Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 730 Wait and see

Chen Yang said seriously while refilling the leader's water,

"Because Dajiang is the only company in our country that has the potential to become a global monopoly!"

Boss Chen’s first words shocked Leader Wang.

He stared blankly at Chen Yang, who was smiling, as if he was wondering if he heard correctly.

Chen Yang put the teapot back on the tea seat, looked at him and said,

“I wonder if you’ve ever heard about the drone market?”

Leader Wang pondered for two seconds and said, "I was here last time, when the foundation of Hengli Cultural Tourism City was laid. I saw people from Dajiang testing large drones. After I returned, I learned a little bit about it.

As far as I know, there is currently no company in the world that can stand out in this segment and become a large-scale enterprise."

Having said this, he raised his head and looked at Chen Yang and asked, "It would be a bit exaggerated to conclude that Dajiang has the hope of becoming a global monopoly just because of this, right?!"

Chen Yang smiled, shook his head slightly, and then said seriously,

“It seems that you really haven’t had an in-depth understanding of the global drone market. Before the emergence of Dajiang, drones can be roughly divided into two categories. One is high-end professional drones;

Any industry, as long as it is named high-end, it means that it has nothing to do with scale,"

Hearing this, Leader Wang couldn't help but nodded slightly,

He is also a person who understands economics, so he naturally knows that rare things are more valuable, especially products that have something to do with aerospace, which are even more high-end.

Chen Yang paused and saw that he didn't speak, so he continued,

"Just like in our country, there are actually quite a few teams that play professional drones. The earliest ones started in the early 1990s. Some of the best ones have also cooperated with government agencies many times to take on some aerospace surveying and mapping projects. business,

However, their reputation has never been outstanding. They rely on personal relationships to connect business, and it is difficult to maintain a basic balance of income and expenditure. They are all supported by their passion.

Therefore, there is no market for this category at all.

The other type is the assembly market mainly for aircraft model enthusiasts. All finished products in this type of market are assembled by ourselves after purchasing spare parts.”

After making two gestures, Chen Yang said,

“On one side are professional demanders, and on the other side are enthusiasts. No matter which category they are, it means that in the field of drones, the entry requirements are very high, so high that it is even difficult to form a large-scale market.

However, the difficulty in forming a large-scale market does not mean that there is no market for drones, but it illustrates one point,"

Chen Yang raised a finger, but before he could speak, Leader Wang opposite said,

“That’s because nothing that can detonate this market has emerged yet!”

Boss Chen immediately took back his index finger and replaced it with his thumb, and shook it at Leader Wang, "Good advice, leader!"

"What a shame,"

Leader Wang sneered, "The example of personal computers is right in front of us, not to mention the chicken soup articles about selling shoes that have become so common that even elementary school students can hear it.

Isn't it just to cultivate the market? It looks like it's high-end. "

After a pause, Leader Wang said thoughtfully, "What I knew before was only Dajiang's Dapeng drone. This kind of large drone that can carry cargo is definitely not suitable for promotion.

I remember that Dajiang has another product, it seems to be called Dajiang Elf, right? "

Seeing Chen Yang nodding,

Leader Wang continued, "You mean, this Dajiang Elf is a weapon that can detonate the drone market?"

Chen Yang nodded and said seriously, "To be precise, it's the consumer drone market!"

Leader Wang tilted his head and asked, "Is it just like the personal computers of the past?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and didn't know whether this metaphor was accurate, but in order to make it easier for Leader Wang to understand, he continued to nod, "Yeah, almost."

"That's even more impossible!"

Leader Wang immediately spread his hands and said, "Look at the current computer market.

Where are the monopoly companies? Take Damai, for example. Didn’t you also release a brand new laptop product in the past two months?

Whenever a popular product appears, there will be a large number of followers.

In modern society, it is impossible for anything to emerge that can monopolize global products, let alone companies! "

Boss Chen blinked, feeling as if he was being bypassed by Leader Wang?

No, I'm talking about the Dajiang UAV. How did it become a computer?

He quickly shook his head and tapped his head with his fingers to collect his thoughts.

After a while, Chen Yang said while thinking,

"No, no, it's not like this."

Leader Wang leaned back, crossed his legs and said with a smile, "If it's not like this, what could it be like? Tell me, I think you can name a flower!"

"There are no flowers, but there is one fruit."

After Chen Yang understood the difference, he suddenly felt confident again and said with a smile,

"First of all, it is definitely not appropriate for you to compare it with a computer. What is a computer? It can be used for both work and entertainment. It is an indispensable necessity for everyone.

This is a battleground for military strategists. Even if there are companies that have the potential to monopolize before, they will eventually make the patented technology public and turn it into a popular product.

As for drones, they are either the favorite of aviation enthusiasts. With added functions, they are nothing more than an auxiliary tool that can provide higher efficiency.

In terms of importance, drones cannot be compared with computers, and there is no comparability at all. In this way, they will naturally not encounter the strong technical disclosure pressure of computers! "

Leader Wang frowned and thought about it, and felt that it made sense.

However, he did not make any statement, he just curled his lips noncommittally and said, "What else?"

Chen Yang didn't know what his attitude was, but it didn't matter, just follow your own pace.

It's gratifying if it succeeds, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't, just try your best.

After adjusting his mentality, Chen Yang continued,

"The second one is to build on Dajiang's core technology,"

Chen Yang tried hard to recall the people on the Internet who praised hydrology after the success of Dajiang in his previous life, and then extracted some useful things from them.

“Dajiang’s core technology has two aspects. One is the unprecedented and unique balance ring hover technology.

With this balance ring, it is possible to reduce the difficulty of operating the drone.

At the same time, coupled with the drone operating system developed by Dajiang,"

Chen Yang clapped his hands and thought that Leader Wang was also a layman and there was no need for him to go into too much detail, so he decided to go over and said, "With the combination of the two, operating the drone is basically not that difficult.

And as for the Dajiang Elf product, almost all accessories and core technologies can be produced locally.

In this way, we avoid being constrained by outsiders because certain core components must rely on foreign countries,”

Boss Chen circled with his left hand, "By reducing the difficulty of use, we will open the door to the consumer drone market."

Then he drew another circle with his right hand and said, "Utilizing our core technology of zero plagiarism and pure originality, as well as our ability to achieve all localized production, we are not afraid of external pressure.

Such a company certainly has the potential to become a global monopoly! "

Looking at Leader Wang who was deep in thought, Chen Yang decided to add another fire.

"Furthermore, the so-called consumer drones do not mean that these drones are useless and can only be used for entertainment like model aircraft. This understanding is wrong.

Even consumer-grade drones can become professional tools after being equipped with certain functional modules.

Such as aerial photography, surveying and mapping, transportation, pesticide spraying, and so on..."

Having said this, Chen Yang chuckled and suddenly lowered his voice and said, "If you attach some military equipment to the aerial drone, it can also be used in military situations!"

Upon hearing this, Leader Wang suddenly raised his head and looked at him blankly.

Is something wrong with you?

Boss Chen shrugged pretending to be relaxed, "This is not my original creation. I only found out about it mainly because of Dajiang's many orders from Europe and the Middle East, as well as individual customers' feedback on usage!"

Leader Wang rubbed his eyebrows.

No, I have to slow down,

So, a toy developed by a private enterprise in my country,

Let’s call it a toy.

It turned out to be a weapon for victory on the battlefield thousands of miles away?

He opened his eyes and looked at Chen Yang, still feeling a little dizzy.

Chen Yang saw his look and thought that the impact should be enough, so he smiled and resumed his work as Dr. Tea.

Refill water, boil tea, pour tea,

After a whole set of procedures was completed, Leader Wang finally came to his senses.

He ignored the clear tea in front of him, looked at Chen Yang, and said seriously, "As you said, Dajiang's products have so many properties, and Dajiang company also has the potential to become a world-class monopoly enterprise.

Then, Dajiang must not appear in the above list of private enterprise support! "


Chen Yang was stunned when he heard this.

He looked at Leader Wang blankly, "Why can't you show up?"

Leader Wang pointed at him and said seriously, "Not showing up is for protection, being on the list is a bad thing!"

Looking at Leader Wang, Chen Yang blinked, reacted quickly, nodded quickly and said,

"That's right, it's better not to go up than to go up, I was wrong!"

Compared with China, Dajiang’s real market should be abroad, especially in Europe and the United States.

However, these areas have always been at odds with the country. Later, they even didn't bother to do face-saving work. They directly broke their faces and suppressed them through various means.

If Dajiang Company is on the support list above,

There is no airtight wall in the world. With the intelligence capabilities of Europe and the United States, maybe if they go up now, they will receive accurate information the next day, and they will know better than Boss Chen.

At that time, they will definitely think that Dajiang Company has state power involved in it. In this case, a series of suppressions such as sanctions, blockades, increased tariffs, etc. will definitely follow.

Although he is confident that Dajiang can achieve complete localization, using imported spare parts in certain key parts will indeed help improve product performance.

And after being suppressed, part of the market will definitely be lost.

In this way, it is indeed a bit more gain than loss.

Seeing that Chen Yang understood what he meant, Leader Wang smiled and then said,

"Although from the perspective of protection, Dajiang cannot be included in the support list, however,"

He pointed at Chen Yang, and his expression became serious again. "I will truthfully report what you just said to the superiors. Naturally, there will be a dedicated team to verify what you said."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang immediately raised his right hand and said seriously, "I can guarantee that every sentence is true and absolutely not false, and I am willing to accept investigation!"

Isn't it just an investigation? He didn't believe it. Before the leader asked him to assign a task, no one had investigated the entire Rainbow Group.

Anyway, he doesn’t have any ulterior motives. If you want to check, just check.

Maybe after checking, something good will come to your door!

"That's best,"

Seeing Boss Chen's attitude, Leader Wang nodded with satisfaction and said,

"As long as there are no problems in the investigation, I can assure you that even if Dajiang cannot be included in the support list above, our local government will provide Dajiang with the corresponding resources.

In addition, when the time is right, the higher authorities will also tilt resources towards Rainbow Group through tax rates, overseas exhibition opportunities, etc."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang nodded and said with a smile, "I understand this. These things are not for Rainbow, but for Dajiang!"

Leader Wang nodded with satisfaction,

After pondering for two seconds, he added, "Director Chen, you are a sensible person. The fact that you can scale a business to this scale at your age is already beyond that of most entrepreneurs.

The plan being prepared above is actually not announced to the public. The reasons are complicated, so I won’t go into details with you.


As he spoke, he looked at Chen Yang, his face becoming more serious, "You must understand what the purpose of doing this is.

It is by no means intended to cultivate a few more top 500 private enterprises. The ultimate purpose of this plan is to make good use of the power of your private enterprises to promote faster and better development of this society.

In the words of the old man, we allow some people to get rich first in order to ultimately realize the common prosperity of the people.

I hope you don’t forget this fundamental point! "

After Leader Wang finished speaking, he read a book; Chen Yang immediately picked up the tea cup in front of him and raised it to his chest, and said seriously,

"I'm giving tea instead of wine to show my attitude. Watch my actions!"


Leader Wang also picked up the tea cup and touched it lightly with Chen Yang's cup, "I'll wait and see!"

After sending Leader Wang off, Chen Yang turned to look at Zou Rong who was following behind him, and asked, "Where are the city leaders, Lao Dai is still with them?"


Zou Rong nodded and said, "Mr. Dai and Mr. Cai took them to the Hengli Hotel for lunch."

Chen Yang suddenly shook his head, "Is it already noon?"


Zou Rong curled her lips, looked at him and asked, "Why don't you let Leader Wang eat before leaving? Even if you don't like that leader, you can just eat at the Yacht Building. There's nothing here!"

Who she is, she may have the deepest understanding of Chen Yang in the world. Chen Yang’s attitude towards the leader just now may seem normal to others, but she can tell it at a glance.

That is to keep a respectful distance,

She doesn't need to know the reason, she just needs to know that her husband doesn't like that person.

After hearing her words, Chen Yang rubbed her head and said with a smile, "You can't say this outside."

"I know," Zou Rong pouted, "I'm not stupid."

"I know you're not stupid,"

Chen Yang hugged her and walked back, "I'm stupid, I didn't even know to leave Leader Wang to have a meal, but it doesn't matter, let's go eat by ourselves, what do you want to eat?"

"Egg fried rice, add an egg?"

"Wow, you're so uninterested? We're already at the yacht building. At least we have to have paella, the kind with oysters!"

"Can you still eat oysters? Eat less seafood, be careful your feet hurt..."

"I know, I know..."

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