Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 708 Hottest

Does anyone know what is the most popular literal Chinese word in the West after "kung fu"?

Some people may say it is "tai-chi", which is Tai Chi.

Some people may also say "lao-tzu" Lao Tzu, or "confucius" Confucius,

Others say it is "mah-jong" mahjong.

There is no doubt that these are literal translations of Chinese words that are widely spread in the West. Even the 108 tiles in mahjong have become literal translations.

When foreigners play mahjong, they shout "Xifenghongzhongbaibanjiu".

However, if we want to say which word is the most popular, these words still have less meaning than one another.

That is,


Look, the Chinese Pinyin is 100% copied. I absolutely respect the prototype. I'm afraid that if I change a certain word, it won't work.

Feng shui!

Chen Yang knew this unpopular knowledge in his previous life, when he was working in a well-known information system company in the industry.

At that time, as the administrative head of the company, he was receiving a group of important European customers.

One of them is more handsome than Beckham. His suit looks like a formal dress on his body. He can speak Mandarin better than Chen Yang. He is as handsome as an announcer. He gives him opinions very bluntly.

"According to the theory of yin and yang, combined with the directions of the five elements, the yang energy of this conference room is too strong and the yin energy is not enough. The four corner walls and columns are sharply angular, and the evil energy is too strong. There are no tall green plants to block it.

Meeting here will definitely not be too pleasant, unless it is at night, which may be slightly better.

Because at that time, the internal and external yang energy was subsided and the yin energy was rising, and there was no energy or mood to argue.

Therefore, although the environment here looks good, if you arrange for us to negotiate here, it may be difficult to be calm later, and there will most likely be fierce quarrels.

It is recommended to change place! "

After saying that, he took out a small copper compass.

A true compass, the kind with sixty-four hexagrams engraved on it. Accompanied by Chen Yang, under the strange eyes of the company boss and many colleagues, he held the compass and walked around the nearly two thousand square meters of office space.

What's even more outrageous is that he even discussed it with the other two travelers from time to time.

Note, he is also a foreigner with golden retriever!

Three foreigners in suits and ties, elites who graduated from world-renowned universities, each holding a compass, carefully selected the meeting place. They were followed by seven or eight foreigners with the same serious expressions, who offered advice from time to time.

Chen Yang can remember that scene for a lifetime!

No, two lifetimes!

It’s so outrageous!

What's even more outrageous is that Chen Yang actually thinks what they said is right.

Because during the meeting in that conference room, the arguing time was indeed longer than the time spent talking about business. I don’t know why, while we were always talking, the heads of various departments began to blame each other overtly and covertly.

As for the small conference room in another corner that the three foreigners finally chose, this kind of situation rarely happens!

Later, the deal failed to be negotiated. Chen Yang didn't know that a large-scale information system integration project would take anywhere from three to five years. At that time, Chen Yang had already been dragged away and went to start a business. The company is working hard day and night,

However, after the negotiation, the company boss actually listened to the opinions of the three foreigners, invited a master to come over, and completely transformed the entire office environment.

Because of this incident, Chen Yang specifically checked the relevant information on the Internet and asked the company's returned overseas students and colleagues stationed abroad for advice.

Only then did I realize that in foreign countries, after thirty or forty years of development, Feng Shui has already penetrated into every aspect of ordinary people's lives in Europe and the United States. Feng Shui masters in Chinatown have also become environmental consultants that many European and American middle classes are eager to hire.

It is impossible to test the earlier time. It is said that since the 1980s, Feng Shui, as a mysterious "Oriental secret art", has quietly become popular among the high-skilled groups of foreigners.

In the eyes of these senior elites who are tired of Western mysticism, the Feng Shui theory of the ancient Eastern countries has extremely mysterious power and is real.

They even interpreted it through various scientific methods such as mathematics, environmental studies, architecture, philosophy, etc.

For example, the Yin and Yang diagram,

In their view, the cathode represents bad and the anode represents good.

There is yin in the yang, which means that extreme happiness will give rise to sadness; there is yang in the yin, whether it is extremely peaceful,

What about the complete yin and yang diagram put together?

this is life!

There is also a diagram of the five elements mutually generating each other and a diagram of the five elements mutually restraining each other. They also deconstruct it in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

And use actual cases as evidence to prove the authenticity and reliability of Feng Shui.

In addition, some of the living habits we have formed over a long period of time have also been silently learned by them.

For example, when eating with chopsticks, the chopsticks cannot be inserted into the rice bowl, nor can they be placed directly on the table. If there is no chopstick holder, it is correct to place them flat on the bowl.

Chen Yang didn't understand. These people didn't use chopsticks. Why were they studying this?

They also summed up a set of their own bedroom Feng Shui,

Do not put one side of the bed against the wall so that only one side can go up or down. The same size of space should be left on both sides of the bed. This represents the equal status of partners and is conducive to enhancing the relationship between husband and wife.

You need a pair of bedside tables, not just one, or you have to celebrate Singles’ Day every year.

Don’t put too many electronic products in the room, and don’t place charged mobile phones at the bedside…

And he declares very seriously that if you dare to break this feng shui, it will affect your sleep at least, and your health at worst, and your life will be in danger...

I am so surprised!

Of course, these high-skilled groups will not use Feng Shui, which they believe can be implemented in life, only in the bedroom. Feng Shui is used almost everywhere in other aspects, including work.

Bill Gates' mansion in Washington is located on a hillside, surrounded by a jade belt in front and surrounded by green hills in the back. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is a masterpiece of Feng Shui masters.

When planning urban construction, the London government also specially invites Feng Shui masters for guidance, and follows the Feng Shui master's suggestions to build more fountains and plant vegetation, which is said to help enhance the harmonious atmosphere of the city.

Even "Extra Reliable" said that Feng Shui, whether you believe it or not, he felt that it was our knowledge that has been passed down for thousands of years that helped him make money.

Because real estate that has been transformed by Feng Shui is always easier to sell. Things that can help him make money must be practical and useful truths.

In the classes of some Feng Shui masters in the United States, Wall Street's financial elites and Silicon Valley technology tycoons sit together, trying to rely on this mysterious technique to defeat their competitors and even accurately predict the K-line chart for the next month.

In this way, after thirty or forty years of development, the preferences of social elites have already affected the lives of ordinary people at the lower levels.

In the UK, drivers regard Feng Shui as a talisman and believe in all kinds of Feng Shui knowledge.

For example, when parking, the front of the car should face outward. This can keep the mood calm and ensure safety. Sprinkling some salt in the car can not only ward off evil spirits, but also absorb the negative energy of passengers.

Tie a small blue ribbon on your car's rearview mirror because blue represents water and can keep your mind clear.

In the United States, "Feng Shui Guide" published in Boston has topped the bestseller list for five consecutive years since 2015.

In Russia, people’s obsession with Feng Shui is even more extraordinary.

Many people think that Chinese Feng Shui is scientific and practical, and they squat in front of the TV every week to watch Chinese Feng Shui programs.

There are already many loyal viewers who insist on moving the cabinets at home by one centimeter at one o'clock every Sunday night, hoping to bring good luck to their families.

This kind of fanaticism can be described as obsessed.

That's it,

When domestic Feng Shui masters are in a gray area, providing advice and suggestions to wealthy people of all sizes under the guise of various environmental consultants,

Foreign counterparts, however, have already openly entered the house, using the name of "fengshui experts" as Feng Shui experts to hold the "power of life and death" over world-famous buildings, celebrity cemeteries, wealthy people's mansions, real estate development sites, etc.

In order to devote oneself to the study of this ancient secret art, personal training institutions are no longer insignificant, and even national mainstream education entities have participated in it.

Western countries are scrambling to open Feng Shui schools, such as feng shui society uk in the UK, feng shui consultants in Australia, feng shui guild internationally, etc.

Florida, USA, has established a specialized Feng Shui professional school, which has trained more than 10,000 Feng Shui professionals.

Even in the professional courses of real estate agents, there is a course called "feng shui principles".

By 2015, at least twenty universities in the United States had offered Feng Shui courses, and in addition there were at least fifteen Feng Shui professional colleges.

In the West, Feng Shui has become a serious discipline.


This traditional Chinese culture, which has such a far-reaching influence and has entered mainstream Western society, has never had any special exhibition, nor has it had the same influence as "kung fu".

Ten years ago now, Feng Shui had not fully penetrated into the daily life of Western society.

Therefore, Chen Yang’s plan is to hold a Feng Shui exhibition using Feng Shui as the theme after the paper art exhibition.

From the history of the formation of Feng Shui, to the principles of Feng Shui, to the tools of Feng Shui,

With more than 20 years of preparation by Western elites, this exhibition will definitely become an instant hit, and its influence will definitely exceed that of the paper art exhibition.

In the West, where occultism is popular, Feng Shui has this power!

Moreover, Feng Shui is closely related to funeral culture.

In Feng Shui, there is a subcategory called funeral Feng Shui.

Many times, there may not be many people asking Feng Shui masters to look at Yang houses, but there are quite a few people asking people to look at Yin houses.

In this way, it is tantamount to a seamless connection, using the mysticism understood by Westerners in our traditional culture to knock on the door of their culture.

Later, we will continue with themes such as architecture, painting, ancient music, etc., and conduct a traditional Chinese culture exhibition that will last for several years or even more than ten years.

By that time, no matter what kind of influence they have, the influence of our culture in Western society will definitely not be what it is now or in future generations.

Only in this way can we achieve part of Chen Yang's purpose.

But now, he heard Huang Shan say that the theme given by the Future Creative Center was,

Clothing, musical instruments, woodware?

Apart from anything else, even if it can be remotely related to a funeral, how can it attract attention?

On the other end of the phone, Huang Shan smiled confidently when she heard Boss Chen's words.

"These three elements are extended from the paper-made art exhibition,"

Then, without waiting for Boss Chen to ask questions, he changed the subject and talked about the connection.

"Look, in the funeral culture, there are special 'burial clothes'..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang patted his forehead lightly, wondering why he had forgotten this incident.

Huang Shan continued, "In ancient times, burial clothes were very particular. Princes, generals, and ministers had different levels and used different burial clothes.

For example, the national treasure-level 'Jade Clothes with Golden Threads' was only used by emperors and princes at that time. The ones used by high-ranking families were different from those used by poor families, and the direct lineage and the collateral lineage were also different.

In addition to funeral clothes, there are also mourning clothes worn by relatives of the deceased. People often say that there are no five clothes. These five clothes also represent the five levels of mourning clothes, Zhanxu cui, Qixu, Dagong, Xiaogong, and Qsi. numb,

You see, isn’t this connected to the funeral culture?

With funeral clothes and mourning clothes as an introduction, we can create a "traditional ceremonial clothing exhibition" to display the clothes worn by people at different occasions and at different levels at different times.

Then, hold an innovative clothing show based on traditional etiquette, combining ancient elements with modern life.

This is closely linked to industry again,

Looking at musical instruments and woodware, the principles are actually similar.

In terms of musical instruments, music in ancient my country is divided into elegant music and folk music. The instruments and music used in the two categories are very different.

People from different classes use and like very different styles of music. The music used in life and death, sorrow and joy is also different.

The same is true for woodware. The mortise-and-tenon structure in our traditional woodworking is a wonder in the construction industry. Woodenware made with the mortise-and-tenon structure has penetrated into every aspect of our lives, from construction to daily necessities.

Which naturally includes burial vessels! "

After taking a breath, Huang Shan grabbed the water glass and drank some water, and then said,

"Clothing is for wearing, wood is for use, musical instruments are for art, and it is for feeling. Through a paper art exhibition, we extend our reach to these three aspects.

Then from these three perspectives, it can be extended to all categories in our culture,

This is the main reason why the Creative Center determined these three elements after careful selection. "

After a pause, Huang Shan smiled and said, "How about it, boss, do you still think that the creative center's plan is not suitable?!"

Chen Yang curled his lips, glanced at the little girl secretly gloating in his arms, and laughed softly,

"Well, the idea is very good, and the thinking is also very good. Generally speaking, it is qualified, but,"

He suddenly laughed and asked, "Under normal circumstances, people will not focus on one thing for a long time.

The reason why the paper art exhibition is so popular is because of Jackson’s publicity three months ago. It was able to become an instant hit while the heat was still there.

The new three types of exhibitions can certainly take advantage of the aftermath of the Paper Art Exhibition, but the popularity will definitely decrease step by step. If we rely solely on the products themselves, perhaps by the next year or so, our exhibitions will no longer have much popularity. Then What to do when the time comes? "

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