Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 740: How many 10 years have passed?

Hearing Boss Chen's words, Wang Tao was stunned for a moment, then he burst into laughter, nodded his head and said, "Well, you're right."

His words were not perfunctory, but he did admit that what Boss Chen said was reasonable.

Over the past year, while working on research and development, he would also look for some management books to read.

In addition, his own family conditions are not bad. His father is an engineer and his mother is also the owner of a company. Although the company is small, she can give him a lot of advice.

As for the entrepreneurial qualities that Boss Chen mentioned just now, he has received information about this from books or from his mother.

Therefore, Boss Chen said that he does not have the qualities of an entrepreneur. In his self-evaluation, he does not really have the qualifications.

Seeing his calm look, Chen Yang couldn't help but smile and said,

"Do you think that when I talk about entrepreneurial qualities, I mean rich business management experience and abilities, extraordinary energy and understanding, and extensive knowledge?"

Wang Tao was stunned again when he heard this, "Isn't it?"

"Of course not, or more than that,"

Chen Yang grinned and said, "Our Chinese people's philosophy has always been about the unity of yin and yang, one body with two sides.

The things I just mentioned can only be regarded as the positive side of entrepreneurial literacy. In addition to these, there is also the negative side. "


Wang Tao looked at him puzzled, "What is that?"


Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "You can understand it as sophisticated and smooth, or you can imagine it as unspoken rules."

Hearing this, Wang Tao couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly, but did not speak. Instead, he stared blankly at Boss Chen, waiting for him to continue,

Unspoken rules?

Is it so exciting?

Chen Yang picked up the teacup and took a sip. After putting it down, he looked at Wang Tao and said sternly, "I won't tell you much else, just one thing.

You see, every company has its own corporate development vision and goals, and in their development plans, what level should they achieve in one year, what level should they achieve in three years, and what level should they achieve in five years?

The bosses of these companies say this to their employees behind closed doors, but they still say it to their leaders and customers outside.

Do they have to do what they say? "

Wang Tao immediately shook his head, "Of course not,"

As soon as he finished speaking, he paused and asked hesitantly, "You mean, you can ignore what you said to the leader?"

"Well, no,"

Chen Yang immediately shook his head and said seriously, "Enterprises and society are interdependent and mutually successful, especially local governments. They need to discover high-quality enterprises, cultivate these enterprises into large companies, or even super giants, and finally feed back the local government." ,

But how do they choose quality companies?

On the one hand, they will do it through various project management by relevant departments in the form of project subsidies, but this is popular,

How to choose the seed players?

It's very simple. From the perspective of industry, technology, management, goals and vision, relationships, etc., the perspectives are flexible and diverse.

But they won’t make it public, but you need to see and analyze it yourself,”

Chen Yang chuckled, looked at him and said, "These are unspoken rules. Not all unspoken rules are bad. Some are inconvenient to be stipulated in explicit terms. They can also be unspoken rules.

Take this business training as an example. If you don’t even have the confidence to brag, why should other leaders believe in you and support you? "

After listening to Boss Chen's words, Wang Tao nodded slowly, pondered for two seconds, and said thoughtfully,

"I understand that we need to use this method to fight for such opportunities and obtain political resources to help companies grow faster and better.

To be my country's only global monopoly enterprise is now our vision of Dajiang Company.

But after acquiring these resources, it does not mean that everything will be fine, but that we must really make good use of these resources and work towards this vision.

Even if you cannot reach the end point, you must achieve certain results. This is not only to explain to the leadership, but also to make the company develop better. "

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at Boss Chen, waiting for Boss Chen's evaluation.

Chen Yang immediately gave him a thumbs up without saying anything, "Absolutely correct."

Then he laughed and said, "Look, isn't this kind of bragging good for everyone?!"

Wang Tao nodded and said with a smile, "Now I probably understand a little bit what you mean by the dark side of entrepreneurial literacy. It seems that there is really nothing about this in the books."

One sentence is a true message, but a false message is thousands of books. Boss Chen's words today can be regarded as opening up Wang Tao's second line of appointment and supervision, allowing him to understand the direction in which he should work hard next.

Chen Yang shook his head and said with a smile, "How come these things are written in the book? If it is written, is it still called the dark side?"

After a pause, he added, "Actually, within our Rainbow Group, there are many executives with negative qualities, such as Mr. Wu from Zhanrui, Mr. Cai from Chuangfu, and Mr. Dai from Hengli. They all have their own set of Method,

Especially Zhou Daoen of Damai. Even though he came back from the United States, he is a Chinese and can be an operations manager in a company like the original Pal Group. His ability is average.

After returning to China this year, it only took him just over a month to quickly adapt to the business environment in the mainland, and he was decisive and experienced in doing things. Within three or four months, Mr. Huang was able to safely hand over Damai to him for full management.

Doesn't Dajiang have a lot of business dealings with Damai? You and Mr. Zhou also know each other. It will be good for you to communicate with him more when you have nothing to do. "


Wang Tao nodded sincerely, "I remember."


Chen Yang smiled, then brought the topic back and said, "I called you here today just to brag to the leader.

Now that the bullshit has been blown out, the leaders have promised to use Rainbow Group to provide some additional resources to Dajiang.

Then you have to think carefully about how to promote the development of Dajiang as soon as possible from both the market and product perspectives, and become a global hegemon in the field of drones, at least consumer-grade multi-rotor drones. "

Wang Tao took a deep breath and thought about it silently. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Boss Chen, and said seriously, "I understand. After I go back, I will re-examine Dajiang's development plan for next year. If necessary, I will add Something new.”

After a pause, he smiled and said, "However, this may place higher demands on resources in all aspects, especially in terms of sales channels in the global market. At that time, we may have to ask the group for help."

In fact, Dajiang's development has been fast enough this year. At the beginning of the year, Dajiang Elf was launched, and even before large-scale production, it received tens of millions of orders.

By the middle of the year, the production line was put into use, and the Dajiang Elf could be mass-produced. With the large-scale drone Dapeng, shipments surged.

Of course, the foundation of all this rapid development is based on the global sales channels of two brother companies, Damai and Pal Group.

Now Boss Chen has to put more responsibilities on him. If he leaves the group company, he has no confidence to complete the task.

As soon as he finished speaking, Boss Chen shook his head.

Just when Wang Tao was confused, Chen Yang pointed at him and said, "I just said you understood the unspoken rules. Look, now you are confused again.

You have set higher and further goals, how can I lose your resources? "

He patted the armrest of the sofa and said, "Just do it with confidence and boldness. If you have any needs, just go to Cai Yaping. If she can't decide, go to Mr. Huang. If Mr. Huang can't make a decision, go to me."

In later generations, Dajiang took too many detours, but in the end he still became the monopoly overlord of the consumer drone market. Now he is guiding the direction, and the giant Rainbow Group is supporting him, and now he has the support and commitment of his leaders. , the glory of Dajiang will surely come soon.

By then, this company is likely to be one of the most valuable and influential entities under Rainbow Group.

Originally, Boss Chen had no intention of asking Dajiang about this year's work summary and next year's plans, but since everyone from Wang Tao came and offered to report, he just listened.

Then we were in the reception room, listening to it with Zou Rong until we fell asleep.

There is no way, Wang Tao’s work report is really incomparable with the people from Chuangfuture.

It is concise yet exciting. What are the highlights of this year? What good experiences can we learn from? What shortcomings need to be improved? What are the ways to improve?

It's clear, simple, and informative, and won't make people sleepy at all.

As for Wang Tao, it’s like a running account.

How many products have we developed this year, which ones have been successful, which ones are still in progress, what are they, what is the production situation, what is the market situation,...

Based on Chen Yang's work experience in his previous life, he had every reason to suspect that Wang Tao compiled the work reports submitted by the heads of various departments into one, which was a summary of the company's work!

There's a big difference, okay?

But it’s normal to think about it. If Wang Tao is really talented in management, Dajiang’s internal management will not be a mess later. Even if I look at it, I will shake my head.

Therefore, God is fair. When he opens a window for you, he will surely close the door.

After finally staying up until four in the afternoon, I finally no longer had to listen to Wang Tao's random thoughts.

It wasn't that he had finished reading, but that Mr. Wu from Zhanrui had already arrived at the company and was waiting in another reception room.

Chen Yang immediately said, "Mr. Wang, what is the situation of Dajiang Company? After listening to your summary, I have a general understanding.

In this way, haven't Dajiang's goals for next year changed, and the corresponding goals of each department will also change. Later, you can hold a meeting with the heads of each department to discuss it, and then meet with Mr. Cai to discuss next year. How to do it specifically. "

With self-awareness and no worries about investors taking control of the company, Wang Tao naturally followed suit, put the work report into his computer bag, carried it behind his back and left happily.

Move the venue,

Chen Yang and Zou Rong came to the reception room next to them. Mr. Zhan Rui immediately stood up and said hello.

"Director Chen."

He also nodded to Zou Rong, "Mr. Zou."

"You're welcome, sit down."

Chen Yang walked aside and sat down, and Zou Rong naturally sat next to him.

Compared with Wang Tao, Mr. Wu, who has experienced many ups and downs in the domestic and foreign business world, can be regarded as a veteran. When Chen Yang sat down, he immediately talked non-stop,

From the research and development status of Zhanrui Company, to the construction progress of the chip production base, from the development of semiconductor forms at home and abroad, to the market response to the new products of Shangwei lithography machine,

There was no need for Boss Chen to ask questions at all, and he told everything that Boss Chen might be interested in.

As for why Boss Chen summoned him today, he didn't mention a word.

Looking at Mr. Wu who was sometimes excited about the company's progress and prospects, and sometimes lamented the backwardness of my country's semiconductor industry, Chen Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This old fox didn't even mention the main topic before he began to take credit and express his position.

With this foundation, if Boss Chen came to him today for a reward, then it would be a matter of course. On the other hand, I have already made so many contributions to the company, how dare you criticize me?

Moreover, the fact that Boss Chen personally attended the year-end summary meetings of several key companies this year has spread throughout the group.

How Zhan Rui behaved when he was not among them naturally became a big problem in President Wu's heart.

Now, he happened to be summoned by Boss Chen. If he didn’t seize the opportunity to state his contribution, when should he wait? !

Compared with him, Wang Tao is indeed so immature that he lags behind by several decades.


It seems that there is indeed an age difference between the two of them by twenty or thirty years.

Well, that's normal.

It happened that at this time, Mr. Wu talked about Lianxiang’s trade, industry and technology strategy.

"In fact, in the early years, Lianxiang decided on the technical, industrial and trade route. He first made profits through agency trade, then created his own brand, developed his own production line, and at the same time engaged in technology research and development.

For electronic products, production and research and development are equally important. Sometimes you can develop it, but you are limited by the production equipment and technology and cannot produce it on a large scale. This is also a terrible thing.

This is especially true for the chip field. For example, we, Zhanrui, are not afraid of any rivals in research and development. However, after research and development, there are not enough photolithography machines and corresponding supporting production processes. It is useless if you cannot produce it. In the end, it is not necessary. Please ask Sanxin and Taiji Electric to manufacture it.

Therefore, when you have money, you must focus on both research and development and production. You must not neglect either side.

It’s a pity that later on when I even wanted to have money, I forgot my original intention.”

Mr. Wu looked like he was sighing, "The good technical, industrial and trade turned into trade, industrial and technical, trade became the core, and making money was the first priority. As for production, we either outsourced it or made some production processes that did not require For high-end products, it is better to hire OEMs for high-end products.


Upgrading production equipment also costs money!

As for technology research and development, it’s not to say that they haven’t done it, they have done it, but look at the proportion of their research and development expenses.

From a dozen points in the early days to a few points later, it has become even more outrageous in the past two years, not even five points."

Mr. Wu spread his hands and sighed, "I'm worried. If this continues, the skilled workers will become trade workers, not to mention the trade workers, and in the end only the trade workers will be left, without even the skills!"

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