying this, she turned her attention to everyone, "This is Santander's successful experience, and it is also the most essential thing that distinguishes us from most other financial institutions."

When Qin Yu finished her words and saw that she had no intention of continuing to speak, Fuld nodded slightly and said seriously,

"I completely agree with you that finance should rely on physical existence,"

After a pause, he raised his head and said with a smile, "However, I think the method of support can be more flexible."

Qin Yu looked at him without any change in his eyes, "Tell me what you think."

Fuld smiled and said, "Indeed, we need entities, but after all, we are a financial institution, and it is impossible to devote ourselves to operation and management like an entity company.

In fact, in this regard, pioneer institutions such as HSBC and Goldman Sachs, as well as Santander, have provided us with very good examples.

That is, adhere to the core position of financial business, use financial means to intervene in real industries, choose appropriate targets, and cultivate and develop them.

Then sell most of the shares at a profit, retaining only a small stake to maintain the bank's influence in the company and industry,"

Fuld spread his hands and talked.

“This is different from venture capital, and it is also different from industrial investment, but it is both venture capital and industrial investment.

In the final analysis, finance needs entities as support, but there is a lot of room for manipulation in what kind of entities to choose and how to support each other. "

As he spoke, he turned to look at Shirley and said,

"I would like to ask Ms. Shirley to introduce Russia's energy companies. As for grain companies,"

He made a gesture with his raised left hand and grinned,

“I heard that during the former Soviet Union, there was an unspoken rule in their official circles, that is, if you wanted to bring down an official, then let him take charge of agriculture.

The reason is very simple. Soviet agriculture is a bottomless pool of stagnant water, and anyone who goes there will get nothing. "

The words were not fully stated, but the meaning was very clear. For the size of Rainbow Group, Russian agricultural companies were not worth mentioning.

After Fuld finished speaking, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded in the quiet conference room.

Shirley took a deep breath, grinned and said, "Okay, Mr. Fuld, I will first introduce the major energy companies in Russia.

But regarding Russian agricultural companies, I have a little different opinions from you, and we’ll talk about this later,”

Then looking in the direction of the big screen, Zhengse said, "Russia's most important energy products are natural gas and oil. Their energy giants also use these two products as their core businesses, focusing on the mining, smelting, transportation and Carry out work in terminal supply and other aspects,

The ten largest among them are the Russian natural gas giant Gazprom, the largest state-owned oil company Rosneft, the largest independent oil company Lukoil, and the largest joint venture Russia's TNK-BP Holding.

As well as Surgutneftneft, Rusneft, the largest independent natural gas production company Novatek, Slavneft, the famous private oil company Bashneft,

and the last Tatar oil company,

Just a few days ago, the Russian government included these ten oil and gas companies in the list of Russia's strategic core energy companies. "

After saying this, Shirley looked at Fuld,

Fuld immediately nodded in greeting, turned to look at the big screen, and said to Qin Yu,

"The top ten energy companies are the top ten giants in the Russian energy field. However, in the global energy market, their current size is far from enough. They cannot compare with OPEC, let alone Western oil groups, and they are not even enough to influence market price,

Russia has listed these companies as strategic core energy companies. Its intention is very obvious, which is to use energy as a strategic resource, elevate the status of energy, and make it an unconventional weapon of the country.

But this requires a very large capital investment. With Russia’s economic strength, this is obviously a bit difficult for them.


Fuld spread his hands and smiled slightly, "We are planning to enter the energy field. They have needs and we have requests. This is a God-given opportunity!"

As he spoke, he turned his seat, facing the big screen, and said softly,

"Our main business is finance, and our specialty is finance. Now we want to intervene on a large scale in the food and energy fields, and our biggest weapon should also be finance.

Therefore, I suggest that we send a delegation to have direct dialogue with the Russian federal level and strive to acquire shares in at least three core energy companies.

In particular, Gazprom, which is negotiating with Germany to prepare the Nord Stream 1 project, and Novatek, an independent natural gas production company that supplies natural gas for this pipeline,

Be sure to get enough equity in these companies and at least one director seat.

In this way, we will have the opportunity to fully intervene in the Russian energy market,”

Fuld spread his hands and said sternly, "Our advantage lies not only in the sufficient capital reserves that are known to the world, but also in the fact that we are based on Wall Street and are a member of the Western Capital Group.

Even if Russia no longer has hope of joining NATO and the EU, it will still hope to integrate with the West.

What’s even more valuable is that the Chinese background of the head office is also consistent with Russia’s ‘Turn East’ strategy.

This opportunity is completely tailor-made for us. Apart from us, Russia cannot find a more suitable investment institution to participate in this large project.

At the same time, this method of financial intervention will not cause resistance and rebound from Russian energy companies, and they will even welcome it with open arms.

As long as we can get shares in Russian energy companies, we can exert influence over them.

After that, it is natural to use these influences to penetrate into downstream industries.

Instead of bidding for oil fields, building pipelines, and opening refineries ourselves,

That's not our strong point! "

At this point, Fuld paused and looked at Qin Yu's reaction. Seeing that she was still listening carefully, he continued,

“I think the concept of ‘financial industry’ can be our initial guideline for implementing this plan.

We don’t need to personally control the entity, we just need to maintain enough influence over the entity,”

As he spoke, he turned to look at Shirley, then turned back and said to Qin Yu,

"Ms. Shirley just said that Russia will have a peace window of at least ten years, which means that we only have ten years of stable development.

The construction period of a 10-million-ton oil refinery is about three years, and a 1,000-kilometer gas pipeline takes a similar amount of time.

So in addition to normal market investment, we also need to race against time,

Become a part of the energy industry first, then leverage their power to grow,

Technology, equipment, manpower, let their resources become our assistance to develop the energy industry outside of Russia, such as Africa, or other emerging regions. "

At this point, Fuld stopped abruptly and raised his right hand to indicate, "This is my suggestion."

On the screen, Qin Yu looked at him and nodded slowly, saying,

"Very pragmatic suggestions that can be considered,"

Then he turned to look at Shirley, "You seemed to have something to say just now, I mean, about the food part."

"Uh, yeah,"

Shirley nodded, glanced at the notebook in front of her, and said with a smile, "What Mr. Fuld just said is that there are no agricultural companies in Russia worthy of large investments.

I can't say that Mr. Fuld's statement is completely wrong, because this was indeed the case a few years ago,"

She said, raising her head and smiling at Fuld.

Fuld smiled back and said it didn't matter. He had indeed not paid attention to Russia's agricultural situation for a long time. He had been immersed in the boom of the subprime bond market in the past few years and had no time to care about irrelevant things.

Shirley smiled and nodded again, then looked at Qin Yu and continued, "I won't go into details about the failures of Russian agriculture. Anyway, they have become a thing of the past.

What I want to say is that after Putin came to power, targeted adjustments were made to address the shortcomings of previous agricultural reforms.

He allowed small farmers to develop freely and reduced the proportion of family farms to less than 12.5%. Then he fully supported large agricultural enterprises, that is, the state, collective joint-stock companies and private farms, and reduced the remaining 87%. Five agricultural lands were handed over to them,

To this end, he changed the law to allow agricultural land to be traded freely, and established the Russian Agricultural Bank to provide low-interest loans to agricultural companies.

Agricultural taxes were even reduced, reducing the original twenty-eight agriculture-related taxes to ten.

His series of actions quickly showed results.

Just in the past year of 2008, Russia's total grain output exceeded 100 million tons for the first time, and its grain export volume exceeded 10 million tons, successfully transforming Russia from a grain importer to a grain exporter."

After introducing the basic situation, Shirley raised her forehead slightly and said with a smile on her face,

“However, compared with Russia’s agricultural resources, this grain output is far from reaching the upper limit.

The rapid development of agriculture has also given Russian agricultural companies, which were previously just trying to survive, the ambition to go public.

So, our opportunity is here! "

Hearing this, everyone on and off the screen couldn't help but smile.

Some people even laughed out loud,

Agricultural companies seek to go public and enter the financial field. When other financial giants in the world have not noticed Russia,

If the elites of Rainbow Group can't get a piece of fat off of them, they might as well stop working in investment banks and just go home and take care of their children!

Just now Fuld said that Russia's energy industry is almost tailor-made for Rainbow Group. Now it seems that the grain industry may not be much different.

Shirley turned her neck and looked around at everyone present. When the laughter completely stopped, she continued,

"As for the specific implementation plan, my opinion is the same as Mr. Fuld's.

First enter financially, then seek expansion, and finally use their resources to contribute to our own business,"

After finishing speaking, she turned her gaze to Qin Yu, waiting for the big boss's final answer.

Qin Yu pondered for two seconds, raised his head and glanced at everyone, finally showing a smile on his face,

"Your suggestions are good, just follow this idea and implement them,"

After a pause, and when smiles appeared on everyone's faces, she continued,

“I agree with your opinion of making Russia your first choice, but I ask you to immediately start investing in Africa after completing your layout in Russia.

At this point in time, I hope it won’t exceed three years. "

Shirley thought for a moment, looked at each other with Fuld and Aguilar, and after confirming their looks, nodded to Qin Yu and said, "No problem, if the plan goes well, maybe this time can be advanced a year. "

When Qin Yu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Then we will implement it according to the two-year expectations."

Shirley smiled helplessly and made an OK gesture.

Qin Yu turned his attention to Woodman again and said, "If we go to Africa, how large a security team will be needed to ensure safety?"

Woodman said without hesitation,

"It depends on the size of the project site. Normally, a large oil field or a large farm requires about a hundred people to ensure the safety there,"

Having said this, he tilted his head helplessly, "Because in addition to dealing with external dangers, they also have to deal with possible riots from within!"

After a pause, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he added,

"However, if they are attacked by an organized attack, the only thing these security team members can do is to evacuate immediately by helicopter."

He did not say where the establishment attack came from;

In Africa, the armed forces may serve anyone, but whether they will encounter such a crisis depends on the strength of the investors themselves.

For example, Occidental Petroleum Group's projects in Africa have never been attacked by such attacks.

Well, neither do all the projects in China.

After listening to Woodman's words, Qin Yu felt that it was similar to what he had analyzed based on the data before, so he nodded and said,


Then he glanced at everyone and said, "Immediately compile the minutes of today's meeting and execute them quickly. The meeting is adjourned."

. :

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