Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 586: Guiding the Country

They didn’t have much summer clothes, so they packed them up in just a few moments. However, after coming to Beijin for more than ten days, they traveled around and bought a lot of souvenirs. It was not that easy to pack these things.

The eldest aunt piled all the things on the bed and thought sadly about how to put them away.

The eldest aunt is a person who doesn't care about housework. He still sits calmly and chats with Chen Yang and Zou Rong.

"Speaking of the topic of local breeds, do you feel that even the pork now is not as delicious as when you were a child?"

Chen Yang and Zou Rong nodded almost at the same time, and then eagerly waited for their uncle's long speech.

Zou Rong was especially curious. No one had ever told her about these things before. It was the first time she heard it and it felt quite fresh.

Chen Yang was a little funny,

This scene in front of me seems to have not appeared for more than ten years, and I really miss it.

My eldest uncle looks unattractive, but he was a college student in the 1980s, and he once had a good time.

After graduation, he was assigned a job and entered the most popular food system at the time. Everyone who met him was polite.

Among all his relatives, he is the most knowledgeable and kind to the younger generation. When he is free, he likes to tell the younger generation some unpopular knowledge.

If he hadn't been so keen on flattery and had a normal relationship with his boss, he wouldn't have been laid off.

At this time, the eldest uncle became interested. He simply held the tea cup in his hand and said with joy, "Many people think that pork is not delicious because it is the same as native chicken. It is due to the way it is raised. In fact, it is not."

While Chen Yang and Zou Rong were waiting for the next sentence, he paused, gave up, and then said, "Tell me about a dish, twice-cooked pork. Have you all eaten it?!"

Chen Yang and Zou Rong nodded together. Classic Sichuan cuisine. How many of you have never tried it?

The eldest aunt smiled and said, "Food is the most important thing for the people, and there is no feast without meat. There are many famous dishes with this meat, twice-cooked pork and Jinhua ham are two of the most famous ones.

However, if I say that many people of your generation have never tasted these two authentic dishes, would you believe it? "


When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Why do you listen to this? It sounds a bit like saying to yourself that people born in the 1990s have never eaten authentic tomato scrambled eggs?

Seeing the surprised expressions on the two people's faces, the eldest uncle shook his head and laughed, "Don't believe it, the reason is very simple, just like the native chicken, the root is the pig breed.

Jinhua ham should be made with Jinhua pigs, Sichuan twice-cooked pork should be made with Chenghua pigs, and Yunnan roast suckling pigs should be made with southern Yunnan small-eared pigs.

No matter which local specialty meat dish it is, the most authentic way to make it is to use unique local pigs to create that pure taste. Other pig breeds are lacking in meaning.

But now, if you look all over the country, there are basically just the same kinds of pigs raised all over the country."

He also raised his fingers and said, "Duroc, Landrace, and Large White, these three pigs originate from the United States, Denmark, and the United Kingdom respectively.

Due to their high feed conversion rate and high lean meat rate, these three types of pigs have become the leading breeds in global pig breeding. They are collectively called "Du Chang".

It has become a common practice for various countries to introduce 'Du Da Chang' and carry out crossbreeding and localized breeding according to their own needs. "

Zou Rong opened her eyes wide and asked in confusion, "Why is this happening?"

Without needing an answer from her eldest aunt, Chen Yang said to her, "Of course it's because there's a lot of meat. Look at our childhood, which family could eat meat every day?

Isn’t it just because the local pigs are small and their yield is not high?

Raising these three types of pigs is different. If you eat the same amount of feed, you can get more than half of the meat. If it were you, how would you choose? "

Zou Rong suddenly nodded,

The eldest uncle took a sip of water and said with a smile, "Yangyang is right. Since the introduction of 'Du Da Chang' in the 1980s and localized breeding, our country has guaranteed nearly 90% of the pig source supply. ,

It can be said that although the meat quality of 'Du Chang Chang' is not as good as that of local pigs, they have made outstanding contributions to improving the physical quality of our people. This advantage cannot be erased! "

Chen Yang's mouth twitched slightly, he was still a meritorious pig after all these things.

Zou Rong nodded suddenly, but seemed a little pity, "So, in the future, all native pigs in our country will become extinct?"

What a pity, I want to eat authentic twice-cooked pork, authentic Jinhua ham, and authentic roast suckling pig... Ziliu.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Chen Yang turned to look at her and said with a smile, "In the past, it was because of insufficient material conditions and insufficient nutritional intake that the country vigorously promoted and cultivated 'Du Chang'.

But now the situation is changing, more and more people are getting richer, and the new generation no longer has the problem of malnutrition.

These people will definitely no longer be satisfied with having enough food, but will pursue better food.

Therefore, local pigs with better taste will definitely be sought after by the market again. "

Thinking about the extremely expensive local pork in future generations, Boss Chen couldn't help but salivate.

The local pork is indeed very different from ordinary pork. The meat is more tender and tastes more fragrant. It is so delicious!

Although Aunt Wang’s Fresh Food Store also sells native pork, in fact, it is not a real native pig at all, but an improved breed, and the raising methods are also different.

Otherwise, ordinary consumers may not be able to afford it every day.

Well, I didn’t think so before, but today I heard my eldest uncle say this,

Find a real local pork to try someday!

While Chen Yang was secretly daydreaming, his eldest uncle, who was sitting on the bedside, nodded in agreement and said,

"Yangyang is right. The economic base determines the superstructure, and the core element of economic activities is the relationship between supply and demand.

As long as there is demand in the market, someone will see the opportunity and provide the supply to meet this demand.

When the supply is lower than the demand, the price will rise. The higher the price, the more people will participate in the supply.

In the end, more and more people will definitely join the local pig breeding industry, so it is unlikely that local pigs will become extinct.


At this point, the eldest uncle changed his tone and said with a little regret,

"The breeding industry requires a large investment and a long return period, and it also needs technical support. As an old saying goes, if a family has a lot of wealth, it doesn't include the hair. If something unexpected happens, it will be like a chicken flying egg.

In this case, if we rely solely on the market behavior of farmers, it may take a very long time for the number of local pigs to recover.

The best way is to work together from the three aspects of scientific research, market, and government to realize utilization while protecting and protect while utilizing. This is a long-term solution! "

Chen Yang's eyes sparkled after hearing these words.

He knew that his eldest uncle was talented, but he only had a few talents back then, but he didn't expect to have such knowledge.

And this is not just empty talk, but a well-founded and objective analysis that hits the mark.

The analysis just now alone is enough to enter the Rainbow Economic Research Institute and become a researcher.

You must know that those who can enter this institute are basically graduate students from prestigious universities, including many well-known scholars and experts.

But my eldest uncle was just a college student in the 1980s, and there was almost a 20-year knowledge gap between them.

If you don’t develop the habit of paying attention to new knowledge for a long time, it will be difficult to make up for it.

It seems that the way my eldest uncle is enjoying himself on weekdays is not just wasting his time all day long.

By the way, what major did my eldest uncle study back then?

Next to him, Zou Rong looked puzzled, "Do you still need scientific research to raise pigs?"

She knew that agricultural technology was still very important in the minds of ordinary people, as it could help increase production and harvests, but when it came to scientific research, it felt a bit distant.

Well, except for those like Grandpa Yuan,

However, pig raising can also be related to scientific research?

The eldest uncle laughed and said to her, "You know genes, right?"

Zou Rong nodded, "I know."

Although she is a liberal arts student, she certainly doesn't understand common sense things like genes.

The eldest uncle smiled again and said, "Since you know the importance of genes, you don't need me to say more, right?"

Seeing Zou Rong nod, he continued, "In today's society, there are almost always competitions over the seed industry among big countries, and the focus of the seed industry is the competition for resources.

What is this resource?

more plants, more animals,

Going a little deeper, it is the gene pool related to the future of mankind!

Whoever possesses more germplasm resources, that is, genetic resources, will have a selective advantage.

Our country is the largest traditional agricultural country in the world. According to archaeological data, it has a history of more than 8,000 years of planting and breeding, and is very rich in livestock and poultry resources.

After a long period of natural selection, the large number of existing local varieties are like a huge genetic treasure house.

Even some varieties that are currently considered to have low production performance have huge scientific and economic value.

However, although my country is a country with large germplasm resources, it is not yet a strong country with germplasm resources. Many livestock and poultry sources are far behind the international advanced level.

The reason is that there is insufficient protection of excellent germplasm resources and insufficient accurate identification and excavation.

Especially in the livestock industry, a large number of native breeds have been eroded by foreign breeds, almost to the point of extinction.

For example, the Chenghua pigs I just mentioned were still very large in number in the 1990s. However, because the fat rate was too high, that is, there was too much fat, which was almost three times that of the 'Du Chang' pigs, they gradually became less popular. Being eliminated by the market, even rural free-range farmers have withdrawn in large numbers.

When the number was at its lowest, there were only a few hundred Chenghua pigs in the country, and the breed almost died out!

Therefore, at this critical moment, the research, protection, development and utilization of traditional varieties is very important! "

In front of her eldest uncle who was talking so much, Zou Rong was like a primary school student. She listened attentively and nodded from time to time, obviously she really listened.

After her uncle finished speaking, she tilted her head and thought for a moment, then asked, "Then, how should we do this research, protection, development and utilization?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang felt a little strange and looked at her in surprise.

What's going on?

Why is this girl suddenly interested in this matter?

The eldest aunt didn’t pay much attention, but thought that this niece-in-law was a good compliment, and laughed and said,

"Didn't I just say that we should work together from the three dimensions of scientific research, market, and politics to realize utilization while protecting and protection while utilizing."

Before Zou Rong could continue to ask questions, he continued to follow his own train of thought and started talking.

“Let’s talk about scientific research first. Scientific research is the basis for conservation and utilization. However, we can’t just research which varieties have economic benefits.

Instead, we must be willing to sit on the bench and sharpen our sword for ten years, and conduct comprehensive protective research on existing local livestock and poultry species.

Why does it have to be this way?

This does not mean that scientific research does not need to be linked to the market.

On the contrary, the reason for doing this is precisely to develop in the market in the future.

Because if there is no active protection and rational development, like some countries, the differences between varieties may become narrower and narrower due to continuous directional selection, which will eventually lead to fewer and fewer available germplasm resources.

By that time, research and development work will be very passive, and there may even be a situation where there is no method available.

This is also one of the reasons why species diversity is repeatedly emphasized from a biological perspective. "

After taking a sip of saliva, the eldest uncle continued,

"As for enterprises, from the perspective of enterprises, whether we are engaged in breeding or large-scale breeding, we must promote the commercialization of local livestock and poultry breeds according to market demand, so that good breeds can be sold at good prices.

For example, the local chickens I just mentioned are like this. The market needs local eggs, so we organize farms to hatch local chickens, organize farmers to raise free-range local chickens, and then supply them to Aunt Wang’s company, and finally bring them to the market.

We can even continue to dig deeper. In addition to local eggs, we can also explore the value of local chickens themselves. For example, using local chickens to make air-dried chicken and cured chicken are very delicious.

Through this kind of industrial development, we innovate the processing of livestock and poultry products and explore their quality, flavor, nutrition and cultural value.

By this time, the ecological protection and utilization of native species will be done!

Finally, the political axe,"

The eldest aunt took a breath and wanted to take a sip of tea, but found that the cup was empty, so he immediately handed it to the aunt.

"Pour me some water."

The eldest aunt who had just packed her luggage took it naturally, walked to the bar, took two bottles of mineral water, poured it into the kettle, and then started to boil the water.

While waiting, my eldest uncle was not idle either. He put his hands on his knees and looked like he was giving directions.

“As I said just now, the breeding industry requires a lot of investment and a long return cycle. If you are not careful in this process, it will be a chicken and egg situation.

Therefore, it is difficult to go far by relying solely on the market behavior of a company, and it is also difficult to obtain benefits and recoup investment in a short period of time.

Furthermore, if the scale of the company is not enough, it will be difficult to reach cooperation with relevant scientific research institutions.

At this time, the government needs to come forward to set up a stage, support relevant enterprises with one hand, invest resources in relevant scientific research institutions with the other hand, and then work together to guide both parties to cooperate.

And we must continue to support this kind of industry-research cooperation in the livestock and poultry breeding industry.

This is to focus on the small side. Looking at the bigger picture, the livestock and poultry breeding industry not only involves economic benefits, but is also closely related to national interests.

Like developed countries, how do they do it?

They specialize in formulating and implementing medium- and long-term livestock and poultry breeding strategic plans, spending more than ten years or even longer to select and breed.

This is not just one or two countries doing this, but a common practice in developed countries!

Like the Landrace pigs I just mentioned, it took Denmark nearly a hundred years to cultivate them, and they are also a national act.

And the United States, through the implementation of a dairy herd genetic improvement program, has nearly tripled its milk production in fifty years!

These are all living examples,

Therefore, if our country wants to truly have its own voice in the agricultural livestock and poultry breeding industry, the government-led livestock and poultry genetic protection and improvement plan is essential and should even play a leading role! "

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