Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 555 Come again

As the huge scroll on the ground slowly opened, a huge LED screen 147 meters long and 27 meters wide was displayed in front of the world.

At this moment, both the audience at the scene and in front of the TV were shocked.

Even though it was Chen Yang's second time to watch the performance, he was still amazed by Lao Mouzi's unconstrained creativity.

How did he come up with the idea of ​​spreading the LED screen on the ground as a stage? !

And the visual effects of this unprecedented stage are naturally particularly shocking.

From ancient relics to the four great inventions, from Chinese characters to opera,

In the melodious music, the caravans and maps of the Silk Road more than two thousand years ago appeared on the long scroll.

Then thousands of sailors appeared, holding giant yellow oars, forming a huge fleet, recreating the grand occasion of Zheng He's voyages to the West.

The splendid culture of China is miraculously displayed one by one...

Unknowingly, the first part of the opening ceremony's artistic performance, the splendid civilization, came to an end.

At this time, inside the sports center venue, the lights in the auditorium were on one after another, while the lights on the stage in the middle venue were being extinguished one by one.

Everyone in the audience knows that this is the intermission time. If you want to go to the toilet or relax, you can take advantage of this time.

Inside the venue, among the nearly 100,000 spectators, maybe only two people were worried.

Qin Yu unconsciously grabbed Huang Shan's hand, stared at the sky above the venue, and asked in a low voice, "Is there going to be any problem?"

Huang Shan didn't speak, but held her hand tightly with the same strength and looked at the same place.

At the same time, in the temporary preparation area outside the venue, Chen Yang suddenly appeared next to Wang Tao and said in a deep voice, "You must be nervous. Just follow the original plan and execute it normally."

But at this moment, even he didn't notice that his voice was trembling.

Wang Tao looked back at him, took a deep breath, and nodded vigorously.

Then he turned around and pressed his left hand on the earphone. When the command to take off immediately came in his ears, he pressed it down hard.

The next second, more than two thousand drones were watched as they quickly took off and flew away.

Inside the Bird's Nest, all the lights in the central venue were completely dimmed, and there was a brief commotion.

But then, in less than five seconds, the entire venue fell silent in the shortest possible time.

Discovered long ago and realized later,

Everyone's eyes were turned to the dark night sky.

I saw a national flag pattern suddenly appeared in the night sky. The pattern was composed of countless bright spots, forming a hollow five-star red flag.

This pattern is facing the podium, but her appearance can be clearly seen no matter where she is in the venue.

Because this is the only star in the night sky at this time!

Seeing this pattern appear, Qin Yu and Huang Shan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but their hanging hearts were still hanging on and they never let go.

Now is just the beginning, the excitement is yet to come!

After being displayed to the rostrum for five seconds, the flag began to rotate, displayed to everyone in all directions, and then returned to the starting point.

After hovering for another five seconds, the pattern in the night sky suddenly disappeared. Just when everyone was confused, the five-ring symbol appeared again.

Subsequently, the Beijing Olympic Games logo and the five-ring flag appeared one after another.

After displaying these symbolic patterns, there are patterns of various athletes.

Every time a pattern appears, the audience is shouting out the corresponding item below.

Long-distance running, swimming, cycling, diving, fencing, gymnastics, table tennis, shooting, sailing...

At first, only a few people shouted spontaneously. As each pattern appeared, more and more people shouted loudly, and they became more and more organized.

Unconsciously, among the twenty-eight sports in the Beijing Olympics, almost all representative sports were fully displayed.

It wasn't until the sky darkened again that the audience gradually became quiet.

However, this unknown performance did not end.

After a brief period of darkness, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky,

Then, there are thirteen points of light!

At this time, the leader sitting on the rostrum felt a slight movement in his heart. He suddenly turned his head and whispered, "Is this the first ten days of the meeting?"

The old man next to him narrowed his eyes slightly, did not speak, and just nodded slightly.

The next moment, the stars in the sky lit up, scattering into stars all over the sky.

After a while, these stars quickly gathered in the middle, and in just a few seconds, they formed a huge head.

This avatar is high up, as if he is looking down at the Olympic Games, watching this wonderful opening ceremony performance. The slightly raised corners of his mouth also show his inner mood at this time, which is quite joyful.

Almost at the same time, the audience, including those on the podium, applauded, and thunderous applause erupted.

This avatar stayed for nine seconds and rotated in place.

Next, the light spots floated again and formed another avatar,

Seeing the two portraits in succession, the old man on the rostrum nodded happily, "I'm determined."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a third one, and then a fourth one!

After the four avatars, four characters are finally formed,

Long live the motherland!

Then, the four big characters turned into countless light spots rising into the sky, scattered into stars all over the sky, and disappeared!

It wasn't until the lights in the central venue were turned on again and the narration with music began that all the audience was shocked to realize that the intermission time had just passed.

Only then did someone exclaim, "Here I go, I haven't gone to the toilet yet!"

Then countless people rushed to the toilet.

In the dispatch room, the assistant couldn't help smacking his lips as he looked at the footage on the surveillance camera, then turned to look at Lao Mouzi, who was beside him with a serious face, "Director Zhang, should we continue as planned?"

Zhang Yimou's mouth twitched slightly,

At this time, the audience all ran to the toilet. Who the hell are you performing for? !

After a brief silence, Lao Mouzi sighed, "Let's come up with a backup plan."

The assistant was stunned. Isn't the backup plan only used when something unexpected happens during the drone performance?

Now that the drones have finished their performances, do you still have a backup plan?

But after looking at the people walking around in the surveillance camera, he couldn't help but sigh and decisively picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Attention of all departments, attention of all departments, implement the No. 1 backup plan, the time limit is five minutes, and everyone should pay attention to their own playing time..."

Outside the venue, seeing all the drones returning one after another, Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Wang Tao again, he couldn't help laughing, "Oh, isn't it just a performance? It scares you so much that you are sweating profusely."

He threw a disposable towel to him and said, "Hurry and wipe it off, there are still two games left."

Wang Tao took the towel and gave him a strange look. After being stunned for two seconds, he wiped his face silently and walked to the middle of the field, shouting loudly,

"The next group of aircraft is ready. Those who come back will check it quickly. Take the time to replace the batteries for this group and prepare for the next one."

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, exhaled a long breath, turned around and returned to the rest shed.

Before he could sit down, Zou Rong came over with a towel and pressed it on his face.

Chen Yang was startled and looked at her blankly, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I'm wiping your sweat!"

Zou Rong pouted, but couldn't help but want to laugh. She stood on tiptoes and carefully wiped his face with a towel, "I have known you for so many years and I have never seen you nervous. I thought you wouldn't be nervous. I didn’t expect to see it today.

But that's right, it's a national matter, and the whole world is watching. If something goes wrong, it's okay to embarrass yourself. It's more important to embarrass the country. It's normal to be nervous, it's nothing. "

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and Chen Yang realized that he was already covered in sweat and felt chilly!

Zou Rong was so busy wiping his face and back that a towel could squeeze out water.

Boss Chen was also thick-skinned and waved his hand calmly, "The weather in Beijin is just not good. It's too hot. I sweat whenever I move. I really can't come to Beijin in the summer!"

Zou Rong raised the corners of her mouth slightly, threw the towel aside, handed him a bottle of water, and then sat with him to watch the live TV broadcast.

The so-called alternative plan is a narration with background music. The content is of course my country's splendid traditional culture.

Finally, after five minutes, the second half officially began.

Of course, the audience at the scene and in front of the TV did not know that the program performance had been slightly adjusted.

They were all still discussing how they made the patterns in the sky just now.

There is an expression of great imagination,

"Is there also a display screen in the sky? Isn't there a really big LED screen on the ground? People can dance on it. Is it okay to have one in the sky too?"

But someone immediately refuted,

"It's ridiculous. You put a screen in the sky and it can rotate 360 ​​degrees? Didn't you see that those patterns can rotate? Besides, people can not only spin in place, but also spin like flowers. What kind of screen can do that? so?!"

There are also those with sharp eyes,

"Could it be a remote-controlled aircraft? I seem to vaguely see a very small aircraft flying!"

This view is recognized by many people.

"Remotely controlled airplanes are possible, but there must be at least a thousand airplanes. It's difficult to control so many airplanes.

The most important thing is, how do they control these aircraft to stay motionless in the air, form patterns, and combine them freely? "

There are also people who are close to the truth,

"Hey, isn't there a drone called Dajiang recently? It can hover in the sky. During the last disaster relief, their large drone could also transport people. Could it be the drone of Dajiang Elf? machine?"

Until the truth is revealed, all speculations are just speculations,

Inside the venue, the performance continues,

The first chapter of the second half is Starlight,

Accompanied by the beautiful romantic melody played by the piano, the ancient scroll stretched out in the starlight. A thousand performers in green clothes rushed to the venue, and the modern part of the performance began.

Suddenly, the whole body of the man in green lit up with silver light, like thousands of stars, forming a fluttering dove of peace, crystal clear and full of brilliance.

Then, the actors' bodies changed, and they were as green as before. In an instant, they built a huge "bird's nest" in the center of the field, shining with green and silver lights.

This scene of graceful changes of sound, light and electricity on the human body is full of spirituality and magic, leaving an unforgettable impression on people.

Just like the God's Dance in the Spring Festival Gala this year, such a performance should have shocked the entire audience.

In fact, it really shocked all the audiences.

But after experiencing the real starry sky performance just now, the scene in front of them, although it was unprecedented, actually shocked the audience to a limited extent!

In the control room, Lao Mouzi wiped his face unconsciously and sighed, "We shouldn't have released the drone performance so early. This dance is a pity!"

The assistant standing next to him also had a wry smile on his face, paused, and then said with a slight hesitation, "It's not irreversible. Won't the drone also cooperate with the performance at this time?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the stars appeared again in the sky above the venue.

If you know astronomy, you will immediately see that these stars are not scattered in an orderly manner, but rotate counterclockwise with a bright star as the core.

If you look carefully, you can even find constellations among them.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces...

The starlight of the man in green on the ground reflects with the twinkling and rotating constellations in the sky, instantly pulling people into a dream-like world.

It was only then that Lao Mouzi breathed a sigh of relief, "They complement each other, it's for sure!"

The performance continued. Lang Lang and the children played a piano ensemble together, playing a romantic melody, ushering in a new era.

The ancient scroll stretches out in the boundless starlight, implying that today’s road is more beautiful and broader. The color of the stage also jumps from black and white to colorful, with a gorgeous style.

The next moment, a cute kite flew in the sky,

It means that the performance has entered the second chapter of the second half, naturally.

The stars in the sky disappeared, and the man in green on the ground also exited, replaced by a Tai Chi performance.

Heaven and earth coexist with me, and all things are one with me. The performance of Tai Chi reflects the blend of tradition and future, shows the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and achieves the state of unity between nature and man.

Once moving, once still,

Two thousand and eight Tai Chi actors lined up in a circular formation and practiced their unique skills in the Tai Chi Bagua chart on the ground.

As the pictures flowed, the pictures of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers painted by the ancients were dyed green by the children, expressing the concept of environmental protection.

This is also the core concept of Chinese Tai Chi, the unity of nature and man!

After the Tai Chi performance, there is the Blue Planet,

After that, it’s time for the drone to participate in the last part of the performance, the dream!

one World, One Dream,

You and me, we are a family,

You and I will create tomorrow together.

Chen Yang walked out of the lounge again, stood beside the nervous and busy Wang Tao, and said in a deep voice,

"The more critical the situation is, the less careless it is. We must do a good job in inspecting every link and pursue perfection!"

Wang Tao, who had already finished the inspection, jumped up and shouted, "Check again, check again!"

Lao Luo, the vice president of Dajiang in front of the operating table, turned his head helplessly, "Brother, we have checked it eighteen times!"

Wang Tao's expression remained unchanged, "Then do it again, check it for the nineteenth time!"

Lao Luo gritted his teeth and his eyes were splitting. He clenched his fists and struck the void three times in a row, and then shouted loudly, "Check for the nineteenth time!"

At this moment, the order from the command room came through Wang Tao's earphones,

He pressed the earphone and said immediately, "No need, get ready, the countdown begins!"

The next moment, everyone was ready,

Ten seconds later, the Dajiang drone demonstration team took to the sky for the third time tonight!

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